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Sprint to Customers: You're Fired


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Sprint to 1,000 customers: You're fired



The cell-phone company cans some of its customers for complaining too much. Told 'we are unable to meet your current wireless needs,' they have a month to find a new provider.

July 12, 2007 -- 11:30 ET

Sprint Nextel is hanging up on 1,000 of its cell-phone subscribers because, the company said, they complained too much.

Sprint Nextel (S, news, msgs), which ranked at the top of MSN Money's Customer Service Hall of Shame in April, apparently didn't appreciate when people called their customer-service lines to voice complaints, The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday. So the company told those unhappy customers to hit the road.

"The number of inquiries you have made to us . . . has led us to determine that we are unable to meet your current wireless needs," Sprint said in its letter.

The letter, dated June 29 and reproduced on the Web site gizmodo.com, tells customers: "We understand that having to switch to another wireless carrier may be an inconvenience. . . . So, a credit has been applied to your account to bring your current balance to zero." Sprint also said it would waive its early termination fee.

But those dumped customers don’t have much time to act. Sprint said it would terminate their contracts, giving those customers until the end of July to find new wireless carriers.

After Sprint was told that it ranked at the bottom of MSN Money’s customer service rankings, a spokeswoman said that "there are definitely areas within customer service where we need to improve" and that "our CEO and others all have said we're committed to doing that."

Sprint customer service sucks bad from what i hear, but i gotta hand it to them for having the balls to do this. MORE companies should be doing this in my opinion.

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Sprint customer service sucks bad from what i hear, but i gotta hand it to them for having the balls to do this. MORE companies should be doing this in my opinion.

Why? From what I have experienced their complaints are justified. Sprint/Nextel service is the worst. Never can get a signal.

One idea would be to build a better service.

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Why? From what I have experienced their complaints are justified. Sprint/Nextel service is the worst. Never can get a signal.

One idea would be to build a better service.

I have Nextel and RARELY do I never have full signal. It all depends on your location.

I had Verizon before Nextel and never had full service. I could not make calls from work nor from my own house.

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I liked Sprint, and I'm thinking of going back to them when my contract is up.

I've been thoroughly unimpressed with Cingular. I get horrible feedback whenever I'm on the phone, no matter where I am. Nobody calls me because of it. (at least thats what I keep telling myself, actually nobody wants to talk to me..... :) )

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I've been using T-Mobile for 7 years and have never had problems with them. Great customer service, I get signal virtually everywhere and their rate plans are very reasonable. Somehow firing customers doesn't seem like the best business practice but maybe that's just me. :whoknows:

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Sprint customer service sucks bad from what i hear, but i gotta hand it to them for having the balls to do this. MORE companies should be doing this in my opinion.

Ummm...no? Isn't the point to make money, not alienate people? That sends a fantastic message - complain about our service, and instead of fixing your problems, we'll just can you! Great money-making strategy! :laugh: I bet they take a serious hit because of this.

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I saw this article about a week ago. I almost posted it.

They can really do what they want I guess, but it does seem strange to alienate customers in any way. I know it was only 1000, but they had to know this would hit the media and probably cause those on the edge of leaving Sprint/Nextel to go ahead and leave.

By the by, I am a Sprint customer. Their signal is just fine if you aren't too far off the beaten path. Their customer service is doodoo though. I can't even understand the people I talk to when I have a problem!

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Why? From what I have experienced their complaints are justified. Sprint/Nextel service is the worst. Never can get a signal.

One idea would be to build a better service.

Fine, the complaints are justified, but if Sprint would rather lose the customers than deal with their problems, they should fire their asses. Business has the right to choose its clientele much the same way that customers have the right to choose which companies they do business with.

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You're crazy. I always have signal with Verizon - I can make calls from ANYwhere. :)

Verizon is the shizzzzzzz.

We should do a seperate poll thread on Wireless companies. I was hoping this thread would be more about companies firing clients than about Verizon vs Sprint vs ATT.

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Fine, the complaints are justified, but if Sprint would rather lose the customers than deal with their problems, they should fire their asses. Business has the right to choose its clientele much the same way that customers have the right to choose which companies they do business with.

I don't think anyone's saying they don't have the right to do it. We're just saying it seems like a fairly questionable and stupid business practice.

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Ummm...no? Isn't the point to make money, not alienate people? That sends a fantastic message - complain about our service, and instead of fixing your problems, we'll just can you! Great money-making strategy! :laugh: I bet they take a serious hit because of this.

nah what i see from this is they are sick of people abusing their customer service, and for that I applaude them

what is says is we will work on your problem don't call us 1000 times, any helpdesk or customer service environment needs to work that way

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I have Nextel and the it's not great, but I keep it because we get it really cheap through my brother-in-law that works for Nextel.

Interesting that they are letting customers go for complaining to much rather than attempting to improve their products and services that are the source of the complaints. (And I have many complaints with their products and services).

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You're crazy. I always have signal with Verizon - I can make calls from ANYwhere. :)

In the DC area Verizon is the best because the signal works in the metro. I will add though as a business customer they are HORRIBLE they have the most confusing bills in the history of telecommunications and it drives me crazy.

I have been happy with my cingular/att wireless phone though.

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I think this is fine.

Set expectations

Meet expectations

Be honest about them.

And, if someone is expecting more then you can deliver, be honest about it and tell them it can't be meet.

If there service truly sucks that bad, a free market will take care of it.

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Ummm...no? Isn't the point to make money, not alienate people? That sends a fantastic message - complain about our service, and instead of fixing your problems, we'll just can you! Great money-making strategy! :laugh: I bet they take a serious hit because of this.

Customers that complain constantly are probably not worth the financial investment. CSR's cost money.

As far as alienating people, as long as you arent one of the 1000 fired, do you REALLY care? I dont. It doesnt effect me. People are too ****y. I bet they dont take any hit for this.

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People are too ****y


People also do not have emotional intellegence. They feel they can scream at anyone on the phone even though the person has nothing to do with their issue. I would rather put my money into a company where they are tired of dealing with people like that. You do not need to scream to get your point accross act like an adult for once.

For those that are complaining about this you did see Sprint wiped out anything they owed them and remove the cancellation fee so they can leave. Very classy move I would say.

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In the DC area Verizon is the best because the signal works in the metro. I will add though as a business customer they are HORRIBLE they have the most confusing bills in the history of telecommunications and it drives me crazy.

I have been happy with my cingular/att wireless phone though.

I have had Verizon in Florida and Hawaii as well, and never had any problems in those places as well. I've also taken Verizon to some pretty remote places - the only place I ever consistently lost signal was crossing Alligator Alley - there's a dead section in there where NOBODY gets signal. :)

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One idea would be to build a better service.

Why? That costs money. If there are people out there willing to accept the questionable service they currently provide and pay for it without serious complaint, why the hell would any company spend the money to build a better service? You get rid of the complainers, who are a much smaller group, and just deal with the people who are willing to accept the service as it is.

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Customers that complain constantly are probably not worth the financial investment. CSR's cost money.

As far as alienating people, as long as you arent one of the 1000 fired, do you REALLY care? I dont. It doesnt effect me. People are too ****y. I bet they dont take any hit for this.

I dunno - part of being with a company is customer service. This demonstrates (IMO) a basic inability to deal with customers and correct their problems. I agree that people are too ****y - but "firing" them is not the answer. Every wireless company probably has the super pain in the ass customers - but Sprint is the only one getting rid of them. :whoknows:

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I have had Verizon in Florida and Hawaii as well, and never had any problems in those places as well. I've also taken Verizon to some pretty remote places - the only place I ever consistently lost signal was crossing Alligator Alley - there's a dead section in there where NOBODY gets signal. :)

Now it all makes sense you are the Verizon guy in the commerical :laugh: :laugh:

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You never see a large corporation tell people to shove it. Very refreshing.


This reminds me of when Ford got sued by several police departments because some officers got killed in their Crown Victorias.

Ford basically said "Look, our cars arent tanks, if you are going to sue us when you get hurt driving them at 140 mph in the course of your duty, then find someone else to sell cars to you."

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I dunno - part of being with a company is customer service. This demonstrates (IMO) a basic inability to deal with customers and correct their problems. I agree that people are too ****y - but "firing" them is not the answer. Every wireless company probably has the super pain in the ass customers - but Sprint is the only one getting rid of them. :whoknows:

I have heard though these people called them over 100 times or something like that. That is crazy. Only sprint and these customers know the truth.

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