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Anyone seen "Bodies...The Exhibition?"


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If you go to wmata(dc metro systems) website there is a link to a discount coupon on there.....I might check it out eventually but still ...that is a lot of money

Thanks man, I found that if you type in "METRO" as the promotional code at the tix Web site you save $5 per ticket and $5 is $5...that's a beer in some parts of town.:)

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I hope I'm never so desperate to be entertained that I would spend that much money to see something like this.

True – I mean you might actually have fun while learning amazing information about the human body and how remarkable our bodies are. Not a museum - the horror!!!! It takes like 4 hours to go through the whole thing – it is like $7.5 an hour to be entertained.

I went to it in NYC – it was awesome. You really appreciate the human body and how amazingly complex we are. As someone who has not ever been into science I found it really cool, and made me wish I had studied the field more.

I have not heard about holding a human brain – but maybe you can at the one in DC.

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True – I mean you might actually have fun while learning amazing information about the human body and how remarkable our bodies are. Not a museum - the horror!!!! It takes like 4 hours to go through the whole thing – it is like $7.5 an hour to be entertained.

I went to it in NYC – it was awesome. You really appreciate the human body and how amazingly complex we are. As someone who has not ever been into science

I have not heard about holding a human brain – but maybe you can at the one in DC.

My response was too harsh but man, $80 for my wife, son and me to see that just seems like a ton of money.

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Don't know if I'd take the kids, but I've heard pretty good things about this exhibit.

After seeing a pretty good amount of dead people, it is pretty amazing to see how the human body works. (Or stops working)

I think it would give anyone a new appreciation for how complex and beautiful the human organism really is.

And I would say it is worth 30 bucks. Most people have to pay tuition to get to play with cadavers!

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I've seen it twice, once in chi-town and in tampa, its awesome. First time I went with a few of my cousin's little kids and they seemed to enjoy it initially, but it is long.

The way the musculature and vasculature of the body are isolated and shown in this exibit is so well done and awesome to see.

If you are into museums, exibits, learning something new, its worth it.

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I saw this last night and it was definitely worth the $$$. It took a few minutes to get past the initial shock of looking at real human bodies preserved and arranged into different poses, but I'd recommend that anyone with any interest in science and the human body to take a look at it.

Some of the more memorable parts:

A skeleton holding hands with and facing the body that it was removed from including muscles, tendons and all other body parts minus the hair and skin.

Various bodies without skin in such poses as: playing basketball, conducting and orchestra and simply standing in place

There is also a real set of of smoker's lungs set up next to a set of healthy lungs and various healthy body parts set up next to body parts with disorders such as a brain with an aneurysm, a healthy heart next to a heart with hardening of the arteries, a normal liver and a liver with cirrhosis, and various healthy body parts next to body parts with cancer.

There was a human spine and also a brain connected to eyeballs and a spinal cord.

There was an entire body's worth of a set of veins and arteries, reproductive organs, and sets of glands.

A more disturbing part was an area of the exhibit with various fetuses that died from complications in various stages of pregnancy. This part is optional and there is an exit area to bypass this if you do not want to see it. I went ahead and looked at it and despite being very sad I found it very educational as well.

Then at the end you get to hold a chimpanzee's brain and a real human brain and compare them.

Very cool stuff, thanks for the input from everyone.

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I saw this last night and it was definitely worth the $$$.

in seeing this, i realized that my initial post was a bit flippant.

from what i've seen in the media about this exhibit, it is awesome. i literally paid $40,000 for my first (and only) year of med school, and my impression is that the $40K was worth the admissions to gross anatomy lab. seriously. this exhibit is an amazing opportunity for the average joe to see the human body in detail usually reserved for doctors. do not pass this up. $30 isn't that much money, and the perspective gained is worth much more than that.

in retrospect (that i'd not be a doctor) the extra $39,970 to actually do the disection was worth it too. you hear stories of med students naming their cadavers and think they're just being silly, but one really develops a distanced attachment to their cadaver. also, the ability of the doctors/phd's that actually disected these cadavers is beyond compare. to have practiced hands doing a disection with an expressed purpose of showing certain parts of the anatomy is priceless.

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My girlfriend just finished her second year of med school. And, dchogs, I've heard much more about the cadaver dissections than I ever needed to know, thanks to her!:laugh:

I think I am going to take her next week! Thanks for the idea, I can surprise her! :)

Hopefully the metro ride isn't too bad. Is Rosslyn a ghetto suburb of the city? I don't wanna be walking two blocks in a shady part of town just to see...dead bodies. I don't want to become part of the exhibit ;).

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I was rifing a subway in Toronto one tiem when I saw a piece of newspaper that had this advertised. I had seen some stuff on this exhibit before on television and was all set to go. I later found out that the paper was the NY Times and the exhibition was located in a placein NY with the same name and street name as one in Toronto.

So no I havent sen it but would love to. From people I know have seen it they say it was amazing. Artisttic people like the forms and messages the bodies give off, while science type guys love the technical aspects of seeing a body displayed in such a way. And people who have an interest in niether, found something they liked about it anyway.

And apparently, if your a smoker or unhealthy eater, seeing the lung and other organ exhibits do a good job of turning people off some of thier more dangerous habits.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright...I went this past week. Had a great time.

If anyone goes, I'd suggest paying the extra $6 fee for the "audio" version. Its basically a PDA thing that gives you more information than what each individual showcase has (usually only a paragraph or two long). The highlight, to me, was seeing the blood vessels extracted from the body. Amazing. Really cool science going on there.

I did find it interesting that all the bodies were from China. This was all a Chinese-led project, and the donor bodies all went unclaimed by next of kin.

Some very cool stuff, and the "optional" viewing of the fetuses was pretty breathtaking as well. I'm still pro-choice, but I did learn more about the development of the fetus through seeing that exhibit and left with more understanding of some pro-life arguments.

Anyways, I suggest it. It took my girlfriend and I about an hour and a half. It was a Wednesday morning, so there wasn't a whole lot of people there, but I'd imagine taking 2-3 hours with a considerable amount of people could easily happen.

The best part of the day though...was eating at Tony Cheng's in Chinatown. Mongolian Barbecue :hungry:

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