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NYT: Nanny, $44,880; Redskins Owner, 0


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Since it's still here, how about a couple of articles from something a little more local?

First a little background. From May 2006


The lawsuits revolve around the question of -- what else? -- money. Mendonca, 50, was initially paid $15 an hour, then got a $3 raise, receiving more than $160,000 during the 20 months she worked for the Snyders. Their suit claims she billed them for between 100 and 130 hours a week, including hours she was sleeping and was "neither asked to work, nor actually worked." The suit also argues that she was not eligible for overtime, and asks to recoup the excess wages. The Snyders declined to comment.

Mendonca claims she worked more than 6,000 overtime hours for the Snyders and deserves $60,000 in back pay and legal fees, as well as $180,000 in other damages. "You have to pay time-and-a-half if you work more than 40 hours a week," said Mendonca's attorney, Frank J. Coviello.

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And one from the 14th of this year.


Over the 20 months that she worked for the couple, Mendonca was paid more than $162,000. When the Snyders finally totaled her hourly wages, Dan Snyder said, "You know, you make more than the Redskins Park people I pay" and offered her a salary of about $70,000 a year -- or two weeks' notice.

Mendonca quit, and the couple received a letter two months later asking for overtime and damages, seeking $9 million to settle. At trial, she sought $60,000 in overtime wages and $180,000 in damages.

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And a bonus link for WTOP, which describes how the jurors came to their verdict.


About an hour after beginning deliberations, the six-member jury asked the Montgomery County Circuit Court judge for a calendar and calculator.

The verdict came in about two hours later.

A smiling Mendonca told reporters justice was served in the case.

One of the jurors -- who declined to speak on tape -- told reporters a lack of a contract and timesheets led the jury to believe there was a justified wage dispute and from there, they used their own common sense and fairness.

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I heard a great story about Snyder the other day.

Tom Benson, owner of the Saints, hosts a big party at his house. Snyder is invited. Benson opens the door and says, "Hey, Dan. Welcome to my home." Snyder says "Tom, I prefer for people to call me Mr. Snyder." Benson laughs... until he realizes Snyder is serious. Benson, who has like 40 years on Snyder, says "This is my house and in my house, I will call you Dan."

Snyder then turned around with his family and left.

Sounds apocryphal.

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Here is what actually happened. This chick was doing a fairly decent job while employed by Pat Bowlen as a cook. Snyder also had a perfectly good nanny at the time but became bored with her so he felt the need to acquire someone else's, trading away two cheuffers and a future butler in order to get the rights.

He immediately signed her to a highly overpaid long-term deal and asked her to start taking care of the kids even though she had never had success doing that in her old place of employment. Snyder got sour and got rid of her the next year in exchange for a half-eaten turkey sandwhich. She was allowed to keep a million dollars in guaranteed money.

Many on Extremeskins immediately hailed Snyder as a genius for this maneuver.


Oh and the extra mony she got from the courts... Snyder tried to screw her out of a bonus that he had promised by giving her agent a different contract at the last minute.

Bravo!!! :cheers:

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That nanny is an idiot. She may have earned some quick coin and a fat bonus over 20 months (half of which goes to the lawyers), but she absolutely guaranteed she'll never work again. She should have considered her future earning potential before trying to make a quick buck off suing Danny. :applause:

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That nanny is an idiot. She may have earned some quick coin and a fat bonus over 20 months (half of which goes to the lawyers), but she absolutely guaranteed she'll never work again. She should have considered her future earning potential before trying to make a quick buck off suing Danny. :applause:

actually she was smart, Synder made her work under unfair conditions, can't eat in over 8 hours, there are thing laws you have to abide too and even synder can't get over it, i am proud someone had the balls to fight him :cheers:

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