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XBOX 360 vs. PS3


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Remember Me was o.k., I got it with Plus.  It wasn't fun it wasn't dull, it was just there.  I played through 75% of it, but got other games and lost interest.  For $14, there are better games to get.


I'm picking up Ni No Kuni for $4.99 off of PSN today.


Nice. Have fun.


I'm tempted to pick up Saints Row IV after finishing Saints Row the Third. It's $11.99 on Xbox Live this week.


Still, I have such a backlog...

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Yeah, I might play Saints Row IV someday.  My backlog is huge as well.  The top two left for me though are Splinter Cell Blacklist and GTAV.


I thought Splinter Cell Blacklist was ****ing awesome. If you are a dedicated Splinter Cell fan though, there are some new tinkers that may turn you off though, most notably the changes made to Sam Fisher, with a new voice actor, and the fact that he appears younger than he should be. The missions, especially the ones for Charlie, are fun as hell.


As for TLOU and D2, I think that if you are a dedicated survival horror fan, you're kind of just left scratching your head a little. Not a lot, but a little.


Never played D2. I missed out on a lot of Dreamcast games (even though I had one) because when it came out, games were still being relased on PS/64, and it wasn't long before PS2 and Xbox burst onto the scene. During the time before that, I mostly played the fighting games like Soul Calibur, DOA, Marvel v Capcom 2, etc, and sports games. Other than that, I played RE: Code Veronica, and Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. Missed everything else, like Shenmue (the one Dreamcast game I regret not playing), Crazy Taxi, Jet Grind Radio, and Powerstone.


Gran Turismo 2, THPS2, Spider-Man, Smackdown, No Mercy, Legend Of Dragoon, and Syhon Filter 2 had me preoccupied for most of '00.

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No Mercy was so awesome. Man I miss that game, we would have some epic championship matches in that game, jumping off ladders, putting people brought tables etc.

That IMO is the best wrestling game ever made.


I think so too. Plus I think it was the first game that let you go seriously in depth with create-a-player. All the moves/double team moves were real crisp, and the environment was absurdly interactive considering the time that it came out. When you hit somebody with something, you really hit them. In a lot of games they'd get right back up. Then you could crush them through tables, plant them on chairs, belts, etc. That game was simply awesome

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No Mercy was so awesome. Man I miss that game, we would have some epic championship matches in that game, jumping off ladders, putting people brought tables etc.

That IMO is the best wrestling game ever made.


This is and will always be my favorite wrestling game.





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I think so too. Plus I think it was the first game that let you go seriously in depth with create-a-player. All the moves/double team moves were real crisp, and the environment was absurdly interactive considering the time that it came out. When you hit somebody with something, you really hit them. In a lot of games they'd get right back up. Then you could crush them through tables, plant them on chairs, belts, etc. That game was simply awesome

Yep, they sold the moves really well. Sometimes you just got your butt kicked and laid there rolling around. It was a great game . Editing current wrestlers to match new gimmicks and creating players and stables etc. Awesome

I think so too. Plus I think it was the first game that let you go seriously in depth with create-a-player. All the moves/double team moves were real crisp, and the environment was absurdly interactive considering the time that it came out. When you hit somebody with something, you really hit them. In a lot of games they'd get right back up. Then you could crush them through tables, plant them on chairs, belts, etc. That game was simply awesome

Yep, they sold the moves really well. Sometimes you just got your butt kicked and laid there rolling around. It was a great game . Editing current wrestlers to match new gimmicks and creating players and stables etc. Awesome

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Looks like this guy is an expert in Dark Souls.




Lol seriously. I couldn't even do that **** in Demons Souls because my armor weighed so much. Once I was able to roll cleanly with more effective and lighter armor, it was over for those NPC's/bosses, and dudes who invaded my game at seemingly the worst possible time.


Getting ready to finally dl TWD, after spending the last few hours arguing and watching Lone Survivor.

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What did you think


Thought it was the best movie I've seen of that ilk since Blackhawk Down. Very intense. A lot of the wounds looked pretty close to the real thing. I think the degree/volume of wounds they suffered was as unrealistic as I've ever seen, but I'm willing to give Hollywood a pass. God low/humorous moments, but when the **** hits the fan, it really hits the fan


I've always thought of Wahlberg as a self deluded prick ever since his 9/11 comments, but I liked him in this role. 



As for thread related material though, I am on ep 3 of The Walking Dead. I love this game. Very interactive. Reminds me a lot of Heavy Rain. It actually caught me off guard because I was actually expecting 3rd person type of deal, so I actually ****ed up a lot of the dialogue in the car with the trooper, but was able to gather my thoughts so I could decide the best course of action for the gam eonce I got to Clementine's house. I hadn't done much research on the game style, but I am a huge fan of the show.


Seeing as how  Glenn (my boy Glenn!) talks about going to Atl to check on his friends, I assume these are events that precede the show. I am also assuming that a lot of the characters are borrowed from the comics, and the game is more centered on the comics  than the show.


Clementine trusts me a lot, as I've been prety level headed non knee-jerk so far, sparing lives when I'm able to, and taking what I have to. I tried to hide the fact that I murdered my wifes lover though, which Herschel (my boy Herschel! Poor Herschel...  :( ) and Larry found out about. But I made sure not to lie to Clementine (like I would have done in real life if I was in that scenario) or Carly, because I need them to trust me.


I aced the motor-inn food handout scene too. I thought I would surely **** that up. But even Larry eased up after a while, though he was pissed I inadvertantly led them to the House of 1,000 corpses. And everything was cool with Kenny and his family, that is until I tried to rescucitate (sp) Larry, and wouldn't bash his head in, for fear of him turning after his heart attack.


But I saved his wife So I think its all good. As long as I have that little girl on my side....


*Also, I love how the game presents itself in a fashion similar to that of the show. Pure genius

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The connection you build with Clementine is pretty amazing(as are some of the others) especially if you try to play it as if you were in that exact role and your morals and beliefs are reflected in the game. It can be stressful trying to make the right decisions for everybody's best interest, while keeping Clementine and yourself safe above all. 


So many parts in the story are just a sucker punch to the gut. 

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The connection you build with Clementine is pretty amazing(as are some of the others) especially if you try to play it as if you were in that exact role and your morals and beliefs are reflected in the game. It can be stressful trying to make the right decisions for everybody's best interest, while keeping Clementine and yourself safe above all. 


So many parts in the story are just a sucker punch to the gut. 


Carly  :(


Man that was ****ed up. You spend all that time softening up Lily and her Dad, and succeed (with Lily finally earning your trust) only for her to go full on paranoid schizo.


Then  Kenny was so quick to declare Larry dead from the heart attack and wanted to stop him before he turned, only to basically create a giant avalanche of events when it came to Duck.


The scene with Kattia was a downer too.

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Omg Ben is such a ****ing pussie. Jesus. I wish there was an option to whoop his ass after freezing and leaving the little girl to fend for herself against all the walkers, on top of already causing Lily to go NATO when he lifted some of the supplies to give to the crazy guys in the woods, because he was scared they'd come to the camp and take his vagina.


Then he has the nerve to cop an attitude when I tell his ass to stay behind when going to the docks. Wish I could've beaten him over the head with that shovel. ****ing wuss.


I love this game

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Yeah Ben really mucks up things pretty bad. 


I knew you'd love it. It just grabs you and doesn't let go. 


My rule was always save the children and woman first and then I tried to be honest with everyone unless it came to protecting Clementine. That was obviously my #1 goal. Every move was in her best interest.


Also, I wanted to keep my humanity and decency so I rarely strayed from my moral center. I didn't take the food in the car that was found on the road or anything like that. Tried to save everyone when I could. 


I can't wait to see where a next gen Telltale title can go. 

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Thought it was the best movie I've seen of that ilk since Blackhawk Down. Very intense. A lot of the wounds looked pretty close to the real thing. I think the degree/volume of wounds they suffered was as unrealistic as I've ever seen, but I'm willing to give Hollywood a pass. God low/humorous moments, but when the **** hits the fan, it really hits the fan


They did a great job keep the movie entertaining and fresh when you pretty much know going on what is about to go down. You are really just waiting for it and man does it ever hit the fan. It was a lot better than I expected. I've always been cool with Mark too and I also like Ben Foster a lot. I had two brothers that each did 3 turns in Iraq right at the beginning when the overthrow happened and the resistance was heavy going into places like the Fellujah battles. This movie hit me pretty hard. 

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Yeah Ben really mucks up things pretty bad. 


I knew you'd love it. It just grabs you and doesn't let go. 


My rule was always save the children and woman first and then I tried to be honest with everyone unless it came to protecting Clementine. That was obviously my #1 goal. Every move was in her best interest.


Also, I wanted to keep my humanity and decency so I rarely strayed from my moral center. I didn't take the food in the car that was found on the road or anything like that. Tried to save everyone when I could. 


I can't wait to see where a next gen Telltale title can go. 


I took the food on the road. I treated Clementine just like I would treat most kids in real life. I'd treat them like an adult, while still approaching things with the realization that they're not. But they can handle a lot. It all comes down to how you word everything, and tough they show themselves to be.


Once you see that she was alive all that time in the treehouse, you know that she can handle a lot, but is obviously still fragile, and needs someone with her that she can trust. I told her thatw e're good people, but sometimes, we have to do things in order to survive.


I'm fair, honest, loyal, and will help everyone I can and spare who I can, while at the same time doing whats in the best interest of the group,and especially Clementine. Thats why I let Lily and Ben go. I gave them both numerous chances to straighten out:


I kept telling Lily to calm down and think rationally, while helping her at the same time, and investigating the chalk/stolen goods/sabotaged equipment, and I attempted to talk her down when she started losing it outside the RV. I told Ben to keep it together when he revealed that he was the one that was stealing supplies (but put him on notice) so his revelation wouldn't further set Kenny off and compromise the group.


But he couldn't keep his yap shut, and on top of that, his actions led directly to the deaths of Kattia, Duck, Carly, and presumably Lily. If hat isn't enough, he leaves Clementine to the walkers (which causes Chuck to go in and basically sacrifice himself for the group), and cops an attitude when I put him on ice. I got legit heated lol, so that basically sealed his fate in my eyes. Then at the end of all of that he cracks again and reveals that he was the one who stole the supplies, right as everyone is trying to escape (due to his dumbass taking the tomahawk from where it was barricading the door from the walkers in the school, who ended up killing Brie


Thats at least 5 deaths on his hands. Thats also one too many ****ups. I couldnt let him get anyone else killed. No dead weight (thats one of the themes of the show... which makes perfect sense). Letting him fall in the bell tower was an easy decision for me.He was being a whiny **** the entire time, wasn't doing an adequate job of pulling his own weight, and got people killed, then ran his mouth. Unacceptable. I'd have thrown him if it was an option.


Clementine got kidnapped though. Looks like there's one episode left, and then some "400 Days" thing. Didn't someone say something about Season 2 ep's?

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As for thread related material though, I am on ep 3 of The Walking Dead. I love this game. 


Glad to see that there are others who are into this game. I am a huge fan of the show and fell in love with the game from the very beginning. I play every episode as soon as it's released (take a vacation day if I have to lol).


I've watched playthroughs at work just to see other peoples reactions to certain events in the game. It's definitely a roller coaster.



Clementine got kidnapped though. Looks like there's one episode left, and then some "400 Days" thing. Didn't someone say something about Season 2 ep's?


400 Days follows a separate group of characters but it was pretty fun.


As for Season 2, there have been 3 episodes released so far.

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