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i hate fedex


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re: the new Cowboys stadium, I think the coolest thing about it is that huge video screen that faces the parking lots. The one inside isn't bad either.

But I say you gotta go with a grass field.

Therefore, my opinion is the new Cowboys Stadium sucks.

:dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

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re: the new Cowboys stadium, I think the coolest thing about it is that huge video screen that faces the parking lots. The one inside isn't bad either.

But I say you gotta go with a grass field.

Therefore, my opinion is the new Cowboys Stadium sucks.

:dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

The only problem with your grass-field theory -- one with which I agree, by the way -- is that because of that roof, they'd have a problem maintaining the grass given the way the sun would shine over it, i.e., some parts would get more sun than others. Plus, the way that new artificial surface is designed today, it's almost as soft as grass.

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dude nobody is going to hear your seat slamming except for the people around you. try screaming or clapping your hand next time.....dummy!:doh:

when do you do your thesis on the acoustics of football stadiums? actually the lower pitch the sound the further it will carry so clapping won't really carry,

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The only problem with your grass-field theory -- one with which I agree, by the way -- is that because of that roof, they'd have a problem maintaining the grass given the way the sun would shine over it, i.e., some parts would get more sun than others. Plus, the way that new artificial surface is designed today, it's almost as soft as grass.

Oh, no doubt. So then you have to have a totally different stadium design then what they're planning in Texas.

As far as the structure and design, I think I'd go with a combination of what we have now, and what we had at RFK: 1) Keep the southern side of the stadium low enough so adequate direct sunlight hits the grass field. 2) Put a roof or a cover over the northern half of the stadium so at least some of us can enjoy protection from the rain and snow.

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Wow we went from I hate FEDEX to opinions about the new Cowgirls stadium...:laugh:

:2cents: At any rate, I have read through so many of the posts regarding the different experiences fans have had at FEDEX. I am not posting to chide anyone, nor discount the validity of any complaint.

I have been to a mere 7 games at FEDEX over the past 1 1/2 years, so my experience is limited. But I was recently ejected, along with my daughter, for smoking on what I believed to be a ramp by the stadiums definition, then cursing the hell out of the usher who had pushed me soley for the purpose of getting my attention (yes I pushed him back too!) While we can all appreciate that there are some problems with the rules, regulations, and the staffs enforcement of (or lack thereof), and of course some of the beaucratic bull, we as fans must look in the mirror and ask yourselves...Was I right, or was I wrong? And keep in mind that drinking alcohol diminishes our ability to think clearly. With that in mind, if you are 99% sure that you did nothing wrong, then make a formal complaint (I did). Names, dates, locations, etc always help. But if there is any doubt in your own mind that you MAY have violated a specific rule, then suck it up as a lesson learned.

But the rules are very general...one will be ejected if they are:

Displaying inconsiderate or otherwise inappropriate behavior towards others.

Using foul language.

Appearing intoxicated.

Throwing any objects.

Violating the smoking policy.

Failing to follow the instructions of FedExField representatives and/or the police

Pretty much gives the staff the ability to throw one out for picking their nose in front of someone who thinks its inappropriate!

I hardly ever get the same seats, so I am always around different fans at each game. I have not yet had a problem with other fans that would even remotely legitimize me making a complaint. Maybe I am lucky thus far.

Point of note...it may not be that FEDEX needs more security, but they need to be depoyed more strategically and they need to be properly trained and have resources immediately available to them.

And I'll tell you something funny...each of my children knows HTTR (they range from 4-10)...and they have actually started singing HTTR and the other fans around joined in! And all 5 of them will be with me for the Dec 30th game...be ready!They are very proud fans!

Am I out of line here? Somewhat on track? Don't hold back your opinion, because remember, opinions are like......you know the rest!

:logo: HTTR...maybe next year folks!

(edit) oops I meant to add....we are all Skins fans...cept for those intruders...we have a common bond, use it! Ain't no sense in the hostilities towards each other. (probably a useless statement, but......)

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I get my tickets from a guy who doesn't use them - so they're not in my name. Sooo... until my number comes up or I make other arrangements, it's the game day lottery! Will it be a) the quartet of drunk guys who screamed "ref you suck!" at the top of their lungs the entire game, B) the quartet holding up the blanket in front of everyone's faces during the game so they could take pictures of it, c) fans who holler, support, don't swear nonstop, and sing HTTR ALL THE WAY THROUGH! :laugh: (that's never happened). Sadly, for most of this year the surrounding seats were empty. Sad, but comfy.

So where's your section skinsjunkie? I can sneak over, unless the crack fedup field staff will bust me. :paranoid:

Wow. Never??? I feel we must get you a better experience! :D I'm in Section 435 about halfway up. And we are quiet when we need to be - very into the game, but holler, support and sing HTTR all the way through - EVERYTIME! In fact we usually dance a little (at least my butt does!) while we are singing it - nothing like the Funky Four though so no worries there - we are just passionate about it. :silly: And there's very little swearing going on too. We really do, for the most part, police ourselves over there. If the "F" words start flying, all you have to do is of turn and give a look like "where did that come from?" and it usually stops. LOL. I've had to hit my husband once or twice this season for letting one or two slip, but it's been a tough season and I try not to hit too hard. :D And they don't check for tickets up where we are. ;) We've had a full section up until the game against the Eagles - we had 5 seats in our row empty for that one. But still it's a good section -even the regular Eagles fans aren't too bad there. LOL. We do have a lot of opposing fans in the very top rows though sometimes - but we hold our own....well except last week - that I'm not even going to go into. :doh: I'm trying to block that one out of my memory.

We are heading down to the lower bowl for the Giants game - so we'll have to wait for next season. But next season we must do something about this MontanaRed - anything for a sister or brother of the Burgundy and Gold! :cheers:

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