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I think Campbell has way more potential than Ramsey though. Why not let Jason go into the offseason knowing he's the starter? Put his mind at ease knowing that he can concentrate more on the offense and chemistry with the starting unit. Lets just see what this kid can do for a whole season starting under center.
Man dont believe this bs. Why in the hell would we bring in someone to compete with Jason? It makes no dam sense. If they was to do this. It will shatter all of JC confidence. I hope JG is smarter than that.
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Keep in mind guys that we are reacting (in some cases overreacting) to a blind rumor about a trade that may or may not happen. It's also so vague that this could be made up for all we know to stir the pot. We might as well be playing "pin the tail on the donkey", at least then we'll know we're blindfolded.

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I really hope we dont trade Jason but it is possible. I remember when we drafted him Joe described him as a "value pic" looking for a good trader offer. But what is all this talk about jake plummer why him. He is no good anymore. He couldnt win a playoff game to save his life and hes already reached the point in his career where everything is down hill from here. I just dont see it happening but if it does we r gonna have some trouble ahead of us.

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I was wondering the same thing about the QB deal. It would nice if Brunell restructured his contract to better the skins and the cap. Since I don't think the skins will trade with any team what QB is out there that Gibbs thinks is better then a healthy MB? Someone who knows the offense and Gibbs likes.

More and more sources are reporting on the CB from Buffalo coming here.

What DE could they be specifically talking about? I really hope the skins still go DE in the draft.

QB is up in the air. It could be anybody, could be nobody. The corner is Clements, the D-lineman is Kerney. I am assuming that anyways because they are still talking about him w/ Clements and Fletcher. This all speculation obviously, and it depends on whether or not this thread is true. I'm not going to question it though, because a lot of the rumors that get posted wind up being right.

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Seriously, I don't really care for what Joe Gibbs has done since his return. In fact, I'll be the first to tell you he's done a terrible job. He has wasted draft picks, destroyed a good defense, brought in horrible free agents, shown an inability to adjust to modern coaching, etc. Despite all this, I'm willing to stick it out with him for another year. But, if we bring in a new QB, I will immediate call for his firing. We don't have the cap room to pay a starting QB, nor the ammo to trade for a good one. Jason Campbell is the only good thing he's done since he came here, and I'm not about to let him **** that up too.

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Don't ever talk about Gibbs that way again. The only thing Gibbs has done is lost a bit of confidence and stayed silent as our other coaches F### up this team.

He's the President of Football Operations.

The buck stops with him.

If the Redskins are screwed up, it's Joe Gibbs' fault and he'd be the first one to tell you that.

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Why not? why not put JC in and see if you really think he can lead the team. He did the exact same thing with Patrick Ramsey in his first year, and you know what, Patrick played better than Jason and was gone the next year to. Yes, Jason showed some potential, but like my last post, not enough to just hand him the starting job and not allow him to compete for it and prove he deserves to lead this team.

I agree, second and third hand information is as unreliable as they come but why not bring in another QB?

Campbell may get hurt or, hell, he maybe even bomb out and having someone you can bring in, in the case of either of these happening would not be hard to phantom.

If the guys aunt's, friend did hear this it is nothing unbelievable considering the fact that we have 4 QB's and we do not know what either one of them can do for an entire season.

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All these posts, and not one of you have mentioned Byron Leftwich. Now I firmly believe that JC is, and should be our guy, but if we're merely speculating, then we should certainly put his name in the pot. I know, I know, we didn't quite walk away winners in the Brunell deal, but Leftwich is a different story.

I mean the kid grew up bleeding burgandy and gold! He's got a cannon arm, which the Saunders system calls for, and on top of that, it sounds more and more likely he's gonna be available for the right price.

But again, I 110% support Jason Campbell and his progression as our starter. Plus, I'm sure we don't have the ammo neccesary to snag Leftwich. If you ask me, without a doubt Leftwich would be my #1 target at QB if I weren't happy with JC.

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Am I the only one that's reading this as 3 year old information?

I got the same feeling when I first read the post. I hope they don't get another QB to compete for the starting job. Campbell is the QB for the forseeable and long-term future of this team. They can't afford to mess up at that position.

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JC is our starter, period. If in some flukey way they trade him, then and only then i would not watch the skins play as long as JG is coach. I painfully watched boonell for 2 1/2 yrs, and the thought of trading away a potential franchise qb for some other teams has been would put me over the top.

I have longed for the days i could put on a skins jersey with the name of our franchise qb ( elway), ( marino) and have it for 10+ yrs.

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They are trading away a QB not bringing one in....MB is going to be traded to Houston.

Hmmm... Everyone on here, myself included, thought the QB deal being made would be us bringing one in. Nobody else thought it could be us shipping one out. I see that as a possibilty cuz Mark said he wanted to see if he could start somewhere else, and Houston is shopping Carr around.

I think Mark still has the ability to be a capable back-up though. I'm thankful for him helping us sweep Dallas and getting us to the playoffs, but if he goes I won't be too upset, nor will anybody else here. If he does go, the Skins better find a good back-up asap.

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Hmmm... Everyone on here, myself included, thought the QB deal being made would be us bringing one in. Nobody else thought it could be us shipping one out. I see that as a possibilty cuz Mark said he wanted to see if he could start somewhere else, and Houston is shopping Carr around.

Well, if anyone wants Brunell, I guess it would be Houston. After all, they witnessed first hand as Brunell executed 23 consecutive successful dump-off passes against them.

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