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NYT: Nanny, $44,880; Redskins Owner, 0


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Nanny, $44,880; Redskins Owner, 0


Published: March 18, 2007

A nanny who said that Daniel M. Snyder, owner of the Washington Redskins, had underpaid her won $44,880 last week when a Montgomery County Circuit Court in Maryland agreed that she had not been compensated for overtime hours she had worked.Juliette Mendonca sued Mr. Snyder for $60,000 in overtime that she said she had earned while caring for the three children of Mr. Snyder and his wife, Tanya. This was on top of the $162,000 she was paid during that same period, from April 2003 to November 2004.She testified that Mr. Snyder confronted her late one night in 2004, saying: “I pay you more than my Redskins park people! I can’t afford to pay you like this!”

Mr. Snyder, who is also chairman of the amusement park giant Six Flags, did not take the stand. But his wife testified that Ms. Mendonca could not have worked all the hours she claimed. They offered her a $65,000 salary, but she refused it,preferring to work on an hourly basis, the couple’s lawyer said.The jury did not explain how it arrived at the amount of the award, according to Ms. Mendonca’s lawyer, Frank J. Coviello, but it rejected her demand for damages of $180,000 in the case.

There is no word so far on whether the Snyders will appeal.

> http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/18/business/yourmoney/18suits.html?_r=1&oref=slogin


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Here's my question, in order to analyze whether or not she "worked" all these hours we need to know what her hourly pay rate was. If she made 162,000 over 17 months of work and she only worked 40 hours(this is an assumption) that equals 73.66 weeks, meaning she was paid $2199.29 dollars per week or $54.98 dollars per hour. Again I'd need the actual hourly rate to determine how much OT she's saying she worked but seems to me she was paid rather nicely.

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I heard a great story about Snyder the other day.

Tom Benson, owner of the Saints, hosts a big party at his house. Snyder is invited. Benson opens the door and says, "Hey, Dan. Welcome to my home." Snyder says "Tom, I prefer for people to call me Mr. Snyder." Benson laughs... until he realizes Snyder is serious. Benson, who has like 40 years on Snyder, says "This is my house and in my house, I will call you Dan."

Snyder then turned around with his family and left.

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I heard a great story about Snyder the other day.

Tom Benson, owner of the Saints, hosts a big party at his house. Snyder is invited. Benson opens the door and says, "Hey, Dan. Welcome to my home." Snyder says "Tom, I prefer for people to call me Mr. Snyder." Benson laughs... until he realizes Snyder is serious. Benson, who has like 40 years on Snyder, says "This is my house and in my house, I will call you Dan."

Snyder then turned around with his family and left.

Is that a true story? Has anyone else heard this?

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Is there any positive news on the Snyder front anymore? For every positive news story there is about 75 bad stories.

Well maybe he deserves some positive remarks for something he has done in his life... I wouldn't know. How much does he give to charity every year?

He deserves nothing but criticism for his ownership of the Redskins though.

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I heard Czabe (I know I know...but it's the only station I can get) talking about this the other day (probably a week ago)- there is much more going on than this story tells (shocking huh?). Czabe read excerpts from another news piece where the nanny alleged working over 100 hours a week, no bathroom/food breaks while watching the kids, over 24 hour periods of on the job etc. etc. She also originally sued for some ridiculous amount (well over a million) citing "psychological" damage or something like that.

If I recall the Snyders offered her a settlement around the 50k mark, which is probably where the jury came up with their 44k amount.

What is even more shocking is that Czabe and co. weren't bashing Snyder in this case - they all agreed the nanny is a crazy money grubbing lunatic going after an easy target.

Sorry I don't have a link or anything - but I'm sure good ol' Google search would come up with a trove of info.

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Here's my question, in order to analyze whether or not she "worked" all these hours we need to know what her hourly pay rate was. If she made 162,000 over 17 months of work and she only worked 40 hours(this is an assumption) that equals 73.66 weeks, meaning she was paid $2199.29 dollars per week or $54.98 dollars per hour. Again I'd need the actual hourly rate to determine how much OT she's saying she worked but seems to me she was paid rather nicely.

Here's a more likely scenario: they offered her $65K a year, which is $32/hour. She turned it down. Let's assume that she got the same $32/hour. That means she worked almost 80 hour weeks.

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In another article I read about this it said she was looking for $160,000 in damages and $60,000 in back wages.

Out of $220,000 the nanny was trying to get, she ended up with $44,880. Considering her lawyer probably took half of what she was awarded(And Snyder probably has an army of lawyers on retainer) I'd say "The Dan" won out big here.

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I heard a great story about Snyder the other day.

Tom Benson, owner of the Saints, hosts a big party at his house. Snyder is invited. Benson opens the door and says, "Hey, Dan. Welcome to my home." Snyder says "Tom, I prefer for people to call me Mr. Snyder." Benson laughs... until he realizes Snyder is serious. Benson, who has like 40 years on Snyder, says "This is my house and in my house, I will call you Dan."

Snyder then turned around with his family and left.

That has been quoted so many times with refering to a bunch of different people not just Dan Snyder and Tom Benson to make me belive it is BS

Still though people like to hate on those more sucesseful than themselves so these myths perpetuate - I am not singling you out Hooper I am just saying in general.

I do wonder is it common practice by the way for juries to calculate compensation in this kind of case, in the UK this would be heard in front of an employment tribrunal and the case desided by a pannel of employment experts?

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I heard a great story about Snyder the other day.

Tom Benson, owner of the Saints, hosts a big party at his house. Snyder is invited. Benson opens the door and says, "Hey, Dan. Welcome to my home." Snyder says "Tom, I prefer for people to call me Mr. Snyder." Benson laughs... until he realizes Snyder is serious. Benson, who has like 40 years on Snyder, says "This is my house and in my house, I will call you Dan."

Snyder then turned around with his family and left.

Sounds like a fairy tale. But Snyder did pull the "call me Mr Snyder" act on Matt Millen.

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I heard a great story about Snyder the other day.

Tom Benson, owner of the Saints, hosts a big party at his house. Snyder is invited. Benson opens the door and says, "Hey, Dan. Welcome to my home." Snyder says "Tom, I prefer for people to call me Mr. Snyder." Benson laughs... until he realizes Snyder is serious. Benson, who has like 40 years on Snyder, says "This is my house and in my house, I will call you Dan."

Snyder then turned around with his family and left.

Sounds like a dick to me. :)

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