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Miss Teen South Carolina fumbles question


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'Ditzy Chick' did beauty pageants to improve communication

The 18-year-old beauty contestant who mesmerized the nation with her verbal "brilliance" at the Miss Teen USA pageant over the weekend originally entered the realm of beauty pageants to improve her personal communication skills, WND can reveal.

Lauren Caitlin Upton of Lexington, S.C., shown in this undated modeling photo. The 18-year-old has become a national sensation after her gramatically challenged response to a question at the Miss Teen USA pageant in Pasadena, Calif., Aug. 24, 2007 (photo courtesy Locke Management)

"I was never much of a pageant girl," Lauren Caitlin Upton said in an interview published just hours before Friday's competition. "When I first started pageants, I wanted to build up my communication skills for interviews for college and for jobs. I was determined to prove I was able to accomplish anything I put my mind to."

The ironic comments were recorded in her local paper, the State of Columbia, S.C., which she told for today's edition that she "completely misunderstood" the geography question posed to her.

"I didn't do anything wrong. I wasn't expecting [the question]. I lost my train of thought."

Miss South Carolina Teen USA says she graduated with a 3.5 grade-point average from Lexington High School in June, and was a varsity athlete and student leader.

"Things happen for a reason," she said. "That's the way life goes."

"I just want people to know that I'm an average teenage girl, living life to the fullest, learning from my mistakes and living life in a positive way, and that is all I can ask for."

WND was the first news organization to report on Upton's "extreme blonde moment" during Friday night's NBC broadcast from Pasadena, Calif.

When asked about the reason why some Americans could not locate the U.S. on a world map, Upton provided an answer that some call moronic and hilarious, while others say was painful to watch.

As part of the competition, Upton was asked what host Mario Lopez called a "thought-provoking final question" selected at random.

Upton selected judge Aimee Teegarden who asked her: "Recent polls have shown a fifth of Americans can't locate the United States on a world map. Why do you think this is?"

Miss Teen South Carolina Lauren Caitlin Upton fumbles through an answer during Miss Teen USA Pageant on NBC Aug. 24, 2007

The South Carolina beauty gave this incoherent, grammarless response:

I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don't have maps, and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq everywhere like, such as and I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., er, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future for our children.

Lopez told People Magazine he wanted to help Upton, but was instructed not to talk to the contestants while they were answering.

"It was a very intense moment. It's live TV. You don't know what the question is until you get up there. And I believe that she misunderstood it. She went down the wrong road and couldn't figure out how to get back to the right one," he said. "I felt really badly for her."

While millions have seen her clip on the Internet and television, Upton said she's not interested in taking a gander.

"I don't really want to hear myself," she laughingly told the State.

Upton was asked in her pre-pageant Q&A session with the paper: "What is the first thing you will do when you get home?"

"Eat me some hamburgers," she responded. "I haven't eaten hamburgers, French fries or hot dogs in three years, and I just want to see what it tastes like."

In the wake of WND's coverage of Upton, "Tonight Show" host Jay Leno played the video clip during his program this evening, and joked, "People in South Carolina [are] filing out now."

Andrew Levy, the ombudsman for the Fox News Channel's overnight show "Red Eye" sarcastically noted, "Whitney Houston says she no longer believes the children are our future."

Upton has been represented by Greensboro, N.C.-based Locke Management, a professional modeling agency, where she has numerous glamour shots of herself posted online.

According to her profile, the 5-foot-9 model "enjoys all sports but loves soccer, jet skiing, the beach, hiking in the mountains and country music."

WND readers have flooded the site with comments about Upton.

Pete Garbacki said "the only intelligent thing she did was to specify 'U.S. Americans.' Canadians and Mexicans are also 'Americans' technically. We are of the United States. That is actually an intelligent thing that many of your readers are too dense to understand."

Upton will get another chance at answering questions in the morning as she's slated to appear on NBC's "Today Show."

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Pete Garbacki said "the only intelligent thing she did was to specify 'U.S. Americans.' Canadians and Mexicans are also 'Americans' technically. We are of the United States. That is actually an intelligent thing that many of your readers are too dense to understand."

Ouch. I lost count how many in this thread :laugh: at "US Americans". Makes me wonder what some of you all would say if you had to answer a question on the spot on live natinal TV.


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Ouch. I lost count how many in this thread :laugh: at "US Americans". Makes me wonder what some of you all would say if you had to answer a question on the spot on live natinal TV.


Well, I certainly wouldn't say US Americans--I think when I say Americans, people understand I mean the only important Americans, which is, of course, those from the United States.

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I sincerely hope that she was just nervous, and that she stumbled through the question because she truly did not understand what was asked. Some people are smart, but have problems when they are put on the spot.

That said, she is a beautiful young woman and I'm sure even if she is "dumb as bricks" that she isn't going to have any trouble making it through life. I mean, look at Britney Spears? :)

MSN had a clip of her on their website answering a question about the lunar eclipse. I'm not sure if they gave her the answer beforehand in order for her to save face, or if she actually knew the answer.

You can see it here:


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COLUMBIA, S.C. - This time, the question was a little easier for Miss Teen South Carolina. After being stumped by a Miss Teen USA pageant question on live television Friday night, Lauren Caitlin Upton's confused, mangled response has been drawing a lot of attention.


The 18-year-old got a chance to redeem herself Tuesday on NBC's "Today" show when she was again asked why one-fifth of Americans can't locate the U.S. on a map.

"I would love to re-answer that question," Upton said. "Well personally, my friends and I, we know exactly where the United States is on our map. I don't know anyone else who doesn't. And if the statistics are correct, I believe there should be more emphasis on geography."

That was much better than her previous response, which included "U.S. Americans" and mentions of South Africa and "the Iraq."

A YouTube video of Upton has drawn a couple million hits and thousands of comments, many of them with harsh remarks for the Lexington High School graduate who plans to attend Appalachian State University in Boone, N.C.

Upton was taking her flubbed answer — and the attention — in stride.

"Everything did come at me at once. I was overwhelmed and I made a mistake. Everybody makes a mistake. I'm human," she said Tuesday. "I seriously think I only heard about one or two words of the actual question."

Upton's former principal Creig Tyler remembered her as a well-rounded student.

"She took college-prep and honors courses and performed well," Tyler told The (Columbia) State newspaper.

Miss Teen Colorado Hilary Carol Cruz won the crown. Upton was third runner-up.


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COLUMBIA, S.C. - This time, the question was a little easier for Miss Teen South Carolina. After being stumped by a Miss Teen USA pageant question on live television Friday night, Lauren Caitlin Upton's confused, mangled response has been drawing a lot of attention.

need more pics :)

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The funny thing is this girl will have the last laugh since none of the other contestants were on the Today show.

Yea, that's pretty much a constant principle in today's society - only the dumb people who do dumb things, make the news and get the media attention.

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Well, I certainly wouldn't say US Americans--I think when I say Americans, people understand I mean the only important Americans, which is, of course, those from the United States.
Now that I think about it, the question was flawed. The question was in regard to Americans. Which Americans? South Americans? North Americans? Canadian Americans? Cental Americans?
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