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Grindhouse comes out today


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I just actually heard about this yesterday but damn I'm excited about it. I love the old school horror double features and Tarantino and Rodriguez (and Freddy Rodriguez from SFU) so I'm pumped.

Of course, the reviewer from the Post found it juvenile and gratuitous--so I'm sure I'll love it!


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I gotta say, I'm shocked more people here aren't interested in this. I guess I don't have my thumb on the pulse of the ES community.

I used to love watching the "creature features" with my dad that came on channel 20 and 50 years ago in this area on Sundays. They also played a lot of awesome kung fu movies too. I guess I'm the only one. (Maybe this means there will be no one in the theaters--awesome!).

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I gotta say, I'm shocked more people here aren't interested in this. I guess I don't have my thumb on the pulse of the ES community.

I used to love watching the "creature features" with my dad that came on channel 20 and 50 years ago in this area on Sundays. They also played a lot of awesome kung fu movies too. I guess I'm the only one. (Maybe this means there will be no one in the theaters--awesome!).

Free advice; when checking someone's pulse, it's best not to use one's thumb (especially if it's spent an inordinate amount of time up one's butt). :D

However, I agree with you. This looks great. Someone told me there are zombies in one of the movies.....Is this true? Now I just have to figure out a way to convince the woman to go and spend 3.5 hours in a movie theater watching gratuitous violence and unrealistic fight sequences.....

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"Grindhouse" has something like 86% positive ratings on rottentomatoes.com...and it seems that the reviewers flip-flop back and forth on which movie is better, Planet Terror or Death Proof. Apparently the first one is nonstop stupid fun and gory action, while the last one has one of the most astounding car chases ever put to film.

I gotta see this **** lol :laugh:... :)

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i want to see it tonight at midnight, just for the hell of it.

but im like 25 days away from being able to buy a ticket

now at any other movie theater this wouldnt be a problem, but regal in rockville is where its showing at midnight, and they card at the door

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Saw this today at 1. Death proof should have been the first film. It was deff the more Grindhouse of the two but got very slow in act 2 then ended well. Planet Terror is just flat out fun . Hope they actually make


Overall it was just fun and ya need to see it with a packed house.

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The reviewer out here said the Rodriguez half is awesome and the Tarantino half is lame.

I wanna see Rose McGowan do the bionic motorcycle thing. :D

Yea, thats pretty much what I gathered after watching the 3 minute trailer (before seeing 300). I'm sure tarantino's part is good, but Rodriguez's part just looks so over the top good.

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I wanted to go see it this evening, but I'll probably have to wait a few days. Definitely a movie that I'll see in the theater regardless of what other people say about it. While I love saving money by not wasting it seeing flops, sometimes I like to see a movie without reading reviews so I'm more objective when I see it.

Although, sometimes it doesn't work out and I see something absolutely terrible .... IE Eight Legged Freaks. :laugh:

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Free advice; when checking someone's pulse, it's best not to use one's thumb (especially if it's spent an inordinate amount of time up one's butt). :D

However, I agree with you. This looks great. Someone told me there are zombies in one of the movies.....Is this true? Now I just have to figure out a way to convince the woman to go and spend 3.5 hours in a movie theater watching gratuitous violence and unrealistic fight sequences.....

You game ? :silly:

Less interested in the Planet Terror part as I am in the rest of the film

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if we don't get snow tommorrow, I'm hoping to see it.

If only for the "trailers". Eli Roth does a hilarious one called Thanksgiving (a parody of Halloween), Rob Zombie has one called Werewolf Women of the SS (be on the look out for a Nic Cage cameo) and then there's Machete with Danny Trejo.

Can't beat 2 movies, three hours, plus campy trailers......this just looks great for fun.

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TRAILERS: alright; Machete seems awesome (will be a real movie) and :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: at "Don't" and Nic Cage

PLANET TERROR: Fun, violent, funny at times, gory, and hot chicks (:yikes: :drool: @ Rose McGowan)

DEATH PROOF: a bit too much talking, but not too bad; some funny lines; HOT chicks; Kurt Russell clearly had a blast, and the car chase(s) were great; loved the ending. BTW, "Zoe" was Uma's stuntwoman in the Kill Bill movies.

See this.

As for real trailers, we got the new Die Hard one. Seems badass.

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im seeing this today!!!!!!!!!!!!! after originally planning on seeing it thursday at midnight....i've waited so long for this moment and will definitely have something to say about it when i get back

Planet Terror//Death Proof !!!!

So here's my review:


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