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Pet Peeves at FedEx


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Okay, since we're almost a month away, and I'm hopefully getting back into the 402 this year, I was wondering what some of your pet peeves were in terms of fans. No, I'm NOT trying to start up about how to be a fan, but just those little, nit-picky things.

I'll start, since it's my thread. :silly:

1) Fans who don't know the whole fight song. "Run and pass and score; we want a lot more! Beat 'em, swamp 'em, touchdown, let the points sore! Fight on, fight on 'till you have won, sons of Washington! Rah rah rah!" Please, people, learn it and sing it proud!

2) People who leave for beers/bathrooms during critical plays. If it's third and goal on the one, then wait for the beer. Please.

3) The WAVE. NO! We are not five-year-olds at a minor league game.

4) Bringing fans of the opposing team, especially Dallas. Please. For every fan of theirs you bring, one of ours ISN'T there. My friend is a Cowboys fan until Sunday, during which he is no longer my friend.

What about you guys?

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There was a thread started within the past few days that fell along the same lines:


I would say the second peeve you listed is my biggest, but I just don't limit it to big plays. People should not get up while play is in progress, period. You wanna get up after a change of possession, fine. But I'd rather be watching the game than watching you move past me.........so many folks are just clueless.

Another one of mine are the folks that can't seem to make it to their seats in time for the player intros. Its embarrassing to have the players running onto the field and only 60 percent of the crowd is there. And the majority of those folks probably aren't there for kickoff and thus you wind up having to let them through while the game is going on.

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1. People sitting down on 3rd downs when the defense is on the field

2. People's language around kids and ladies

3. Not knowing the Fight Song

4. Booing your own team

5. Fighting amongst Redskins fans

6. Light Weights

7. Opposing fans not realizing the raw power of the LoudMouth :D

8. Jumbotrons being not so jumbo

9. Food at Fed Ex that tastes like the quality of food you'd serve to a Cowboy fan.

10. The piss lines where guys seem to either have a hard time finding the utensil or bladders the size of ****ing dinosaurs.


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-Analog minitrons

-People who don't know when to stand, cheer

-People who complain when others stand, cheer

-FedEx ushers who tell you to sit down, be quiet

-Missing/not-so-instant replays

-Guys in front of me in the mens room that pee for 7 minutes

-Analog minitrons

-People who get up every 5 minutes to pee/smoke/get beer

-$7 beers, they add up quick

-artificial crowd noise piped in over a ****ty analog sound system

-no roof/overhang to reflect crowd noise back onto the field

-Analog minitrons

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I'd like to add people who scream "Oh!" during the National Anthem. Not only are you disrespecting the anthem and the person(s) singing it, but....


I might also add people who drink so much that they throw up either in the stands or the hallways.

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dude, I'm with ya 100%, love the popeyes bit

I don't like the jumbotrons at all, need to take away a few of the billboards and put in a much bigger jumbotron at both endzones. I sit lower level right between the fieldgoal posts, about 30 rows back. I can barely see the jumbotron on the other side.


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There are many, but I'll give you the bottom line: 50% of the fans in their seats at kickoff.

It takes the whole first quarter for everyone to file in. I can't stand looking over people coming up the stairs while plays are in progress. And as someone else has said, fans tend to go to the bathroom or get drinks during big plays.

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I'd like to add people who scream "Oh!" during the National Anthem. Not only are you disrespecting the anthem and the person(s) singing it, but....


I'd just like to say that I went to 3 Aberdeen Ironbird games over the past 2 weeks (Cal Ripkens Team) and not once did I hear people yell

"O!" during the anthem. I was very happy.

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4) Bringing fans of the opposing team, especially Dallas. Please. For every fan of theirs you bring, one of ours ISN'T there. My friend is a Cowboys fan until Sunday, during which he is no longer my friend.

Well I was planning on bringing my friend who is a redskins fan to fedex with me this year when I go see the giants play but you've convinced me not too.(I'm kidding I just thought this was kind of a weird thing to post, why wouldn't you want to be able to enjoy a football game with your friends.)

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1) Fans who don't know the whole fight song. "Run and pass and score; we want a lot more! Beat 'em, swamp 'em, touchdown, let the points sore! Fight on, fight on 'till you have won, sons of Washington! Rah rah rah!" Please, people, learn it and sing it proud!

Eh, doesn't bother me that much. As long as they scream when we're on defense, I can let that one slide.

2) People who leave for beers/bathrooms during critical plays. If it's third and goal on the one, then wait for the beer. Please.

Couldn't agree more. What the hell are they doing there if they aren't watching these plays?

3) The WAVE. NO! We are not five-year-olds at a minor league game.

Couldn't care less. If it gets people excited and cheering (particularly when on defense), so be it.

4) Bringing fans of the opposing team, especially Dallas. Please. For every fan of theirs you bring, one of ours ISN'T there. My friend is a Cowboys fan until Sunday, during which he is no longer my friend.

I'm bringing my brother that is a Dolphins fan 1st, Skins fan 2nd, to the opening game. If you have a problem with that, **** off. :laugh:

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Its NOT disrespectful at an Orioles game.

It's dumb and out of place to do it anywhere else.

Doyler, I rarely disagree with your opinions on anything, but I prefer that people shut their traps during the anthem.......Even in Baltimore, hun. ;)

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I have been lucky, the Skins games I have gone to at FedEx have been rocking

Playoff game vs Detroit

Darrel Green's last game vs Dallas

Giants game 2005 (35-20 win)

Jacksonville game 2006 (36-30) win

I went to the Cincy and Baltimore games in 2004, and there was plenty of noise when the damn team was doing something

As far as a few things

Every die hard should know the words to "Hail to the Redskins"

Stand up on every defensive down and make noise. The fans in Blacksburg are no different from us up here, I don't see why we can't do that

Weak entrance. Again, see VT for an entrance

Still too many opposing fans. It is fun because I talk a lot of ****, but still shouldn't happen

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4) Bringing fans of the opposing team, especially Dallas. Please. For every fan of theirs you bring, one of ours ISN'T there. My friend is a Cowboys fan until Sunday, during which he is no longer my friend.

What about you guys?

Now, give me some credit on this, I yelled at my dad at some party last year when a Giants fan came up to him and thanked him for the great seats he'd had in the past :doh: (all four seats in week 17 last year were Skins fans) but my sister ended up being a Cowboys fan after growing up watching that game live every year and seeing us lose. Sometimes, having her around has its merits. My favorite moment from the 35-7 game, the best of my time, was when they finally scored in the 4th against our practice squad defense, the whole stadium was completely silent save for my sister. :laugh: She was like, "come on, Ive been wating all game" and no one bothered her.

If I had a friend who was a cowboy fan (highly unlikely), he probably wouldn't be my friend two weeks out of the year but my sister is always my sister. She's actually one of the few people I can have football discussions with year round, like Ive said elsewhere, she learned how to be a fan from the best fans in the league, the Redskins fans.

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