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Winning Ugly: It will probably happen like that for a few weeks


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GREAT thread. I think we're gonna see ugly wins for a little, but I'm ok with that.

These two dudes in front of me at the game decked out in FULL skins gear were TRASHING Campbell the whole time. Finally I said HEY, this is our QUARTERBACK of the FUTURE, have some respect! I couldn't believe the hate.

But yeah, JC had a rough game at times. I think that'll happen a lot this season. But we did good things today, like let Fred Smoot get some practice against a great receiver (even though it could have cost us the game).

Expect wins, but expect them to be ugly.

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I agree that we will win a lot of games ugly this year. What I don't totally agree with is that JC had a bad game. The first int. was his fault but the second was something that had to be thrown. One on one coverage deep. You have to throw that one to the edge and trust that your guy will make the play or the ball will get knocked out of bounds. He put the ball in the right place the db just wanted it more. He threw some unbelievable passes right on the money and in stride and by the way deep. He had a bunch of drops on passes that nfl receivers should catch. JC managed the game well, which for a young qb I would rather see than highlight reel plays. After the first series he looked calm and in control.

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A win is a win is a win. There was some good stuff today and there was some bad stuff today. In the end, we won. And in the end, that's all we should care about.

Campbell win continue to get better. So he had a bad game, so what. He made a few critical throws today and we would not have won if he didn't make those plays.

The defense is MUCH better. There's still some areas of concern, but we would have lost this game last year.

I'll take 16 straight ugly wins.

A win is a win!!! We're 1-0 baby!!!

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It is an oft-quoted slogan that first you win and THEN you become good :)

The team has to grow together and develop an identity with Campbell as the leader for the Redskins to climb to the next level.

Close wins like today where the defense and running game help a young quarterback get grounded in the NFL is to be expected if the Redskins are to get to that next level.

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Yepp I agree-today was ugly, but a WIN none the less.

The D stepped it up most of the time. Showed definite improvement.

Portis was okay...had some good breaks.

Our WRs need to learn to catch the ball. I'll admit they had some nice ones but they missed some gimmes.

I was stressed out the ENTIRE game until I saw he ball sail through the goal posts.

I hope the Philly game is different. But still a win.


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i just dont understand some other threads that are so peesamistic i mean did these people really think jc would come out and have a peyton manning performance come on..i mean the dolphins arent gonna be as bad as people think and if they beat dallas next week alot of people are gonna feel better about this win....also the eagles got beat by the packers the dolphins>packers so what the eagles suck now there out of it and mcnabb stinks cause he had a bad game...this is the first game all our offense played together let um gel and if we win ugly hey this is the nfl unless you are the patriots or colts ur usuall in a dogfight last second game.....HAIL

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we did manage to rush for a combined 171 yards on the #4 ranked defense in the league. Plus they added Joey Porter, a pro-bowl caliber LB'er so they are evn mnore stouhgt than they are getting credit for. It was hard fought, and both teams were rusty, but we pulled it out. Huge confidence builder. Suisham needs to keep kicking like he did today and we will win a lot of the close games we lost in the past. Portis and Betts combo should wear out most defenses by the 4th quarter.

Now we finally have real game tape to analyze and improve our chances next week. I sure am glad that we got Kendal, cuz now we have Heyer and Wade for depth at Tackle. I feel bad for Jansen, but the game must go on. HTTR!

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Judging from the way the Eagirls played GB, next week's game is entirely winnable.

Second game of the season, on Monday Night Football, in a rival team's stadium; ring any bells? ;)

I hope we win next week's game, but I don't I want to win a game like we did in Dallas with basically two miracle throws.

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