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Dogfighting vs. Woman beating


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Very interesting article. People are (for good reason) screaming about Vick and dog fighting but it doesnt seem as big a deal when NFL players are beating their wives or girlfriends.

On a Skins note, ex-Bengal and Skins DT Dan Wilkinson was arrested here in Cincy (years back)for punching his pregnant girlfriend in the stomach. He never served a day in jail and was never suspended.


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Clearly though you hear so much about "domestic violence" that we are almost desensitized to it

That's the harsh reality.

Wife beating and other domestic abuse is worse than dog fighting. That doesn't mean Vick deserves to be let off the hook or treated any less severely. It just means that we need to take a more serious stance against the wife beaters. Seriously, we are too soft on violent crime... :2cents:

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I think the difference here is that Vick was institutionalizing dog fighting. He was participating in organized crime. I don't care what the crime is, that's pretty huge.

Is domestic violence bad too? Absolutely. But that's a red herring in this discussion. Totally irrelevant.

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One does have to wonder how Leonard Little can kill someone driving drunk and all these players can beat the crap out of their wives and we barely blink an eye, and they keep playing. I think it just has to do with the helplessness of a dog to the extent that they don't survive on their own without us and it has to do with the way a dog is viewed as a family member.

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I think the difference here is that Vick was institutionalizing dog fighting. He was participating in organized crime. I don't care what the crime is, that's pretty huge.

Is domestic violence bad too? Absolutely. But that's a red herring in this discussion. Totally irrelevant.

I agree. This is not a case of "beating your wife" vs. "fighting some dogs".

It would be more of a "child labor camp" vs. "interstate dog fighting/gambling/transporting ring" thing.

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I think the difference here is that Vick was institutionalizing dog fighting. He was participating in organized crime. I don't care what the crime is, that's pretty huge.

Is domestic violence bad too? Absolutely. But that's a red herring in this discussion. Totally irrelevant.

Let me ask you this, Henry - if Vick had been accused of casually fighting dogs on the weekends, but only as a participant and not an organizer, would you care then? Because that's the scenario you're painting.

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We dont barely blink an eye.. Some like me are outraged..

Do i think you should lose your job for beating your wife? No... you need to go to councilling etc...

Do i think you should lose your job for running a dog fighting ring: No... you need to go to jail etc..

Do i think you should lose your job for killing two people? NO.... you need to go to jail etc..

Not a big fan of losing your job because of things outside of your job. but i'm guessing if you go to jail, you lose your job... so the side effect is the same.

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Let me ask you this, Henry - if Vick had been accused of casually fighting dogs on the weekends, but only as a participant and not an organizer, would you care then? Because that's the scenario you're painting.

And another follow-up question - you may have responded to this, but I've forgotten: What is your stance on horse-racing, and those who run it?

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Let me ask you this, Henry - if Vick had been accused of casually fighting dogs on the weekends, but only as a participant and not an organizer, would you care then? Because that's the scenario you're painting.

I don't think it would nearly as big a deal. Not at all. I think he'd have gotten in trouble, but probably not with the Feds.

Honestly, I didn't even pay attention to this story until I heard he was helping RUN things. That's organized crime. And like I said, that's a very, very big deal.

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One does have to wonder how Leonard Little can kill someone driving drunk and all these players can beat the crap out of their wives and we barely blink an eye, and they keep playing.

I agree. I think Little should still be in jail. I've said many many times on this board how disgusted I am that his crime has been so whitewashed by the league, and by supposedly 'good guys' like Dick Vermiel. To this day I hear his name on ESPN and my blood boils.

But that's for another thread.

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I think there is also an element of "is the woman telling the truth." Domestic violence is a very serious crime, and a despicable one. However, I think when people hear about it now, they don't automatically assume that the woman is telling the truth because we've seen a few make this stuff up before. And in the end, sometimes, you hear a woman say "it was blown out of proportion" or something.

Compared with dogs who aren't saying anything themselves, I think that gives these dogs a more innocent quality.

Both are horrible, and the article makes a very good point, but I think part of the difference is that the dogs are so innocent. And furthermore, no one is even claiming it didnt happen. The defense is "it wasn't me."

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Apples to Oranges.

Personally I agree that wife beating is a serious and disgusting thing. However there is an issue of scale to consider. Is punching your wife one time really comparable to running a dog fighting ring for 5 years? I don't think so. Likewise being a known abuser for several years is far worse then having been to a dog fight or participated in one, once.

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It's psychologically impossible for human beings to sustain outrage.

Domestic violence is something people confront as a reality every day.

Dog fighting, on the other hand, is something that I think most people didn't realize the extent or pervasiveness of until now, so the outrage is fresh.

Ask anyone who's upset about dog fighting if they support domestic abuse, and I think you know what answer you'll get.

It's unrealistic, though, to demand that people maintain a level of appropriate emotional outrage for every improper act going on in the world today. It's not possible, and there are a lot of improper acts, so if it was, it wouldn't be healthy.

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I've heard some crazy comments on this.I actually heard a commentater say that in the African American community dogs are not viewed as pets but as objects.:doh:

Dogfighting is as old as the hills, but Vick's celebrity only adds to the rating for the Nancy Grace crew.

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Very interesting article. People are (for good reason) screaming about Vick and dog fighting but it doesnt seem as big a deal when NFL players are beating their wives or girlfriends.

On a Skins note, ex-Bengal and Skins DT Dan Wilkinson was arrested here in Cincy (years back)for punching his pregnant girlfriend in the stomach. He never served a day in jail and was never suspended.


The difference is, a dog is totally defensless, while a wife/girlfriend can reach out for help.

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What do you say to a woman with 2 black eyes...??

You shouldn't have to tell her nothing, you done told her twice already...


Who was the comedian who said: I saw this lady with a black eye and thought to myself 'awww, this ***** don't listen'. :laugh:

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