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Playing against the Skins


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Okay just a little distraction ....

Imagine you had just got a new job, one of the NFL teams chose you to be head coach but it wasn't the skins. If nothing else changes between now and the regular season and you play them early season how would you game plan to beat the 2007 Redskins...?

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Run the ball right up the gut. All day.

Defensively, stack the box, stop the run, and try to let JC beat you.

Exactly right. Make the Skins show that they can stop the run from an offensive point of view. Defensively, do everything you can to stop Portis and Betts, and make Campbell beat you.

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Defensively. I'd put an extra guy in the box to shut down the run and double team Santana. Make Lloyd and Randel El beat you. Have one player spy on Campbell to stop him from running.

As they get closer to the goal line (especially 5 yards or less out) special emphaisis on stopping the run. Watch Cooley and Sellers as possible targets. Take a chance that the small & fast but not strong receivers will have a hard time separating quickly enough to get open in the end zone.

Offensively: Do what the Giants love doing to us. Run to the left, and run to the left and run to the left. Meaning make Carter & Rocky stop the run avoid the Griffin, Daniels, Marcus side of the d line. Then go deep. Do some play action & fakes to mess with Sean Taylor and throw deep on Carlos Rogers.

If Gregg Williams is going to play to stop the deep ball and give cushion with the short/medium passes uses the possession receiver and TE to exploit that. In other words, watch Gregg's scheme and take what he gives you. But take some occasional chances to go deep and keep throwing at Carlos.

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i think its brandon lloyd. it looks like he has been working hard in the offseason trying to get bigger and stronger and that alone makes me think he will improve. if he can just keep his head on straight he could be a darn good receiver. i mean after all, he can't really been any worse than last season, right?

Good thread my friend perfect distraction. Lol.

But I would run up the middle and play action against the D until we stop it.

On defense try hard as I can to confuse JC. Complex looks and see if he can figure it out. This is what every team is going to do anyway until JC shows he can handle.

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This question is impossible to answer without knowing which team you are coaching. Not every team's gameplans are going to be the same. Without more information, we can only determine the strengths and weaknesses of our team and certain individual players, but that's only the half the equation in trying to identify and exploit mismatches. The other team will play to their strengths and run their bread-and-butter plays to some extent regardless of whom their playing.

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the goal of every coach is to find what your opponet does best and take it away, and to exploit their weakness and mismatches.

on offense, the skins' bread and butter is the running game. it's hard to say for this season though, it depends on how much trust is put in campbell. since the skins' OL isn't the fastest, I would run lots of stunts on the line to try and avoid them. they are good blockers if they get in to you.

on passing downs I would play conservative but complex zone coverages and let campbell make mistakes rather than blitz him. he is moblie and can hurt you if he gets outside the pocket and there is single coverage, not to mention just being able to run for first downs. any pressure would be brought from the edges with specialists and DB's.

offensively I would slam the ball off tackle with jumbo packages right at mcintosh and carter all day and integrate a very vertical passing attack over the middle of the field to take advantage of taylor's and i'm guessing landry's aggresive tendencies.

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offensively I would slam the ball off tackle with jumbo packages right at mcintosh and carter all day and integrate a very vertical passing attack over the middle of the field to take advantage of taylor's and i'm guessing landry's aggresive tendencies.

Yeah run at the fastest LBer, unproven, but undoubtedly freakish fast on the field - that is acceptable strategy if you have a real bruiser like Steven Jackson, but No coach would integrate a Vertical passing attack as their #1 way to get it through the air against ST, no way.

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Yeah run at the fastest LBer, unproven, but undoubtedly freakish fast on the field - that is acceptable strategy if you have a real bruiser like Steven Jackson, but No coach would integrate a Vertical passing attack as their #1 way to get it through the air against ST, no way.
:laugh: Seriously. My passing attack would focus on Carlos Rogers and Smoot (since I'll assume Springs is hurt for the week), but the only way I'm throwing over the middle is with serious play action. No coach is going to come out with the strategy of straight out testing the middle of the field unless they either want to eventually be picked off or see their recievers get jacked up/alligator arms. No coach did that before when it was just Taylor; no coach is going to do that now with Taylor and Landry.

And as others have said, I'd pound it up the middle and off left tackle- test Golston's endurance over the course of the game and keep taking Carter out of the play. Even if Rocky blows up a couple plays I'd still maybe get 4-5 yards hopefully.

On defense I'd just stack the box and shade a safety over towards Moss, and leave Lloyd in single coverage until he proved he could beat me. A gamble, but one that looked like a winner last year. I'd leave a safety and linebacker to take care of Cooley.

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I would use a 3/4 and 4/3 hybid defense against the redskins. I wouldn't put a spy on JC until they got into the redzone. I would make my corners play bumb n run becaue of the redskins lack or size at WR. I would bring landry in the box and stop the run and force the pass. If my corner is fast enough to cover moss without a double team then i would do that and just roll coverage to either side.

offense, I would run counters, and dives straight into the pile. I would also try to expose underneath . Also, runs screens, and flanks. and throw some play-actions to ty and dusupt the safeties. and just try and catch them out of position and try to take advantage of mis-matches at the line. Unless the redskins address the D-line then really, all that is needed to be done is run,run,run play-action. or deep pass.because then the db's will have to play closer and you can catch them tryin to povide run support.

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Yeah run at the fastest LBer, unproven, but undoubtedly freakish fast on the field - that is acceptable strategy if you have a real bruiser like Steven Jackson, but No coach would integrate a Vertical passing attack as their #1 way to get it through the air against ST, no way.

its much better than running at washington and daniels, who has always been a solid run stopper. not to mention that is griff's side of the line. i would stay away from them at all costs, and then run some counters their way when they begin to overpursue.

also, i meant to include play action in attacking over the midde, and the routes would be deep skinny posts to get by him. nothing under 15-20 yards to give sean a better chance to make a play. it happened alot last year.

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Run-first offensive gameplan utilizing a LOT of counters and misdirection. Focus the attack up the gut and throw in some deep passes and quick screens off the playaction.


Give as many different looks as possible, stack the box on first and second downs, and generally force Campbell to beat you with his arm. Definitely throw in some all-out blitzes but otherwise stick mostly to 3, 4, and 5 man rushes.

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Like you guys said, keep it on the ground on offense, and occasionally send a burner on a deep route. On defense, pressure JC. He's still pretty green and will probably make a lot of mistakes early in the season under pressure. The most dangerous weapons we have are Portis/Betts. Frustrate the run early, hope the coaches abandon it by second half (something we all saw too much of last season) and put all the pressure squarely on the shoulders of Jason Campbell.

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Cover 2 to double up on Santana deep. 4 man rush with more people dropping into coverage.

Run the ball to the perimeter on whatever side Washington isn't. Ask Denver to return Warrick Holdman to Washington. Lots of play-action and bootlegs to catch Taylor out of position.

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How you would beat the 07 skins is not gonna be easy.

Defense: This year will be much different with JC at QB. The deep ball will always be a threat along with the running game. And a guy you have to account for on every play is Cooley. I would stack the box on first down and then play Cover 2 on 2nd down and then a strong zone coverage on 3rd.

Offense: I think a team that can run the west coast offense well could rip our D apart. Run it wear down the front 4 and make them stack the box and kill them with 7-10 yard passes. Our corners do not play the short passes very well and i think they would get eaten alive if a team came in and ran the west coast offense effectively.

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Run the ball right up the gut. All day.

Defensively, stack the box, stop the run, and try to let JC beat you.

These strategy's may have worked last year, but not this year.

I think this year, you would will want to stop JC first. Then, test to see how repaired Portis' shoulder is, see if the Skins are truly commited to the run.

On offense, I wouldn't try the middle play after play...if Griffin is healthy. I think London Fletcher, and Washington also will make it difficult to find running room inside.

I'd try my luck 'on the edges' with the run and pass. I'd try to run at Smoot and/or Carter. However, there is one problem to the 'edges' strategy, LaRon Landry. With this guy's combination of smarts, speed, strength, and tenactiy - runners will be hard-pressed to find a seam in which to run.

With ST and LL roaming around... QBs will have to be sure they see what they think they're seeing. With their range and make-up speed they will close throwing and running lanes mighty fast.

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