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The Democrats 2009 Agenda: Power and Payback


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Pretty good article.

The Dems 2009 Agenda: Power and Payback

[...]So what eats at these people, these Democrats? One more reasonable guess and I'll quit: Opportunism eats at them, gnaws their ankles, consumes their innards. The Democrats frankly don't care what they say so long as whatever it is appears to inflame the voters, stir discontent with the present Republican regime; so long as it seems to lift the Democratic party a little nearer to the goal of power.

Yes, power, wonderful power! Power to stick it to those who took power from you; to pay them back good; to rub their noses in powerlessness and humiliation. I'd say that's the motive power of the Democrats right now: payback, vengeance, revenge.

Program? Ideas? Mere incidentals. They'll think of something when the time comes.

Can you hardly wait 'til it does?[...]

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The same is true for most established members of both political parties. The Dems did it for a long time, and then the Repubs did it during 2000-2006.

Both parties will continue to do it until the citizens whom they are supposed to represent stop eating at the two-party trough and start electing people and holding them accountable for their votes and actions, in real time (not just every election cycle).

Americans got lazy having the Press do it for them, but now the Press is owned and managed by those few with the real power, and so the Press seldom informs us of abuses or reports information for the people to hold politicians accountable.

Until we change and all get involved, we will continue to get what we allow.


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The article is spot on... just replace Democrats with "****roaches of Washington". Either party's agenda is to:

A) Remain in power however they can... the people be damned!

B) Gain power however they can... the people be damned!

It's not changing until the people rise up, backed by critical mass, and throw these treasonous pieces of **** to the curb. The problem is... with the public school system further dumbing down Americans as well as teaching them the entitlement way... the voters are simply to dumb to realize they're being duped and sold up river by the ****roaches.

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The article is spot on... just replace Democrats with "****roaches of Washington". Either party's agenda is to:

A) Remain in power however they can... the people be damned!

B) Gain power however they can... the people be damned!

It's not changing until the people rise up, backed by critical mass, and throw these treasonous pieces of **** to the curb. The problem is... with the public school system further dumbing down Americans as well as teaching them the entitlement way... the voters are simply to dumb to realize they're being duped and sold up river by the ****roaches.

I really hate to be this cynical but CSkin is right....it's the truth.

I am Republican through and through and in 2004 when Bush won and the Reps had both houses, they had a real chance to produce SOMETHING. But nothing at all happened! They played politics, as did the dems and now the dems have the majority in both houses.

It's circle jerk.

I would vote for a 3rd party guy but they never put anyone up worth voting for. Nader is a liberal wack job, Perot was just strange. Forbes was pretty odd too.... Maybe that Bloomberg fella - heck I dont know.

I know I aint voting for Hillary.

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You mean trying to protect the country?

No AJ_talkingpoint I mean trying to dismantle the system of checks and balances we have in this country. Then lying to the american people about it and trying to scare them into looking the other way.

Power power power.

And while we are on the "anything for power" topic:

The GOP is the party that promised to secure the borders, end abortion rights, reduce spending, and shrink the power of the federal government. Great way to get elected, to gain POWER. Did they do any of those things once they got power? No.

Sorry AJ the power talking point is dead. Move on.

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Opportunism eats at them, gnaws their ankles, consumes their innards. The Democrats frankly don't care what they say so long as whatever it is appears to inflame the voters, stir discontent with the present Republican regime; so long as it seems to lift the Democratic party a little nearer to the goal of power.

This is true for Republicans as well

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Interesting that this article still hasnt received any comments yet after a few minutes.....

Well, there really isn't much to comment on.

The Republicans haven't done anything while in power because the systems bogs them down.

The Democrats won't do anything while in power because they're power hungry and, let's face it, evil.

It's a lazy commentary that's not really worth serious discussion.

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It's not changing until the people rise up, backed by critical mass, and throw these treasonous pieces of **** to the curb. The problem is... with the public school system further dumbing down Americans as well as teaching them the entitlement way... the voters are simply to dumb to realize they're being duped and sold up river by the ****roaches.

You're correct. Unfortunately there is no political solution. The only way anything is actually going to change is for that "critical mass" to be willing to take up arms, bleed, and shed blood to make the necessary changes.

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Takes a lot of balls to say those other guys just want power considering what the executive branch has been up to lately.

Actually, what I'm seeing is that the worst boogyman the GOP can come up with is "Don't let the Democrats gain power! If they do, then they'll get even for all of the things that we have done."

Says something when the worst thing you can say about your opponent is that his secret agenda is to be just like me.

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I see a lot of people complaining about the government, politicians, parties, etc. but I think it's upside down. There is an axiom that the people get the kind of leaders they deserve. I think the majority of the American people have become corrupt, immoral, ignorant, self-centered, greedy and dishonest--so those are the only kind of leaders we're going to get. Bill Clinton left office with something like a 65% approval rating. George W. Bush is in the 30s. Tells you everything you need to know about the moral compass of the American people.

If all it takes is to go through some tough times in Iraq for people to go out and start voting for the amoral, opportunistic traitors of the Democratic Party, we'll get what we deserve.

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Bill Clinton left office with something like a 65% approval rating. George W. Bush is in the 30s. Tells you everything you need to know about the moral compass of the American people.

No, that tells you that one of them wasn't a completely incompetent boob and one of them is.

Jimmy Carter was one of the most "moral" Presidents we ever had. But he sucked at the job of being President, just like GWB.

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Jimmy Carter was one of the most "moral" Presidents we ever had. But he sucked at the job of being President, just like GWB.

Good point, but please give credit where it's due: Jimmy Carter was a pretty good peanut farmer, and GWB is a pretty good, uh...


well, he does a nice job growing colon polyps. :)

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No, that tells you that one of them wasn't a completely incompetent boob and one of them is.

Jimmy Carter was one of the most "moral" Presidents we ever had. But he sucked at the job of being President, just like GWB.

That's funny...because the economy is doing as well or better than it was when Clinton was in office...and other than the economy being good, I forget what else Clinton did that was supposed to be positive, unless you consider ignoring national security and destroying our intelligence and defense establishments good.

If you think about what Bush has had to face during his term, and consider the shape the country is in right now, it's hard to not come to the conclusion that he's done something right. There has been one mistake--not preparing adequately for the post-war situation in Iraq. But however much that may be the case, the fact is, it is not the catastrophic failure and calamity that the fanatical, mentally imbalanced Bush-haters of the world would have you believe. It will only become that if we abandon our responsibilities.

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That's funny...because the economy is doing as well or better than it was when Clinton was in office...and other than the economy being good, I forget what else Clinton did that was supposed to be positive, unless you consider ignoring national security and destroying our intelligence and defense establishments good.

If you think about what Bush has had to face during his term, and consider the shape the country is in right now, it's hard to not come to the conclusion that he's done something right. There has been one mistake--not preparing adequately for the post-war situation in Iraq. But however much that may be the case, the fact is, it is not the catastrophic failure and calamity that the fanatical, mentally imbalanced Bush-haters of the world would have you believe. It will only become that if we abandon our responsibilities.

You are a hilarious partisan hack if you think that Bush only has made one mistake in office or if you think that the economy has done as well under Bush as it did under Clinton, or ... ah nevermind.

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That's funny...because the economy is doing as well or better than it was when Clinton was in office...and other than the economy being good, I forget what else Clinton did that was supposed to be positive

You forget? Here let me remind you of just at few:

- The Family and Medical Leave Act.

- Americorp

- Work and Responsibility Act

- Lobbying Disclosure Act

- Balanced the Budget

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I think he brought Nolan Ryan to the Rangers. That has to count for something.

OTOH, I've seen several joke "Bush Resume's" on the internet, that refer to that job as "Most significant achievement: Traded Sammy Sosa to Chicago." :)

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The same is true for most established members of both political parties. The Dems did it for a long time, and then the Repubs did it during 2000-2006.

Both parties will continue to do it until the citizens whom they are supposed to represent stop eating at the two-party trough and start electing people and holding them accountable for their votes and actions, in real time (not just every election cycle).

Americans got lazy having the Press do it for them, but now the Press is owned and managed by those few with the real power, and so the Press seldom informs us of abuses or reports information for the people to hold politicians accountable.

Until we change and all get involved, we will continue to get what we allow.


Unfortunately you are correct:(. I'll open myself up for some flame spraying but how can ANYBODY paying attention align themselves with either party as the "best party"? Both parties just seem to circle the wagons around keeping and gaining more power (as opposed to representing us. Which is why we are left with such piss poor choices as Bush and Gore/Kerry:doh:

If either party wanted to do the right thing why is is that neither addressed Social Security? The huge pyramid scheme that NEITHER party when controlling both houses of congress and the presidency fixed and have left our children to hold the bag. :(:(:(

Edit: Lets not forget the border issue, neither party did squat to address border security as each have their own agenda. The Dems for more potential (illegal) voters, the Reps for more exploited cheap labor (without benfefits) for the benefit of big business.

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