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Little "Feel Good Vibe's" of Training Camp so far


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Alright guys. I've been toiling around the internets like a madman, eating up all this wonderful news about our favorite team, as I'm sure all of us petty humans are over here.

Just felt like sharing what I'm getting "good vibes", as they say, about from reading all the info we've been subjected to. Feel free to reply with what you have a good feeling about too. Keep it the good stuff. If you got anything you have a bad feeling about, make a new thread about it. Matter of fact, we can see which one lasts longer and it'd be a measure of how good are team is. :silly:

My feel good vibes so far:

1- Todd Yoder. Man, this guy seems to find himself mentioned in the practice blog on redskins.com and jimmijos/murfs training camp threads almost EVERY TIME. It's great to hear that he's hauling in a ton of catches and finding ways to get open. We need a guy who can hold his own at the TE position besides Cooley. We know he can block, but it's great to hear how well he's doing when it comes to picking up the yards himself.

2- B Lloyd. Yeah, I know... don't wanna get our hopes up. But you gotta admit, he's just like Yoder in the fact that he's making plays every practice. No matter what, that's good news. It's better this way than if he was nowhere to be found, right?

3- Cooley. He's just awesome. I don't even need to say why, but like the two mentioned above, he's been making plays almost every practice and he's just fun to listen to. He's in a contract year, so you know he's gonna make sure he gives it his all... which is not to say that he doesn't anyway. Just love hearing his interviews, and how he's so proud of his own improvement in speed, route running, and putting the moves on DBs.

4- The Dline. You might say whaaa?!? Well I'll say yup. The Dline baby. I can't tell you how many times I've read in the TC reports that " *insert QB here* connected with *insert WR/TE/RB here* but it would've definitely been a sack since * insert Dlineman here* got to him before the he made the pass". To me, that sounds just as good as Jason Campbell throwing a deep pass to Lloyd for a TD. Awesome stuff.

5- Sean Taylor. Mans a beast, still making plays all the time. 'Nuff said.

Alright, that's all I can think of from the top of my head right now. Anyone got any they feel I've missed? :)

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Mancrush Sellars is the most obvious one. Seams to be getting good raps from spectators and players alike. We were told he would be featuring more this season a while back. By the physical condition he has come into training camp so was he and he is literally pumped for it. Is he gonna lead block, dummy block, catch a pass or run the ball? Opposing DCs figure that one out and stop it without giving up something for Moss/Cooley/Portis/Betts/ARE/Lloyd. Should be a real help (again, see 2005) in red zone play.

Best non news is regarding Landry. I haven't seen anything suggesting he is looking lost out there. Not even for one play. The future defensive leader?

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The main "feel good vibe" is of Jason Campbell all his hard work during the off-season has made such a big improvement over where he was last year; it's like night and day.

Another - It takes a year to learn Al Saunders playbook; this is the second year and everyone has gotten over that learning curve.

Greg Williams - I'm going to just turn them loose, to let their natural talent and instincts take over so that they are quicker at reacting to the ball.

Fred Smoot - I'm so happy to be back with the Redskins.

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This may be more of a "silver lining" type thing than a feel-good vibe, but I like the fact that, with Samuels out and Randy Thomas nicked, we're seeing very early what kind of O-line depth we have. Some mentioned Heyer getting reps with the 1st team at right tackle. Whitticker and Fabini, two guys with NFL starts under their belts, are getting thrown into the mix. These guys getting into the rotation early should help later in the season if starters go down.

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I hope your right. I've been dishing out as much coolaid as anyone lately and for some reason last night, while thinking about some of our offensive injuries, I got a bit of a chill. I hope the O doesn't do like the D last year. My possition on the worth of Betts is changing every day.

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I am sensing the same good vibes from the Redskins and the people they have in camp. Two names that have come up in things that I have read are Justin Hickman and Alex Buzbee. Two young DE that are showing promise and could make the Rice and Strahan interest a non issue. If these guys continue to impress then we may be better off not to go after those two. I feel that barring injury we will win the division and go deep in the playoffs. Don't be surprised to see us in the Super Bowl and if things fall just right winning it isn't out of the question. I feel last year was a down year due to injuries and lack of depth.

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Alright guys. I've been toiling around the internets like a madman, eating up all this wonderful news about our favorite team, as I'm sure all of us petty humans are over here.

Just felt like sharing what I'm getting "good vibes", as they say, about from reading all the info we've been subjected to. Feel free to reply with what you have a good feeling about too. Keep it the good stuff. If you got anything you have a bad feeling about, make a new thread about it. Matter of fact, we can see which one lasts longer and it'd be a measure of how good are team is. :silly:

My feel good vibes so far:

1- Todd Yoder. Man, this guy seems to find himself mentioned in the practice blog on redskins.com and jimmijos/murfs training camp threads almost EVERY TIME. It's great to hear that he's hauling in a ton of catches and finding ways to get open. We need a guy who can hold his own at the TE position besides Cooley. We know he can block, but it's great to hear how well he's doing when it comes to picking up the yards himself.

2- B Lloyd. Yeah, I know... don't wanna get our hopes up. But you gotta admit, he's just like Yoder in the fact that he's making plays every practice. No matter what, that's good news. It's better this way than if he was nowhere to be found, right?

3- Cooley. He's just awesome. I don't even need to say why, but like the two mentioned above, he's been making plays almost every practice and he's just fun to listen to. He's in a contract year, so you know he's gonna make sure he gives it his all... which is not to say that he doesn't anyway. Just love hearing his interviews, and how he's so proud of his own improvement in speed, route running, and putting the moves on DBs.

4- The Dline. You might say whaaa?!? Well I'll say yup. The Dline baby. I can't tell you how many times I've read in the TC reports that " *insert QB here* connected with *insert WR/TE/RB here* but it would've definitely been a sack since * insert Dlineman here* got to him before the he made the pass". To me, that sounds just as good as Jason Campbell throwing a deep pass to Lloyd for a TD. Awesome stuff.

5- Sean Taylor. Mans a beast, still making plays all the time. 'Nuff said.

Alright, that's all I can think of from the top of my head right now. Anyone got any they feel I've missed? :)


I love all the good stuff I am hearing too. I just hope we see it come true. I am not counting too much on the scrimmage but the preseason opener will speak volumes. Can't wait!

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I think most of my feel good vibes are coming from Jason Campbell. The work he's put in over the off season and how well he seems to be performing this early has really given me great anticipation for the upcoming season.

Also the flashes of talent that are coming from Heyer. I'm glad to hear this.

I haven't felt this upbeat about an upcoming season in quite some time. It feels good to look forward to maybe a change coming this time around.

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I love all the good stuff I am hearing too. I just hope we see it come true. I am not counting too much on the scrimmage but the preseason opener will speak volumes. Can't wait!

I know we can't get our hopes up too much, in the end, it's just training camp... but don't it feel good? :laugh:

Btw, great stuff guys. I totally forgot about Buzbee! I like what I'm hearing about him, and yeah... I feel real foolish for missing Sellers. That's just huge. I really hope we use him in our offense during the season as much as we are right now.

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Surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet,

Brunnel - The practices I went too he was throwing strong accurate passes, most on a line, and completing passes to all fields and beyond 10 yards.

Fletcher Baker - Taking charge of the D and directing personnel.

Mcintosh - He was showing speed and seems to be getting more comfortable.

Springs - I actually saw him step for step with santana the few times I was watching him.

For the rarely mention props

-Cameramen - they are about 75 feet up in metal man lifts, while in one practice a thunderstorm was a loomin.

-WaterBoys - Consistently in the right place at the right time.

-Gibbs - Doin laps in the heat with players after practice.

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Surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet,

Brunnel - The practices I went too he was throwing strong accurate passes, most on a line, and completing passes to all fields and beyond 10 yards.

Fletcher Baker - Taking charge of the D and directing personnel.

Mcintosh - He was showing speed and seems to be getting more comfortable.

Springs - I actually saw him step for step with santana the few times I was watching him.

For the rarely mention props

-Cameramen - they are about 75 feet up in metal man lifts, while in one practice a thunderstorm was a loomin.

-WaterBoys - Consistently in the right place at the right time.

-Gibbs - Doin laps in the heat with players after practice.


OK, good to hear about Brunell, since he is coming off shoulder surgery, but he was like that last year or the year before as well.

What no love for the Equipment personnel, or the medical staff? ;) Not to mention...the field looked well kept.

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Feel Good? You kidding? The practices so far have not been that physical , from a standpoint of lots of tackling and hits between the offense and defense. Doesn't seem that much different from last year, and we all know what that season brought! I took Joe at his word about this year being tougher, and so far, TC is a cakewalk compared to TCs by the other NFL Teams...All I gotta say is that it better pay off! The players BETTER respond since they are given an easier time than we all thought so far.

I don't feel good, I'm actually concerned now....

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Surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet,

Brunnel - The practices I went too he was throwing strong accurate passes, most on a line, and completing passes to all fields and beyond 10 yards.

Fletcher Baker - Taking charge of the D and directing personnel.

Mcintosh - He was showing speed and seems to be getting more comfortable.

Springs - I actually saw him step for step with santana the few times I was watching him.

For the rarely mention props

-Cameramen - they are about 75 feet up in metal man lifts, while in one practice a thunderstorm was a loomin.

-WaterBoys - Consistently in the right place at the right time.

-Gibbs - Doin laps in the heat with players after practice.

Yep. I too saw Brunell throwing beebees and on target the whole day I was there. So Mr. Campbell better take heed and lead this team, because you know Joe has an affinity for the MB. And yep #2, Mr. Fletcher has stepped right in and taken control..He was always around the ball from what I saw.

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So far, I like what I'm hearing about Landry. I'll be the first to admit I was a teeny bit disappointed when we didn't take Jamaal Anderson, but the last few days I've really got a sense that we got ourselves a bona fide STUD. Can't wait to see what our secondary is capable of!

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1) ES seems more at peace this time around - for the moment, there isn't a lot of mud being slung around. folks are optimistic!

2) there hasn't been much in the way of "bad news" such as "carlos was burned 2 straight times" or "Jason is consistently missing high"......sometimes...no news is good news!

3) the coaching staff seems tranquill and at ease with itself....no bad news here either.

4) the picks for next year haven't been traded away - so this season can connect to next season as a step in a continuous improvement process. one can develop more of a feel for a plan and continuity - something the Skins haven't managed in a long time.

5) nice to hear players stating that they don' have to think about the scheme - they can now just execute it. this is huge.

6) JC baby! JC.

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OK, good to hear about Brunell, since he is coming off shoulder surgery, but he was like that last year or the year before as well.

What no love for the Equipment personnel, or the medical staff? ;) Not to mention...the field looked well kept.

Your right,

Equipment personnel - they are consistently putting up record times when getting the helmets in straight lines. They are usually the first on the field and the last off (Extreme Dedication) despite the heat. I saw some good hustle to get the blocking pads to the players as well. They are relatively young in age, but I can see we got some great UDFA's.

Medical Staff - The defensive team has been on ball, lots of assisted stretches all over the field. I think the offense has an intern though. He needs to up his game a bit.

Fields - I saw some unbelievable skill and playmaking abilities when they were repainting some lines. Grass has been well manicured and the field slopes look great. I could see no visible divits. I think these guys a probowl bound. How they can cut the grass that low and keep it alive will forever astound me.

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gibbs is treating these guys like little cream puffs, were is the PHYSICAL practices that were going on in the begining, its like chris samuels injury has gotten everybody spooked.

thats no good.

we need to be tough.tough tough. were not going to get that walking on egg shells around our stars, they need to step it up. cept for portis, who just needs to go home and work out, and come back for miami. i dont want all of these players that "dont want to take any risk's." standing around "teaching" our young guys to be scared and frail, go home portis, come back when your ready.

man the old hogs are rolling over in there grave. football these days can kill a fan.

oh yeah, i AM really excited about buges playing a rookie at tackle, heyer seems to be doing fine considering his lack of experiance. very promising. also all the reports about cooley seem to point to a break out year, along with jason and randle el, and 85 hooking up on the deep ball, that deep ball has got to be on this year.......ok there is a lot to be excited about, but i want to see more toughness out of these players, and coaches, its a delicate balance, but we got to be tough to get to the playoffs.

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5) nice to hear players stating that they don' have to think about the scheme - they can now just execute it. this is huge.

Amen to that!:cheers:

Many of these players (JC included I believe) are finally getting the luxury of playing a second (or third) straight season with the same offensive/defensive coordinator. This is huge.

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