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Washington Football Team Logo

My Redskins Drawing


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No hate, but that sucks. Dont disrespect the logo son.

i think this guy is related to maddox.. you get an F-..

what is that, a anorexic squaw ****ting out feathers?

so mean, yet kinda funny..:cheers:

nice drawing though kid..but dont waste my tax dollars in school, pay attention to the teacher!!

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It's a misconception that you can't listen and draw at the same time. Believe me.

Not bad, man. You have a pretty good grasp on human features in profile. My one recommendation: if you really want it to jump off the page than add a wider variety of values. When you use everything from as black as graphite gets to the white of the paper it has more visual impact.

I'm no authority, but my :2cents:

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Go get a tissue and wad it up around your index finger.

Now softly swirl it over the shading in the hair, and watch how it cleans up.

For the facial shading, before you draw them in next time,, make a light sketch of the shadow, then use the tissue again to fill it in. Makes it blend real nice.

Before that, make a few pencil marks on another page and use the tissue there first, get a feel for it.

The softer the pencil (B pencils are great) the more it will shade... H pencils are great for sketching,, very hard lead,, won't smear under your hand and will hold a point for a long time. Plus, it draws very light, so you can make changes easily before shading in and finishing.

you can use your bare finger to do this, but it tends to make a mess on your drawing if you don';t clean it right off.

Keep at it! I did the same thing at your age.


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Im not a huge artist but I love to draw. Im not sure if it is dark enough and if it isnt I can outline it in sharpie. I made it in my english class yesterday lol my teacher is sooo boring. Critque it I want to know what is wrong with it thanks!


What's wrong with it? You drew it in English class instead of paying attention. Listen to your teachers, draw in your spare time. You'll be better off for it.

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It's a lot better than anything I could draw, in fact, I wouldn't even attempt the logo. I'm a big supporter of zoning out in class though, it has yet to backfire on me in over 15 years. Back in grade school, I actually had a deal set up with several teachers over the years to let me sleep so long as I could answer a question now and then and get A's on the tests.

I drew a lot of pictures too back then just never anything remotely good.

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the feathers look like :pooh: (seriously, they look like poop more than feathers)

The face is shaped to much like a block. I also think the face is drawn too long from posterior to anterior. Other than that... pay attention in class.

Heh, he probably should pay attention in class, but I drew like that in class all the time and don't regret it for a minute. If I hadn't I might not be making my living as an Illustrator and graphic designer today :)

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Man whats the hell is with some people. Congratulations to you folks who decided to be jack asses; now go wallow in your own insecurities for the rest of your life.

I third the opinion that the one post imparticular is the worst post of the year.

Now the way I see it the redskin was pretty good. Obviously take bams advice if you want to get really good and keep at it. I always wished I had really dedicated myself to something worthwhile in high school (except beer... well?.?.?) because that kind of stuff will surprisingly come in handy one day, wink wink... The only problem I have with the drawing is that your circle is struggling man. lol. keep it up but like everyone said unless the teacher truly is awful (and there are plenty of those) pay attention in class.

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Lets see you put one up then Jack ASS. Good job little man. But as most here said. Pay attention in school.

the feathers look like :pooh: (seriously, they look like poop more than feathers)

The face is shaped to much like a block. I also think the face is drawn too long from posterior to anterior. Other than that... pay attention in class.

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