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MSNBC BREAKING NEWS: UK says 15 soldiers detained by Iranian navy


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Indeed, you're definitely the biggest, we'll just have to satisfy ourselves with being the best.
It ain't the 1800's any more, bro...the US Navy dwarfs its British counterpart. :) In fact, we're larger (in tonnage) than the next 17 largest Navies combined.

That's right, Brits. Our ****s are bigger.

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Why didn't the frigate fire onto the Iranian boats? Surely they must have a .50 cal.

Not being aware of the situation, you'd think they'd have some type of look-out watching their inflatable rafts to make sure nothing like this happens. Some Captain is never going to get a promotion now... heh.

I think the Brits might have been in rubber boats and possibly not equipped with a .50 cal. It does not appear the Brits were special ops. The Iranians, revolutionary guards it appears were in a patrol boat which very likely does have a .50 cal or similar gun. Too bad nobody could intervene and prevent it, either us or the Brits.

Unless of course this is the boat:doh:


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I think if you reread the article you will see that your second scattered thought does not describe the situation that actually happened. It looks like the Brits boarded a merchant ship, and were not allowed to leave.

From what I read the ship was in Iranian waters. Is that not correct?

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Correct me if I'm wrong... but your entire argument is that what the Iranians did is okay, because other nations do it to. And nobody should have the right to call them on it, because doing so would be hypocritical.

So I can come over to your house, kick you in the nuts... and tell you not to get upset about it because it's not nearly as bad as some of the violence going on around your area.

If you want your analogy to be accurate he'd have to go into your house and than you kick him in the nuts.

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BBC claims the ship was in Iraqi waters, we will see.....check the BBC link I think on page 2-3??

O.k., I see it.

Here's what I think is happening. The Iranians are trying to flex their muscles.

Show that they are capable of taking prisoners as well. The he said/she said of whether or not it's Iraqi or Iranian waters gives them an out to let the soldiers go without looking like they were pressured to do so. It allows them to send a message, let the soldiers go and not look like they did so out of fear.

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O.k., I see it.

Here's what I think is happening. The Iranians are trying to flex their muscles.

Show that they are capable of taking prisoners as well. The he said/she said of whether or not it's Iraqi or Iranian waters gives them an out to let the soldiers go without looking like they were pressured to do so. It allows them to send a message, let the soldiers go and not look like they did so out of fear.

Kind of like the whole thing with that Iraqi fighter pilot that shot the USS Stark with 2 exocet missiles in the 1980's. He got off scot free.

"Oh..it was a mistake."

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I for one say that it IS an act of war when we capture their Generals- IF we have captured their Generals. It could be that they were seeking asylum and fleeing the Mullah regime.

It is about time we deal with the Iranians once and for all. For 5 years now I have been saying that the time will come when Iran will get nuclear bombs- unless we stop them militarily. For five years we have seen the EU + 3 and the United Nations deal ineffectively on the political and diplomatic process.

For five years the Iranians laugh at the weakness of the West, outright stating they will annihilate Israel and destroy the United States. And we just go on with talking about Britney Spears and Paris Hilton :rolleyes:

As I laid out in detail yesterday- the Iranians have been at war with the West for 28 years now. It is about time we start fighting back.

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Me, I keep reading that Hezbollah has fired 3,000 rockets at Israel, and the rockets are made in Iran for Hezbollah.

And I read that we're capturing "IEDs" and weapons in Iraq that have manufacturer's data on them that say they were made in Iran only a few months earlier.

And I wonder why there haven't been simultaneous mysterious explosions at those two (or more) factories.

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Don't ever, ever, ever under-rate the Brits. There has been no more blood-thirsty, war-mongering island in the history of the world.

Look at their freaking empire for crying out loud... and that doesn't even include the 13 colonies


I pity those poor Iranian ****s. They're about to have a red hot poker shoved right up their asses with the Queen's name on the handle.

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"Thanks for the link. It looks like the UN actually did, after the invasion, decide to authorize folks to keep doing what they were going to do, anyway.

(Looks like another example of the courageous leadership of the UN, after military action has occurred without them, to claim to be leading what's going on. But at least it's better than nothing.)

And it was something I didn't know about. Thanks."

Yea, Larry it's just sad that here in the US we are not told the facts by our news anymore, Liberal or Conservative.......what happend to the good old days of "here are the FACTS, here are liberal and conservative views and now you figure out what you think?" Maybe someday journalism will have some integrity, but it's so slanted now you can't believe anything.

What a joke. New reports it, It runs in all major new papers and main stream press.

You never see it because your too busy getting news from a small source, and somehow it's the damns media's job for not telling you.

What did you want them to do? Lock you in a room and quiz you on the day's events?



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I for one say that it IS an act of war when we capture their Generals- IF we have captured their Generals. It could be that they were seeking asylum and fleeing the Mullah regime.

It is about time we deal with the Iranians once and for all. For 5 years now I have been saying that the time will come when Iran will get nuclear bombs- unless we stop them militarily. For five years we have seen the EU + 3 and the United Nations deal ineffectively on the political and diplomatic process.

For five years the Iranians laugh at the weakness of the West, outright stating they will annihilate Israel and destroy the United States. And we just go on with talking about Britney Spears and Paris Hilton :rolleyes:

As I laid out in detail yesterday- the Iranians have been at war with the West for 28 years now. It is about time we start fighting back.

What would you propose we do. Invade?

1. With what troops?

2. What would we do after the regime was taken down.

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You know it honestly doesn't look like Larry took a stance against the US or it's allies. Looks to me like he's poking fun at right wingers.

But in keeping with the theme: Funny how right wingers always consider themselves and their views as America, as if they were the sole representatives of the US of A.

I'm not taking a stance either way on this issue due to lack of information. However, I'd rather regularly align myself with the country that I love so much and that has done so much good for the world than to constantly take a stance against it. IMO, that makes one a bad American.

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What a joke. New reports it, It runs in all major new papers and main stream press.

You never see it because your too busy getting news from a small source, and somehow it's the damns media's job for not telling you.

What did you want them to do? Lock you in a room and quiz you on the day's events?



Wow,....struck a cord with you huh? Thanks for making yourself look like a jack*ss it saved me a few minutes.

All sarcasm aside it's just my opinion relax, I check allot of news sources daily from the US and the rest of the world.

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Wait, the Iranians have a Navy? :D

Lots of the gulf states have a Navy.

It's not a global, force-projection, navy. It's more of a "gung-ho Coast Guard" Navy. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Face it, if 95% of your country's GDP got shipped by sea, you'd have a navy, too. (Especially if all of your neighbors were middle eastern business competitors.)


Anecdote about the Iranian navy.

The Shah was in the process of spending a lot of oil money upgrading his navy when he lost power. The ships under construction got frozen (along with the money he was going to pay for them with.) Later, I was told that the ships were being completed and outfitted to become US ships, and were being referred to as the Ayatollah-class cruisers.

(I wonder if any of them are over there, now.)


Further note about the Iranian navy:

I've seen what look like really credible reports that, if a shooting war starts up over there, it's not a slam dunk that we could keep traffis flowing through the Persian Gulf.

While the Iranian Navy will never threaten to take control of the Atlantic, or even the Indian oceans, they do have the ability to be a very real threat when operating in restricted waters, close to shore support.

If there's a war, expect the price of oil to go up a lot, and to stay there for a good time. (And expect that we will take casualties.)

(Not saying it's not worth paying that price. But let's be aware of the price before we start.)

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Wow,....struck a cord with you huh? Thanks for making yourself look like a jack*ss it saved me a few minutes.

All sarcasm aside it's just my opinion relax, I check allot of news sources daily from the US and the rest of the world.

1st - I NEVER need help looking like a jack ass....:D

2nd - It does strike a cord. I'm so sick of the "Biased Press" blame. Major News outlets still print and report all stories. It just that we don't really want that. We want the press to report what we already agree on and don't want them to report anything that challanges us or our beleif system.

It's like elections. People always say they want to hear the issues and not the negitive advertisements, but no one watches C-span or the policy questions and debates, they do watch the 30 second sound bites, respond to the name calling, and then complain.

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1st - I NEVER need help looking like a jack ass....:D

2nd - It does strike a cord. I'm so sick of the "Biased Press" blame. Major News outlets still print and report all stories. It just that we don't really want that. We want the press to report what we already agree on and don't want them to report anything that challanges us or our beleif system.

It's like elections. People always say they want to hear the issues and not the negitive advertisements, but no one watches C-span or the policy questions and debates, they do watch the 30 second sound bites, respond to the name calling, and then complain.


You mean, the media (and politicians) are responding to market pressures, and are Doing What Works?

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1st - I NEVER need help looking like a jack ass....:D

2nd - It does strike a cord. I'm so sick of the "Biased Press" blame. Major News outlets still print and report all stories. It just that we don't really want that. We want the press to report what we already agree on and don't want them to report anything that challanges us or our beleif system.

It's like elections. People always say they want to hear the issues and not the negitive advertisements, but no one watches C-span or the policy questions and debates, they do watch the 30 second sound bites, respond to the name calling, and then complain.

Exactly, if people really wanted to hear politicians talk seriously about the issues and voted that way than that's what we'd hear. Politicians do the things that get them elected, fighting, 20 second sound bites and easy quips get them elected.

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