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i hate fedex


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I'm the loudest guy in my section (whatever section I happen to be sitting that particular week), and nobody once has ever told me to quiet down, or sit down, etc. But on the other hand, I don't bang stuff against seats, and I don't stand during plays unless the person in front of me is standing.

If you want to stand during a play, get a seat with a wall behind you. There are plenty of times I'd like to stand, but I don't because it's friggin' rude when you know there are people sitting behind you.

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Here is my confession. I love sports. I watch sports constantly. I watch every NFL game that I can. I watch as many MLB games as I can. I bet on sports (shhhhh). Two years ago, I attended games in 8 Major League baseball stadiums. This summer, I saw games in ten minor league stadiums. I've been to games in 5 NFL stadiums, about 15 MLB stadiums, about 20 different basketball/hockey arenas. I've been to the NCAA basketball tourney. I've been to too many college football games to count.

And I don't really cheer. Every once in a while, I will get caught up in the emotion of a really great game and make some noise in the last period. But that's rare. I love to sit and soak in the atmosphere. I love to lean forward and really study the plays. (At baseball games, I am the nerd with the scorecard keeping book).

On third downs, when my team is on defense, I will clap some. I will stand and applaud scores or really terrific plays. But that's about it.

I don't think this makes me a bad fan.

And this leads to my number one pet peeve: The idiot in every section of every stadium I have ever been in who decides that he is choir director. I have a deep desire to shoot every person who has ever screamed, "Make some noise!!" at me. I don't want to make some noise. I paid for my ticket (usually) and I am here to be entertained. I'm not part of the show.

By the way, I feel the same way when rock stars or rappers or whoever start giving me instructions from the stage. "You put your hands in the air, Snoop!"

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And this leads to my number one pet peeve: The idiot in every section of every stadium I have ever been in who decides that he is choir director. I have a deep desire to shoot every person who has ever screamed' date=' "Make some noise!!" at me. I don't want to make some noise.[/quote']

:2cents:While I applaud your statute as a 'quiet' fan, don't percieve that every time someone rallying up the crowd around him (or her) is an idiot...although I believe I get what you are trying to say; Respect people for the fact that they are quiet fans...and that it does not mean that are not faithful fans.

My children and I are loud, proud fans by choice. I don't care if there are people around me that don't scream...they respect the fact that I am loud, and I respect the fact that they are quiet. Never cross words between us in that respect.

This thread was started to address fans issues / concerns at FEDEX (and MODS should probably merge it with the other I hate fedex and other observations).

Posted by HulyYou may pay for ticket you're sitting in but you don't pay for the seat you are banging on and being a nuisance. If no one has a problem with you banging on your seat or others around you, then fine. But the moment someone asks you to stop you STOP! I don't think this is a hard thing to grasp

Unfortunately, for some it is too hard to grasp...they lack the self control and cooth. And those are usually the ones who will tell you to ****off. I have seen that before. Those are the ones the ushers need to watch and enforce the rules of the stadium (against vulgarities).
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And I don't really cheer. Every once in a while' date=' I will get caught up in the emotion of a really great game and make some noise in the last period. But that's rare. I love to sit and soak in the atmosphere. I love to lean forward and really study the plays. (At baseball games, I am the nerd with the scorecard keeping book).

On third downs, when my team is on defense, I will clap some. I will stand and applaud scores or really terrific plays. But that's about it.

I don't think this makes me a bad fan.

And this leads to my number one pet peeve: The idiot in every section of every stadium I have ever been in who decides that he is choir director. I have a deep desire to shoot every person who has ever screamed, "Make some noise!!" at me. I don't want to make some noise. I paid for my ticket (usually) and I am here to be entertained. I'm not part of the show.


Ahh, you're the analytical fan. You watch the football game like you're watching a chess game. And that's cool, I totally understand that and respect that, because there are definitely nuances to the game that you will miss if you're bouncing around and cheering like an "idiot."

P.S. By the way, I'm not screaming at you, I'm just screaming at the crowd in general. And I always sit down before the snap. Please don't shoot me.

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And I don't really cheer. Every once in a while' date=' I will get caught up in the emotion of a really great game and make some noise in the last period. But that's rare. I love to sit and soak in the atmosphere. I love to lean forward and really study the plays. (At baseball games, I am the nerd with the scorecard keeping book).

On third downs, when my team is on defense, I will clap some. I will stand and applaud scores or really terrific plays. But that's about it.

I don't think this makes me a bad fan.

And this leads to my number one pet peeve: The idiot in every section of every stadium I have ever been in who decides that he is choir director. I have a deep desire to shoot every person who has ever screamed, "Make some noise!!" at me. I don't want to make some noise. I paid for my ticket (usually) and I am here to be entertained. I'm not part of the show.[/quote']

That's actually a good point. Sometimes, you just need to sit down and soak it in. If the mood strikes you, then get up and cheer, clap or whatever.

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I had this Bears fan behind me tell me to stop banging on the empty seat next to me. I told him we are on third down and be loud. I ignored him the rest of the time. I guess I coulda gotten kicked out, but whatever. If that's the penalty I have to pay for putting soo much effort into this horrible season, so be it. He kept saying "stop banging" and I was thinking "what, so you can hear the rest of the noise around you?"

Most of my friends I go with are the quiet fans, cheer on third down if even, otherwise just clap. I don't mind that. I just hate the people who just don't do anything at all. At least clap your hands or something. I mean, once the play starts, I stop making noise and pay attention.

What's wrong with being the "idiot" choir director? Every section needs some of them or they will not be loud to be honest. And it's unfair to call them all idiots.

Can we start a petition to Snyder or something, with all the complaints that keep happening? He really needs to learn how to be more fan friendly.

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Can we start a petition to Snyder or something, with all the complaints that keep happening? He really needs to learn how to be more fan friendly.

But, there's the rub right there! The terms "Snyder" and "fan-friendly" just don't mix. All he cares about is making money. If you get tired of his schtik, he's willing to say, "Fine," because of the 100,000-persons-plus waiting list. As long as the Skins are a profitable franchise, at the end of the day, he gets what he wants, no matter the complaints from the fans. This is a big reason why you see more and more fans of the opposition invading our stadium. It's really a sad commentary on the state of this organization right now.

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i was not throwing a temper tantrum i was making noise, slamming seats is one of the best ways to make noise was not trying to break anything, computers and tvs don't make noise like chairs, i got thrown out twice cause i went back to a different gate and showed my ticket and one of the CSC guys let me back in. Mercury no actually i wasnt doing anything else and i wasnt the only oe thrown out, i was in section 223, the people in front of me told me to be quiet and i ignored them and they called security

If someone in front of you asked you to be quiet you should have shown some respect for him or her and done it. Fedex field isn't your personal play ground and just because you pay for a ticket doesn't give you the right to act like an ass. Do what you want as long as it doesn't interfere with someone else’s ability to enjoy the game. Common courtesy is dead in today’s world.

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If someone in front of you asked you to be quiet you should have shown some respect for him or her and done it. Fedex field isn't your personal play ground and just because you pay for a ticket doesn't give you the right to act like an ass. Do what you want as long as it doesn't interfere with someone else’s ability to enjoy the game. Common courtesy is dead in today’s world.

It's a football game not the Polo grounds. I had people behind me yelling "SIT DOWN" to me and the 4 rows in front of me when the Eagles were near our goal line. Seriously if that is your attitude stay home where you can control that stuff. As for me I'm going to be up screaming that's why we get tickets on the goal line, so we can be loud.

If they want all nice crap go to the yellow seats there seem to be plenty of them empty.

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The Redskins provide you with a seat to use for it's designed purpose....to sit in it. You don't own the seat, you purchase the right to "sit" in it. Your ticket does not entitle you to treat someone else's property anyway you chose as long as it's in the spirit of supporting the Redskins. You may think it's "indestructable", but I assure you the people who have to replace broken seats may feel differently. But the bottom line is that it's not yours, so learn to follow rules.

Learn to whistle loudly, or use your own voice to make noise....and please don't sit in my section. I HATE the "seat bangers", because the truth is that noise hasn't helped our defense very much this year. The constant "seat bangers" love to think that they are responsible for EVERY false start that the opponents make. If that's the case, then why do home teams still have false starts?

Sorry to inform you all that you're not quite as vital to the performance of the team as you may think! We're 4-9!

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Ahh, you're the analytical fan. You watch the football game like you're watching a chess game. And that's cool, I totally understand that and respect that, because there are definitely nuances to the game that you will miss if you're bouncing around and cheering like an "idiot."

P.S. By the way, I'm not screaming at you, I'm just screaming at the crowd in general. And I always sit down before the snap. Please don't shoot me.

As long as you are not relentless.

I was at - of all things - a Nationals game two years ago. There were maybe 15,000 people there. And this idiot two rows down basically yelled at me all night for standing up when he wanted me to.

(By the way, watching a game with me (particularly in an upper deck seat) is usually interesting because I used to break down game film with college coaches and can generally see a play develop a second before everyone else. If you here me say, "Uh oh," you know that Reggie Brown is about to break free on a 60 yard catch. When I say, "Look out" ARE is about to throw a pass).

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In college, I used to work at an outdoor ampitheatre like Nissan Pavilion (but not Nissan Pavilion...every city has the same thing now).

Anyway, it's amazing to me how people interpret a ticket these days. It's no longer entrance to an event. It's a right to do whatever you in a world with no consequences. I've actually had Lynyrd Skynyrd fans who were in the middle of turning folding chairs into bonfires that "It's their right to do this."

A ticket to the game does not give you a property right in the stadium. Maybe the price is so much that it feels that way, but I've seen the same thing at minor league games that charge $5 a ticket. Price is not the issue. People just seem to feel that the ticket is a "get out of jail free" card. I'm not sure - historically - when that idea germinated.

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I think the reason so many fans butt heads is it seems there are two camps. One that will go to the game to be entertained and to be a third party to the events on the field.

Then there is another group that wants to be involved with what happens on the field. To feel the had some small hand in the outcome.

These 2 groups irritate the crap out of each other, some in each group take it to far. Then you have either the ushers involved or fights.

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I think the reason so many fans butt heads is it seems there are two camps. One that will go to the game to be entertained and to be a third party to the events on the field.

Then there is another group that wants to be involved with what happens on the field. To feel the had some small hand in the outcome.

These 2 groups irritate the crap out of each other, some in each group take it to far. Then you have either the ushers involved or fights.

The problem is, while the second group is better (yes, I said it - the fans that are involved give a bigger homefield advantage than the fans who go to just be entertained), the first group is usually the ones that have the money to afford season tickets. Factor in the club seats sold to even wealthier folks and corporations..

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I don't understand all of this conflict with other patrons and ushers.

I go to every game. I drink moderately. I stand and scream on 3rd down defensive stands and I'll slap the seat back in front of me if it's empty. All of the above, and I've never once had anybody tell me to sit down or be quiet.

My theory as to why so many on this board have game day conflict with other attendies, secuRity etc. is as follows: Many of the above posters are the one to two game a year type of attendies. Some of these individuals get sloppy drunk, act violent and obnoxius, drop F bombs and think that the whole world is conspiring against them b/c they paid a $100 for a ticket and the Redskins are losing.

Just because your Extreme doesn't give you the right to act like a classless Philly fan. I'd much rather have all of you E.S.ers around me than corporate stuff shirts who get up and walk in front of me during an offensive play, but not if your gonna be an A hole about it.

I think the real E.S. ers who are there every Sunday are beyond acting like fools, because the game is our experience for everyone to share. You learn how to act if you've been there before and seen how obnoxius the rookie or infrequently attending fans can be.

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The problem is, while the second group is better (yes, I said it - the fans that are involved give a bigger homefield advantage than the fans who go to just be entertained), the first group is usually the ones that have the money to afford season tickets. Factor in the club seats sold to even wealthier folks and corporations..

There is so much factored into home field advantage besides fans. Sleeping in your own bed, not traveling the day before, etc. Yes, the fans do play a role, but I think at most stadiums it's a little over rated. Seatle has a stadium acoustically designed to benefit the Seahawks. Fed Ex is not one of those stadiums. Yes, I know there are 92K +, but there's also nothing to keep the sound in.

If Fed Ex had such a home field advantage, we wouldn't be 3-4. The fact is that the players aren't performing, and banging on a seat, yelling, or sitting on your hands is not really having too much of an effect on it either way. After the snap, the noise stops......and the problems begin.

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Then there is another group that wants to be involved with what happens on the field. To feel the had some small hand in the outcome.

This is a phenomenom of the last 20 years or so. As a kid, I don't ever remember people rating the performance of the fans. Now, you can't talk about a game without someone begging the fans to be more active. I really don't get it. I can think of about three plays in NFL history where fan noise actually made a difference.

I blame free agency.

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Well, they can say your damaging property, so your lucky they werent worse and tried to lock you up. Just yell or something, same difference, and wont get you in trouble. Also, I left at about 1:30, after they kneeled it, I knew what the end was coming down to so I said screw it and left.

Still had fun though, it was my first game afterall.

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I don't understand all of this conflict with other patrons and ushers.

I go to every game. I drink moderately. I stand and scream on 3rd down defensive stands and I'll slap the seat back in front of me if it's empty. All of the above, and I've never once had anybody tell me to sit down or be quiet.

My theory as to why so many on this board have game day conflict with other attendies, secuRity etc. is as follows: Many of the above posters are the one to two game a year type of attendies. Some of these individuals get sloppy drunk, act violent and obnoxius, drop F bombs and think that the whole world is conspiring against them b/c they paid a $100 for a ticket and the Redskins are losing.

Just because your Extreme doesn't give you the right to act like a classless Philly fan. I'd much rather have all of you E.S.ers around me than corporate stuff shirts who get up and walk in front of me during an offensive play, but not if your gonna be an A hole about it.

I think the real E.S. ers who are there every Sunday are beyond acting like fools, because the game is our experience for everyone to share. You learn how to act if you've been there before and seen how obnoxius the rookie or infrequently attending fans can be.

I go to every home game.

I can't drink. I dont scream curse words as there might be kids around.

I know when to be loud and dont need some stupid fan tips on the minitron to tell me how to be a fan.

I have been told by ushers to sit down and be quiet during third downs.

Explain that.


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Many of the above posters are the one to two game a year type of attendies. Some of these individuals get sloppy drunk, act violent and obnoxius, drop F bombs and think that the whole world is conspiring against them b/c they paid a $100 for a ticket and the Redskins are losing. I think the real E.S. ers who are there every Sunday are beyond acting like fools, because the game is our experience for everyone to share. You learn how to act if you've been there before and seen how obnoxius the rookie or infrequently attending fans can be.

WHOA, hold on there cowboy...lol. I am a relatively new ES'er, and I used to be a once or twice a year attendee, though not by choice! This is the first year i have made it to most of the games...even went to the Linc....OUCH...Maybe I got a little drunk, (ok, I did....lol) but never rude! I was a rookie not too very long ago! I suspect you refer to a very small portion of the individuals who attend, and I also suspect that if you look at the age group of those individuals, that should suffice as an explanation. Not getting on you, just posting my thoughts! All in good ES fun!

Mark The Homer...And I always sit down before the snap. Please don't shoot me.
I agree, I do the same. it's just being courteous! I don't think I mentioned that before! sometimes I leave out some of my thoughts....old age kicking in...lol But still young at heart!
I dont scream curse words as there might be kids around.

I have been told by ushers to sit down and be quiet during third downs.:logo:

Thank you....someone who respects that there ARE in fact children there....I always bring at least one of mine with me (aged 4-10)

Why the heck would an usher tell ANYONE to sit down and shut up? I don't get it either. Am I mistaken, or doesn't the jumbotron ENCOURAGE noise when the opposing team is on the offense? 12th man and all that! The only time I see anything related to being quiet is when it says "Quiet, offense at work". Maybe I am missing something too!

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I go to every home game.

I can't drink. I dont scream curse words as there might be kids around.

I know when to be loud and dont need some stupid fan tips on the minitron to tell me how to be a fan.

I have been told by ushers to sit down and be quiet during third downs.

Explain that.


Well, it doesn't sound like you act afool, so I don't see why the ushers would tell you to sit down or be quiet. Unless you were standing directly in front of the wheel

chair platform, you shouldn't ever be told to sit. I don't have an explaination for you bro. I can only hope it doesn't happen again.:doh:

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