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Playing against the Skins


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Defensively, I'd blitz ALOT. I'd do it to stop the run, and I'd also do it to rush campbell as he's struggled in the past against the blitz. Not to mention that Al doesn't give him audibles. Offensively, run it up the gut, for 4-5 ypc. If they bring laron in for run support, light up the secondary! Fletcher may have alot of tackles against my squad, but buffalo struggled against the run last year even with his 150 tackles.

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With the Redskins primed to go 19-0 this year, it would not matter what team I coached, I would not have a prayer angainst the #1 Offence and Defence in the NFL. With odds so obviously against me, I don't even know if I would take my team down to the stadium. Their safties scare me, I'm afraid my receivers are going to get destroyed. And what if I'm coaching the Cowboys or the Patriots. I mean come on T.O. and Moss would be to valuable for my team to put out there against those guys. I think you just play your scrubs and try and stay healthy for the rest of the year.:)

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play action and pound the ball to carters side.


Stack the box and double team santana on 3rd downs or long passing situations

special teams:

yell weird insults at the kicker until he screws up kind of like in BASEketball (srry for the horrible movie reference) :D

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