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Miss Teen South Carolina fumbles question


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OK, that was bad, but I think you are all missing something. I don't think it's because she is that stupid, I think she froze. She probably prepared for some other type of question, and was trying to fit that answer in the question. I mean c'mon are people that stupid? :paranoid:

I think it's possible. Why did she keep saying "The Iraq?" It's like she was referring to regions, not countries: The Asians (Asia), South Africa (southern Africa), The Iraq (i.e. The Middle East). But, either way, what does that have to do with the question? The question is about Americans and only Americans. Maybe the term "world map" threw her off.

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Whats scary is she came in fourth. thats right FOURTH PLACE. what did the fifth place finisher do? take a dump on stage and smear it around with a dead cat?

goes to prove pagents are a waste of time and have no credibility. Also shows young girls you can be dumber than a brick, but if you fill out that bikini just right, someone might give you a shiny prize!

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My impression is that she had some pre-defined answers for questions, and she just attempted to improvise and fit them in as a response. For example, "The Iraq" could have been the beginning of a sentence, such as "The Iraq war...." Which would actually be rather sad, in a fashion.

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Just showed this clip to my wife... She said this South Carolina finished 3rd runner-up even after bombing this question.... Wow, I'd love to hear the answer to the question asked of the chick who finished behind her in 5th.

I actually watched this pageant... the girl who got 4th runner up was MUCH better than this girl (I wouldn't say GOOD, but better). Her question was something like, "when does a person become a grown-up?" And she just answered with something about how she still has to ask her parents questions no matter how old she is. Not a great answer, but she was much better than S.C. and better looking.

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Yep. Dudes will line up down the block for a shot at that. Sometimes it's embarrassing to be male.

Dudes will line up down the block to tag her. That's the point.

You can point and laugh at the guy who decides to invest in her for longer than 1 night.

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Let me help you:

Q: Recent polls have shown that a fifth of Americans can't locate the U.S on a world map. Why do you think this is?

Miss South Carolina responds:

A: "I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there, in our nation, don't HAVE maps, and, uh, I believe that, uh, our education, such as South Africa, and, uh, The Iraq, everywhere like, such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over HERE, in the U.S., should HELP the U.S., er, or should HELP South Africa, and should HELP The Iraq and the Asian countries, so we'll be able to build up our future, or..."

(she then smiles sweetly, and is applaused)

It's even harder to read what she said. :laugh:

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