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Why are we so high on JC

Vladimir L

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Best case scenerio he manages the offense well and we hand off the ball. Last year he was solid but his short pass game needs to be worked on and release as well. In my opinion he is no better or worse than Ramsy at this point or a Charlie Frye.

Hopefully he can blow my mind away this year. I would like to see him be a Phillip River type of QB. A young QB on a leash on a run dominant offense.

I never seen us Skins fan so crazy or be so up on a QB. He has the weapons to do well with the OL, WR, TE and our RB. If he does well I dont expect him to throw for 4-3 TD's. I just hope his short passing touch can come around.

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He'll be even better this yr. Remember what he did against the Gints? That's what I hope we see all season long. He broke those defensive players tackles like he was a RB!

What I like about him is he is a passer first then runner.

Its the Giants defense though. I have more memorable games from Ramsy.

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I think its because the Redskins fans haven't had a stable atmosphere in the quarterback scenario with one guy leading the helm for a long time and JC has all of the god given abilities to be that one person. Although, a lot of it is still hope based and hasn't been confirmed nor will it have a chance until at least after this up and coming season.

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He's showing a ton of commitment through his offseason workouts, and he's being noticed as way better than he was last year by coaches, the players, and the media. I think he'll be better than average next year, and he'll get better as the season progresses.

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Can't say I was as excited about Ramsey after his first 7 starts as I am about Campbell.....not by a longshot.

I think the main reason is his poise and overall demeanor. The kid is flat-out unshakable. Whether he throws a TD or an interception, his facial expression never changes. He runs back to the sideline and straight to the coach to look at photos. Ramsey would take his helmet off and look like he was gonna cry.

Not to mention the work ethic he displayed in the offseason. The touch he displays on his deep ball. His scrambling and stiff-arming ability. You know....all the stuff Ramsey never showed.

I'm having a hard time thinking of anything negative about Campbell. People point to his completion % last season, but he was basically thrust into the lineup with ZERO practice time with the first-team offense, so that was to be expected.

How can you not be excited?

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Can't say I was as excited about Ramsey after his first 7 starts as I am about Campbell.....not by a longshot.

I think the main reason is his poise and overall demeanor. The kid is flat-out unshakable. Whether he throws a TD or an interception, his facial expression never changes. He runs back to the sideline and straight to the coach to look at photos. Ramsey would take his helmet off and look like he was gonna cry.

Not to mention the work ethic he displayed in the offseason. The touch he displays on his deep ball. His scrambling and stiff-arming ability. You know....all the stuff Ramsey never showed.

I'm having a hard time thinking of anything negative about Campbell. People point to his completion % last season, but he was basically thrust into the lineup with ZERO practice time with the first-team offense, so that was to be expected.

How can you not be excited?

His release isnt great and short passes arent accurate.

I however love his deep ball and his deep out pass.

The deep out is one of the harder passes to make in the NFL.

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Why is this the "best case scenario"?...Why isn't the "best case scenario" one where he develops timing and chemistry with Moss and Cooley, improves on his accuracy, and takes another step in reading defenses?

Thats part of managing the offense I wouldnt want to put all the weight and pressure on him.

We are going to ride Betts and CP to wins. Our offensive line is made for this.

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I have been saying this forever now, and it holds true in all aspects of life not just football, but the difference between great players and good players is the work ethic. JC has a Grade A work ethic which means he is giving himself every opportunity to be the best player he can be and with all of his intangibles he will at least be a good QB for a while.

Now of course he is still unproven but I think he has what it takes and will show that not only during the season but from the very first snap of the preseason.

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Why are we so high on JC

I've never seen or heard of a young QB carrying himself the way JC does. The guy has character, and works harder than any Redskin I've seen in awhile. TO dedicate himself the way he has while guys like Romo sits to pee are hosting beauty pagents says quite a bit about how important this is to him. To compare him to Ramsey is laughable to say the least. Ramsey was a false prophet from the start, and many here saw that. Most were in love with Ramsey because of the cannon of an arm he had, not what he said or did. Ramsey never had 'it' and JC is showing very early that the 'it' factor is there.

With QB's it's not about the arm. It's about what's between their ears that matters most. :)

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We're so high on him because we have to be.

We were high on Ramsey we were high on Brunell we were high on Shuler. I know here is where a lot of people claim that thet knew that Shuler/Ramsey/Brunell were going to suck. But in reality as a fan you need to believe in the moves your team makes! We're not Eagles fans...we don't boo our team's moves for everyone to see.

JC didn't blow our minds last year, he showed some poise and some promise and when that is all you have to go on...you bloody go on it!

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His release isnt great and short passes arent accurate.

have you not been paying attention this off-season? trust me, if you know his deficiencies, so does jc and the coaching staff. that's what he's been working on, and he's had a full off-season to do it.

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I think we're high on him for two reasons:

1) there was a large, palpable improvement in the offense when he played. The offense began to move and threaten defenses. We got better. We project from that.

2) We're fans and all fans live in a little town called hope (or is that hype)

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All you have to do is read the threads about how Bramlet is the next Unitas to understand how fans can be so high on Campbell.

I have high hopes, but am actually rather pessimistic. He reminds me more of Byron Leftwich or Trent Dilfer than Steve McNair. Maybe I was spoiled by Ramsey's cannon, but JC's short passes float and aren't very accurate. He has great touch on the long ball (something Ramsey never developed), but doesn't seem to have the zip to thread the needle. He certainly has great character and a work ethic, but so did Justin Skaggs.

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All you have to do is read the threads about how Bramlet is the next Unitas to understand how fans can be so high on Campbell.

I have high hopes, but am actually rather pessimistic. He reminds me more of Byron Leftwich or Trent Dilfer than Steve McNair. Maybe I was spoiled by Ramsey's cannon, but JC's short passes float and aren't very accurate. He has great touch on the long ball (something Ramsey never developed), but doesn't seem to have the zip to thread the needle. He certainly has great character and a work ethic, but so did Justin Skaggs.

Trent Dilfer??? Are you serious? That's an odd comparison made with J Campbell. I guess I can see the Leftwich comparison (and not just because he's African American). Dilfer is nowhere near as athletic and well-rounded a player as Campbell seems to be developing into. I remember watching him during the Ravens Superbowl run, and he had the ability to throw a couple nice balls but was not honing in on every quarterback attribute like Campbell wants to. Dilfer could deliver a few nice passes and not **** up, but that's pretty much the extent of his talent.

Now that I think about it, Leftwich isn't a good example either. Leftwich has a very strong arm. Not saying that Campbell doesn't have a strong arm, but with Leftwich, his arm strength is what I remember being talked about first when he was coming out of MArshall. Plus, although Campbell has only played in 7 games, he has shown me a lot more poise than LEftwich has. When I have seen Byron play, he has tended to make a few erratic decisions. Again, so did Campbell but he was a ROOKIE. I fully expect Campbell to protect the ball very well once he gets a few more games under his belt and masters this Redskins offense. :2cents: :helmet:

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First and foremost the reason we are so high on him is we are Redskin fans.

Now for the reasoning: He has all the tools, which you stated, therefore we are up on him and you should have been able to figure that out. He has a strong arm, he is big, and is mobile. Historically he is a very accurate passer as well. Last year he did not show that but a lot of that has to do with timing because that is what Al runs and he didn't start playing with those WRs until mid season. He is also a winner. Auburn always won under JC and so will the Redskins.

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