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What is the best weakness to use in a job interview?


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Anyone know any "good" weaknesses to say you possess during a job interview? I've been asked this before and it always gets me. I told my current manager I was a perfectionist when it comes to work when she asked me in the interview. She just laughed and said that wasn't necessarily a weakness.

Any thoughts?

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I've always thought that the question of "what's your greatest weakness" was meant to see how much self reflection you've done in your life, but now I see it more as "tell us why we shouldn't hire you".

Not to mention that if you blurt our your greatest weakness it sounds either made up, or such a weakness that you immediately thought of it.

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as an icebreaker... "Kryptonite" might be a funny answer. That... or say "metals.... if they don't break my bones it always leaves a mark". Or maybe "Blondes"?

Or perhaps an answer like "algebra" or "calculus"... and follow "that's why I'm not pursuing a career where it's necessary to know it"

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as an icebreaker... "Kryptonite" might be a funny answer. That... or say "metals.... if they don't break my bones it always leaves a mark". Or maybe "Blondes"?

Or perhaps an answer like "algebra" or "calculus"... and follow "that's why I'm not pursuing a career where it's necessary to know it"

Actually, if you bring a little comedy to the table, it could be to your benefit. Too much though can be detrimental.

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I always use my strength as my weakness...."I am really good at organization but sometimes that can cause me to micro-manage"...not my issue but an example...that way you work your strength back into the conversation and you remind them of what it is...:2cents: :logo:

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I always use my strength as my weakness...."I am really good at organization but sometimes that can cause me to micro-manage"...not my issue but an example...that way you work your strength back into the conversation and you remind them of what it is...:2cents: :logo:

Either this or state something and what you do to make things better. I always want to work on everything at once so I keep lists of what needs to be done to keep me on task.

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I always use my strength as my weakness...."I am really good at organization but sometimes that can cause me to micro-manage"...not my issue but an example...that way you work your strength back into the conversation and you remind them of what it is...:2cents: :logo:

HR professionals that ask questions are also keenly aware of the "textbook" answers. If you want to separate yourself from the pack, and assert yourself as someone different and honest.... don't give a textbook reply.

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HR professionals that ask questions are also keenly aware of the "textbook" answers. If you want to separate yourself from the pack, and assert yourself as someone different and honest.... don't give a textbook reply.

this is the case with any answer..you have to be honest and be your own person..not all answers work for everyone...but to "cookie-cutter" your response if there is no honesty to it would be a mistake. I just had a interview with a regional VP of a major health-care company...I did just fine..:D :logo:

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This one got me a job when I was asked that question.

What is your weakness?

(Pause to consider, looking slightly away with a light sigh) Dancing. I'm just not a good dancer.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Love it...I might have to use that!:applause: :logo:

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I would love to use comedy in it, but the first interview is on the phone so it would be harder.

HR: What would you say is your biggest weakness?

Me: Um,...Dancing.

HR: What?

Me: Dancing. I was just kidding because I'm not good at dancing.

HR: I dont get it.

Me: D'oh

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The reason for the "What is your greatest Weakness?" question really has nothing to do with your personal weaknesses. It's meant to give the interviewer a better idea about you in general. Whether you have a canned answer or have actually put some thought into it. Do you sound sincere or rehearsed. That's what the question is all about.

So my answer for you is.... "Whatever you greatest weakness REALLY is." For me that's being a control freak and totally rigid in the way I see and do things. I've actually told potential employers that in the past. Their reaction has varied over time.ir

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