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Should Goodell suspend Vick?


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Since he doesn't have a track record of running afoul with the law I don't see him getting suspended unless he either pleads guilty or is found guilty. All of Goodell's previous suspensions have been on repeat offenders. The charges in this case would merit a suspension just because of their seriousness but not before he is proven guilty of the charges.

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He kind of has to. In order to maintain a firm hand. How would Pacman feel that he is susopended for the year (and not proven guilty yet) and Vick is allowed to play while being indictided.

It would not make sense.

Cause Pacman, Tank, and Johnson were suspended for REPEATED, and not just 1 or two or three, but 6 7 8 9 10 11 times they had run-ins with the law. Furthermore, in the case of Pacman and Tank, people are either dead or seriously injured because of their activities.

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Cause Pacman, Tank, and Johnson were suspended for REPEATED, and not just 1 or two or three, but 6 7 8 9 10 11 times they had run-ins with the law. Furthermore, in the case of Pacman and Tank, people are either dead or seriously injured because of their activities.

If Vick is found guilty, it will take care of itself IMO. Vick will go away for a while. There will be no need to suspend him because he will be incarcerated.

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Here's something on the NFL and how they might handle this.

The most telling 23 words regarding Michael Vick's immediate future as a football player came late in the NFL's statement about the alleged heinous, dastardly and despicable acts that led to charges being filed against the former savior of the Atlanta Falcons.

Michael Vick's guilt has not yet been proven, and we believe that all concerned should allow the legal process to determine the facts.

With that, rookie commissioner Roger Goodell sent a strong message: This is not going to be the Duke lacrosse case. The NFL is not going to preemptively strike against a player with a relatively clean slate, as Vick has. And to those who want Goodell to take Vick off the field for 2007, such as the Humane Society of United States, the league is in full agreement that the allegations are grievous ones. But Vick hasn't had 10 run-ins with the law, like Pacman Jones. He hasn't been arrested as many times as Chris Henry. So Goodell is not going to ban him from the game.

Not now, at least, from all appearances.

But make no mistake about this: Goodell will act swiftly and severely if Vick is found guilty on any of the charges. Not just because of the cruel and cowardly acts Vick is alleged to have been part and parcel to at the dogfighting compound in Virginia. But also because if the allegations are true, Goodell will feel used by Vick in a big way. In April, at the NFL Draft, with stories swirling that Vick's property had been used for dogfights, Vick told Goodell he had nothing to do with it and was rarely at the home in question.

I believe if Vick is found guilty, there will be tremendous pressure on the Feds and the judge to send him to jail and not just put him on probation. And I also believe that if he goes to jail, when Vick gets out, Goodell will be under similar pressure to suspend him for a year or longer. One of the most disturbing aspects of the indictment is it alleges Vick was involved in the dogfighting ring for six years. This was not just an occasional lark according to investigators. This was Vick's off-field sport. This was his poker, his billiards, his pickup basketball.

It's outrageous. Any normal human being -- dog owner or not -- has to ask what kind of person could execute dogs, or pit them against each other, or punish them in such tortuous ways?

The league seems ready to take a deep breath, take the picketing and the angry columns and the righteous indignation for now. But the hammer will be heavy if Vick is found guilty of even a portion of the alleged charges.


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Since he doesn't have a track record of running afoul with the law I don't see him getting suspended unless he either pleads guilty or is found guilty. All of Goodell's previous suspensions have been on repeat offenders. The charges in this case would merit a suspension just because of their seriousness but not before he is proven guilty of the charges.

This is my opinion as well.

Potentially very unfortunate for Vick tho, this entire episode is going to be a long drawn out leagal battle that is going to be a serious black eye to the league just when Goodell is desperately trying to clean up it's image.

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If Vick is found guilty, it will take care of itself IMO. Vick will go away for a while. There will be no need to suspend him because he will be incarcerated.

It all depends on what he is found guilty of. I know you have already spelled out that the Feds rarely accept plea bargains but what if he pleads down to a lesser offense that nets him a few months in jail similar to Jamal Lewis? Goodell will then be forced back into the picture.

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My position on all of these suspensions has been the same. The NFLPA needs to negotiate a process with Goodell to handle these new disciplinary measures. If he refuses' date=' sue.

I don't care if Vick never plays again. But Goodell is running roughshod right now.[/quote']

To do that, the players would probably have to give something back. Goodell's authority in this manner was a concession, by the players in exchance for a larger share of the revenue. If the players are going to go back on that agreement, it's likely (IMO) that they would have to give up something. Probably money. What are the chances?

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The league sounds like they will wait until the trial is completed. I think it depends what Vick is found guilty of. If he has clearly lied to Goodell and was a major player I think the league comes down hard on him.

Edit: I think it is too early to vote because we don't know all the facts and we should wait until the trail to pass judgement.

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The league sounds like they will wait until the trial is completed. I think it depends what Vick is found guilty of. If he has clearly lied to Goodell and was a major player I think the league comes down hard on him.

Mort just reported that if Vick pleaded guilty or was convicted, he would ban him or life.

I don't have a link for this but that's what I heard.

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Mort just reported that if Vick pleaded guilty or was convicted, he would ban him or life.

I don't have a link for this but that's what I heard.

I believe he said he might ban him for life and it sounded like complete speculation on Mortensen's part. I think a lifetime ban would set up a serious lawsuit by the NFLPA.

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I say suspend him. Goodell wants to clean up the image of the NFL. Ron Mexico, the water bottle and now this. IMO, there is atleast enough evidence to show some level of involvment. Suspend him until he is proven to be clear of it. Isn't the messgae Goodell is trying to put out to not even put yourself in possition to be in this possition? Well, owning the house and having eye witnesses say you at least knew it was going on makes the NFL look pretty bad.

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I believe he said he might ban him for life and it sounded like complete speculation on Mortensen's part. I think a lifetime ban would set up a serious lawsuit by the NFLPA.

If he is found guilty, I don't think the NFLPA would have a chance in hell of winning it. There is no leagal basis on which to win a case like that.

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People act like Goodell is a dick for suspending repeat offenders...like he's coming in and ruining all the fun.

Whatever. If Vick is found guilty, let him fry.

That's one thing I don't get. Goodell is taking guys who are basically knuckleheads and making them accountable.

Some people find fault in that, for some reason.

News flash: Roger Goodell doesn't have to adhere to anything Constitutionally or legally before acting.

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That's one thing I don't get. Goodell is taking guys who are basically knuckleheads and making them accountable.

Some people find fault in that, for some reason.

News flash: Roger Goodell doesn't have to adhere to anything Constitutionally or legally before acting.

I don't get it either, I wish someone would explain it to me.

Goodell doesn't have to adhere to anything to suspending Vick, but I hope he waits until there's a verdict before acting.

If innocent (which I can't believe will happen, there seems to be a ton of evidence mounting against Vick already), I still think he should get a game or two suspension for associating with such filth.

There's no doubt Vick is involved, its just to what degree.

I hope he's guilty, I'd love to see Vick behind bars.

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