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Do you all consider Jon Stewart to be funny ?


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Absolutely yes. I think he's hilarious and smart as hell on top of it.
Indeed. I remember when everyone thought he was going to ruin the show after Craig Kilborn left, now I just can't see the show without Stewart at the helm.

Though, based on talking with other people I find either you find him hilarious, or you don't care for him at all.

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he's a pollitical hack guised as a comedian. Colbert, while it is obvious he satarizes conservatives, does so with taste and class. Stewart is just... well let me put it this way, yesterday i went to school earlier than necissary because i didn't want to hear him anymore.

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This will come out wrong...I am sure...but I have noticed that most people who find him unfunny tend to fall on the side of the Jim Carrey side of humor. They like in your face balls out type of humor. There is nothing wrong with that - I just find it tiring sometimes.

Stewart is more Monty Python lite...a lot of his humor being subtle (although Monty Python wasn't always subtle) and biting.

And yes, he's funny.

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Also, im sure he has writers on that show and not all of the jokes are his doing.

Actually, I think a lot of it is spontaneous, like when he has guests on the show - and I'll admit he's funny in those scenarios....it's kind of hard to script a guest interview

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Out of curiosity, what does Stewart do that is "distasteful"? I would argue that some of Colbert's stuff is equally as risque, if not more so in my opinion.

One example is when he makes jokes pertaining to injured or dying U.S. soldiers.

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Actually, I think a lot of it is spontaneous, like when he has guests on the show - and I'll admit he's funny in those scenarios....it's kind of hard to script a guest interview

Oh yea, that is all him. I was thinking the first 10 min of the show. But who knows, maybe he is the brain behind it all.

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I havent watched his show in a while, but I think as a comedian he is hillarious. I have seen some of his stand up act which is great and read a book by him called "Naked Pictures of Famous People" which is a riot.

The book is a compilation of short stories written by Stewart, and are framed as either personal letters/diaries of fmaous people or thrid party accounts of famous people. Some of the funnier ones are the account of a Jewish schoolmate of John Kennedy and his trip to the family compound where he proceeds to be tortured by the Kennedy's; the trio of brothers group "Hanson" (Mmmbop) annual Christmas letters written to the extended family by the mother, before during and after their success; and a legal/memo account of CBS producers trying to sign Lenny Bruce to a sitcom deal.

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One example is when he makes jokes pertaining to injured or dying U.S. soldiers.
Hm, really. I'll admit I haven't watched the show all that much of late, but that doesn't sound like the type of thing Stewart would do.

I'll have to start watching again.

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IMO Stewert and Colbert are both hilarious. I don't see how you could find one funny and one not because they share virtually the same writing staff.

Then again, if you don't believe in evolution, think the Bush administration is honest and are a die hard Republican, I can see why you wouldn't like the show because you're pretty much the butt of half the jokes.

Stewert has never joked about people dying. I don't know where you guys got that from but I watch the show all the time and mostly the jokes about Iraq are directed at the Bush administration and their pathetically obvious dishonest assessments. Obviously, the Bush administration getting 3000 of our servicemen killed under false pretences is no laughing matter. Stewert knows this.

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