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I LOVE J. Campbell


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My sig says it all. The raw talent protuding from Jason was apparent a mile off, in my eyes. He is pure genius...

Maybe, but he can't box for **** :)

And for God's sake, one of you local guys let Campbell know his 'raw talent' is protruding. That could be, like, totally embarrassing!

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I'm optimistic, it's just that when the game was there to be won, it wasn't. Catching up is one thing, taking the lead when the game is on the line is another, and I would have liked to see him do that tonight.

And yes, the playcalling was sketchy.

I understand. I'm sure we all would have liked to see him pull that one out (and to stop throwing short passes into the dirt), but to see as much from him as we already had in one game is enough to be content for the off-season. For the kid to take a hit like he did and come back with such gusto, and to make the plays like he did... it's enough to be promising.

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I'm optimistic, it's just that when the game was there to be won, it wasn't. Catching up is one thing, taking the lead when the game is on the line is another, and I would have liked to see him do that tonight.

And yes, the playcalling was sketchy.

Talk about high expectations. Give the guy a break. He got no reps until they stuck him in in the middle of the season. Now he's played what, 6 games? He's on a dysfunctional team in a meaningless game. The fact that he slugged it out as long as he did was tremendous. It's the rare first year QB that wins the game in that situation. Very rare.

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Jason did have a couple of bad passes in the dirt.However,I saw him make 2 touch passes I hadn't seem him make before tonight.One to Moss and the other to Randle-El ,both along the sidelines where he lofted the ball nicely.To me that shows improvement in an area that he needs to improve in.He also showed a little more of his mobility tonight.The one where escaped 4 defenders and the sack was great and the td pass to Betts when he was flushed out the pocket showcased his athletic ability.Would really have like to have seen that screen to Betts on that last drive.Thought the play calls and the use of Patton on 2 plays in a row were curious at best.

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Jason did have a couple of bad passes in the dirt.However,I saw him make 2 touch passes I hadn't seem him make before tonight 1 to Moss and the other to Rndle-El both along the sidelines.To me that shows improvement.He also showed a little more of his mobility tonight.The one where escaped 4 defenders was great and the td pass to Betts when he was flushed out showcased his athletic ability.

I noticed those too, so you're right, he does seem to be improving. Hopefully its like Rypien's penchant for coughing up the ball when hit - it'll just go away with drills and more intensive coaching and practice.

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I don't know if I would go w/ the "L" word yet:silly: , but he is gonna be good next season(fingers crossed). I like his arm strength and deep throws..but I agree w/others about the balls in the dirt on those short yardage throws. I don't think thinking you MAY get intercepted if U overthrow your target warrants the # of times this has occured. I'm much more comfortable w/him at the helm tho. He's definitely a Keeper!:applause:

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Campbell is the FUTURE...Period!!!

The guy could have went into the tank after he almost had his head knocked off but he stayed tuff....

and went 9-9 at one point.....

He had some throws in the dirt tonight but im glad he has that habit of keeping the ball down because its less likely to result in a tipped INT...

Alot of guys have to be taught to keep the ball down..he just has to get it up and trust his guy will get it....Id rather have that than an overthrow...

He also had those two great runs that were sick....:cheers::cheers:

He gave Pierce the Heisman Stiff arm and kept it moving....

Moss dropped a deep ball and Randle El was interfered with on another sure shot so it could have been better....

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Jason could have had 4 TDs tonight if we didn't run the ball.The point is we put up 28 points two weeks in a row.You should not lose games you put 28 points on the board.iJS will be fine our offense will be fine.We have to worry about our defense right now.

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JC was solid overall...again, no picks!

I don't know what Saunders was thinking at the end by putting Patten in there. If that was Moss, it's six. That last pass to ARE would have been caught for a first down if not for the great D by the Giants defender.

We might have won if not for that HORSE MANURE PI call on ST that basically GAVE the Giants a TD.

The future is bright with JC...looking forward to a great season next year! :cheers:

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I love how he played until the 0 for 4 on the last drive.I just wish he could have looked a little better at the end.I wish his last drive was that TD to Sellers.

That drive was'nt his fault b/c they were 2 minutes and something on the clock and we could have ran atleast 2-3 or 3-4 running plays to set up the pass.Tonight Cambell was unstoppable when they ran the ball to set up the pass.Thank about it they completly went away from running the ball in the 2nd to the mid 3rd quarter and Cambell did'nt do that good.Then when they finally went back to the running game Cambell was on target with his passes.


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Jason was fantastic. Anyone blaming him for "choking" on the last drive isn't looking at the bigger picture, and they like to forget that the defender made an unbelievable play and that that throw was fantastic.

Campbell's grade from me for today: A/A-

For the season: B+

He's everything that I expected, but today just gave me a lot more confidence going into the next season, especially when Randle-El is at number two.

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I think the best thing about Jason (and there were alot of good things last night) is the he knows he has to get better, and is willing to do everything under the sun to get better. The guy has alot of talent. he's moblie, physical (god, I loved that run for the first down where he stiff-armed a DE and Peirce to the ground!) and has a great arm with alot of touch. But he also has the mentality to get better and work his ass off. That you cant teach, and seperates the good from the great.

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I like him, he moves well, he's strong in the pocket and has a great arm. My only question on last night was: with just over 2 mins left in the last quarter why not start with the run and make the first downs, we had plenty of time and a time out and the 2 min warning, we should have controlled the clock and the game. My issue is with the play calling not JC

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