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Anyone seen "Bodies...The Exhibition?"


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Alright...I went this past week. Had a great time.

If anyone goes, I'd suggest paying the extra $6 fee for the "audio" version. Its basically a PDA thing that gives you more information than what each individual showcase has (usually only a paragraph or two long). The highlight, to me, was seeing the blood vessels extracted from the body. Amazing. Really cool science going on there.

I did find it interesting that all the bodies were from China. This was all a Chinese-led project, and the donor bodies all went unclaimed by next of kin.

Some very cool stuff, and the "optional" viewing of the fetuses was pretty breathtaking as well. I'm still pro-choice, but I did learn more about the development of the fetus through seeing that exhibit and left with more understanding of some pro-life arguments.

Anyways, I suggest it. It took my girlfriend and I about an hour and a half. It was a Wednesday morning, so there wasn't a whole lot of people there, but I'd imagine taking 2-3 hours with a considerable amount of people could easily happen.

The best part of the day though...was eating at Tony Cheng's in Chinatown. Mongolian Barbecue :hungry:

Sorry man I didn't notice this was bumped earlier. I would've told you that Rosslyn's definitely not ghetto! I agree with your entire assessment, I'm definitely glad I spent the $25 on it.

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