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Champ Bailey Wants to Return?


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Guest sith lord

Why in God's name would he want to come back to the train wreck called the Redskins? Word to Champ; you'll have a better chance of winning a SB in Denver because it ain't happening in DC.

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This is a secondhand rumor, but I heard that one of the local sportscasters a couple of weeks ago reported that Champ Bailey wants to return to Washington. Anyone hear anything about this?


Are you kidding? After this year, why would anyone want to come here.
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Are you kidding? After this year, why would anyone want to come here.

  • A new young QB gainiing experience and poise
  • An offensive line beginning to gel and take over games
  • A second string RB gaining 120 yards a game
  • A team that is probably two or three defensive players away goinig into the off season
  • An excelent coaching staff
  • A place where you are beloved by most

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While I am not an insider, I would think this is 0% chance.

I am not shooting the messager, but I feel stupid even replying to this thread.

The rumor came from my wife. She recalls that it was the 5:00 p.m. WRC-4 TV sportscaster that reported it. Not sure which one that is, since I'm rarely home by then.

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Take it from me. I read the Denver Post every day, and I don't think he wants to return. It would be like Elway going to the , then, Baltimore Colts after he'd been in Denver a season or two. Bailey is like the 2nd coming out this direction. Won't happen.

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Why in God's name would he want to come back to the train wreck called the Redskins? Word to Champ; you'll have a better chance of winning a SB in Denver because it ain't happening in DC.

He'll be watching the playoffs from home alongside us this year, anyway.

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