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i hate fedex


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I don't know if you should have necessarily been kicked out, but slamming your seat or another's is ridiculous. You can can certainly cheer your team on without resorting to being a jerk.

How do you feel about pennies in a plastic bottle?? Now that makes some noise. Much more effective than hitting the seats.

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This guy next to me in 454 likes to bank an empty plastic beer bottle against the back of the empty seat in front of him -- very effective in making noise. I'm just glad I'm not the guy sitting next to the seat. The noise is loud enough to damage your hearing if you're too close. One game the guy sitting in the next seat asked him to stop. He did, although reluctantly...

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How do you feel about pennies in a plastic bottle?? Now that makes some noise. Much more effective than hitting the seats.

Acutally this will get you thrown out faster then banging a seat. Here is logic. When you get a soda in club section they take the top away from you as they don't want people throwing full bottles on the field, but you get a bottled water with the sport top on it, now that is logic. But if you really want to be an idiot all you have to do is order a corona and you actually get a glass bottle. They just don't get it and that is one issue. And if you try to complain, who do you go to. They have never responded to complaints yet alone solved them. Banging on the empty seat next to you should not be a punishable offense, just a simple kind reminder from one of the many event staf should be suffcient. If they just won games then that seat would not be empty and the voices alone would make all of the noise.

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I have never been asked to sit down. But I do hate when I go to FED EX and its like pulling teeth trying to get people to stand up in cheer. Also cant stand the guy that brings his kid to the game just to be on his phone the whole time. (poor kid). The kids are more of a fan than their parents. As a season ticket holder this is the worst I have seen it. Its not even fun to go to the games anymore. It might be time to turn them in and watch it at home with the REAL FANS.

Welcome to my world! I'm definitely not seeing on the field what I'm paying for. And the atmosphere there has deteriorated considerably.

i hate when people walk during plays, like back and forth back and forth.. always the same people

I'm at the point where, since I sit near the end, I make people wait until the play is over, then I let them leave or return to their seats. One woman called me "dictatorial" yesterday when I did that to her, but it's a matter of common courtesy. Of course, she was an Eagles fan.

Money, the rich, and greed has torn this franchise apart!


I spent the whole game making sure that philly fans didn't turn FedEx into the linc.:doh:

There was no way ANYONE in my section was going to be singing "Fly Eagles Fly."

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:2cents: Sounds to me like some people just think that they should be able to drive in and drive out of FEDEX and not encounter traffic! Someone mentioned 90K + fans trying to get in and out...Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that there may be delays. Arrive early, leave late! We live a little over 150 miles away, are there by 0730, and usually don't leave until 2-3 hours after the game. It's just called having patience. Our typical game day (when we go) starts at @ 0400 and usually lasts about 16 hours if we stay local for the night, longer if we drive straight home.

:( :wtf:Was very disapointed to see all the empty seats / early departures yesterday. My daughter and I stayed in our seats till time ran out! Anything could have happened, and we stayed to support our team! True fans stick it out.

:eaglesuck Surprisingly, not one Eagles fan we sat next to, talked to, or otherwise encountered, was as inconsiderate, rude, obnoxious, or otherwise distasteful as the ones we encountered at the Linc.

At one point when my (7 y/o) daughter was standing on her seat, screaming at the top of her lungs, and an usher came over and told her to get down. I said "you've got to be kidding me, she's standing up to see over the fans standing in front of her", and he left us alone. But it was still puzzling.

Beating bottles on a seat, pennies in a bottle...probably can be quite nerve racking after a bit if you are sitting right next to it! Ol' fashioned yelling at the top of your lungs and clapping:applause: ...that should always be encouraged...standing up? should never be discouraged....

(edit) After reading what MTH wrote, I agree....it is rude....until EVERYBODY is standing to cheer the moment! I think we can all agree on that. I think we an pretty much anticipate when most people will stand up. The point is...a moment of standing in the exhileration of the moment is expected. Those people are not trying to be rude, and even when I do, in that moment of exhileration, I am always concious of those behind me, especially if I know that there is someone behind me that may not be able to, or just prefers not to, stand. I sometimes stand for a brief few seconds, holler, look around, and sit my butt right back down to watch the play unfold. Now if everyone is standing....what sense is it to sit?

Just my thoughts.....

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You really need to take that to management. There are a LOT of mixed signals going on here. This is why they're losing fans and seeing seats going to fans of opposing teams. Where were you sitting?

No kidding I felt I was at the Linc yesterday, so many dam fans in the stadium. I will add though the eagle fans were not as bad as before, they were actually a lot of fun it least near my section.

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I had season tickets last year and one time I went with my cousin. He was standing up trying to make noise as the Redskins were trying to stop the opposing team on 3rd down and I heard some people behind him yelling for him to "sit the F down". Unbelievable.

It was my cousin's first Redskins game, but he was very disappointed with the whole experience. He goes to UVA and he says at those games, no one EVER sits down.

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Dude, they only throw out the drunk obnoxious people...

I have been to 8 games in the past two years and have stood up to cheer and yelled at the top of my lungs, never once has anyone said a thing to me...

ut FedEx does suck, it was so empty today yet again.

You are wrong here. I have seen many people kicked out for just standing and screaming. It all depends on what mood the staff is in that day.

Slamming someone's seat is annoying. It's guys like you that keep some fans from going to the games. You say the people in front of you told you to knock it off? That should have been enough reason for you to stop! If you can't go to a game and act like a civilized human being then, yes, you should be kicked out.

We pay just as much for our ticket as the next person. We should be able to make as much noise as we want. It is not like we are at a movie.

How do you feel about pennies in a plastic bottle?? Now that makes some noise. Much more effective than hitting the seats.

Pez almost got kicked out for that. They yelled at him for the bottle and for screaming. It is crazy.

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Fedex has become a drunken brawl waiting to happen. in my experience, what happens is the redskins start losing, and the drunken fans of the opposing teams start talking smack to an entire section of people. inevitably, an equally drunken and macho redskins fan takes offense to this, and a fight ensues.

i've been to NASCAR races where families with small children watch the race and enjoy themselves. its not so hard.

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Fedex has become a drunken brawl waiting to happen. in my experience, what happens is the redskins start losing, and the drunken fans of the opposing teams start talking smack to an entire section of people. inevitably, an equally drunken and macho redskins fan takes offense to this, and a fight ensues.

i've been to NASCAR races where families with small children watch the race and enjoy themselves. its not so hard.

I disagree!

Last year FedEx seemed to have more fights between Redskin fans and opposing fans (esp. iggles and cowgirls) but this year it seems that the biggest fight is between fans and staff. Every complaint I have heard on or off the board has been people getting kicked out for standing and screaming while the defense is on the field.

Last night I was told about this happening to many people at the iggles game yesterday. If the team is waving the 12th man flag and the defense is waving their hands asking for the crowd noise why is this happening. What has changed from last year to this year?

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No kidding I felt I was at the Linc yesterday, so many dam fans in the stadium. I will add though the eagle fans were not as bad as before, they were actually a lot of fun it least near my section.

It was 1pm game and I believe the last few years have been Sunday *Night* games. They weren't as drunk yet, I'm thinking.

Yesterday was the first time I had to sit among fans singing the Fly Eagles Fly song - in six years. Also, as Skins fans were leaving in the 4th Quarter I got to hear the eagles fans singing their version of our Goodbye song - theirs is a "Walk Out" chant. I could not believe it - it was another first and embarassing as hell.

Way too much green yesterday and 5 empty seats around us - no standing up at all during 3rd downs in our entire section - accept us. But still, I'm glad I went and will go to the Giants game without a doubt. Had a good time tailgating and was thrilled our team played ALL four quarters this time. Watching us get beat by the Falcons felt much worse to me than yesterdays game.

I'm savoring every last second of the season - because I know that it's a looooooooong 9 months without football at *Home/FedEx* & Away after December 30th and I'm going to miss it (including FedEx and the friends we've made at the games) like crazy.

Cheers to all my Burgundy and Gold brothers and sisters who made it to the game yesterday!!!


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The staff at FedEx is absolutely rediculous. During the Carolina game, I was standing outside on the uper level concourse, drinking a beer and having a smoke leaning up against the railing, as I usually do. Some power tripping FedEx "security guy" felt it necessary to repeatedly yell at me for leaning. :wtf: I asked him what the problem was and he told me basicly to shut the Eff up and do what he said or he was going to throw me out. I am a season ticket holder that is ready to tell Snyder and this whole organization to kiss my @$$. It's bad enough that the team is having its struggles, but it's another thing for the employees of this franchise to treat the fans like complete a-holes.

I understand that there are drunken fans at every game, both Redskins and opposing, but the staff at FedEx should realize that it is these people that bring in the revenue to pay their sorry butts. Try a little common courtesy, instead of treating all people like thugs.


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It's all about winning.

When the team is winning the other fans and ushers are tolerant of people making noise.

This year, during the Falcons game, I was told to "Learn to Sit Down" by the people behind me when I stood on 3rd downs to scream support for our defense.

I was not drinking (not even bottled water!)

I was not banging on chairs or stomping my feet.

I am not tall, nor am I very big.

I only stood on 3rd downs, or when Andre the Giant (the guy sitting in front of me) stood up (and he only stod up when people in front of him stood up... he was very aware of how big a man he was.)

I was not obnoxious in any way.

Now, I don't expect people to stand the entire game like it's college. But if they can't stand up and make some noise for their team on 3rd and 2, they they probably shouldn't come to a football game.

The most annoying people in our section were:

1) Falcon fans who, to a man, were the most obnoxious fans I've ever seen (And I've been to the Linc in my Redskins jersey!) They had complete license to spend most of the game giving everyone around them the middle finger while standing and yelling obscenities. (Way to set the tone, Vick!)

2) Redskins fans telling other Redskin fans to sit down. At a certain point, it just makes sense to stop yelling at your fellow fans and stand up like they are.

Gonna stay home and watch games next year or go to a local pub where the patrons are allowed to yell a word or two of en(dis)couragment at the screen (and there are 25 cent wings to boot! :))

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I too was banging on the empty seat in front of me.(The "fans" who were sitting there left @ 4:45 in the 2nd quarter.) As the 2nd half was progressing the young woman sitting 2 seats down leaned over, tapped me on the shin and said,"I appreciate your enthusiasm but that is making me nauseous." W>>>T>>>F?

Needless to say, she nor her husband (w/ a Redkins cap) never jumped, yelled or anything when the Skins had a positive play. They were actually golf clapping.:doh:

OBTW, I did continue to cheer for my beloved Redskins.

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:eaglesuck Surprisingly, not one Eagles fan we sat next to, talked to, or otherwise encountered, was as inconsiderate, rude, obnoxious, or otherwise distasteful as the ones we encountered at the Linc.

Actually, I ran into that, too. I had Eagles fans around me -- TOO many, for my taste -- yet, after some initial jesting, we all got along. In fact, there was one moment in the first quarter where some Redskins fans were walking up the stairs, got in the face of this 17-year-old Eagles fan and said, "F you," to him. He wasn't doing anything to provoke it. He was wearing a jersey and just standing there. I was so appalled and embarrassed about that incident, I felt compelled to walk over to him and apologize for that. He was with Redskins fans when it happened and one of them followed the offenders to "chat" with them. And, at the end of the game, I actually said, "Happy Holidays," to all the Eagles fans around me and they were all pretty cool and didn't talk trash to me about the game's ending.

The staff at FedEx is absolutely rediculous. During the Carolina game, I was standing outside on the uper level concourse, drinking a beer and having a smoke leaning up against the railing, as I usually do. Some power tripping FedEx "security guy" felt it necessary to repeatedly yell at me for leaning. :wtf: I asked him what the problem was and he told me basicly to shut the Eff up and do what he said or he was going to throw me out. I am a season ticket holder that is ready to tell Snyder and this whole organization to kiss my @$$. It's bad enough that the team is having its struggles, but it's another thing for the employees of this franchise to treat the fans like complete a-holes.

I understand that there are drunken fans at every game, both Redskins and opposing, but the staff at FedEx should realize that it is these people that bring in the revenue to pay their sorry butts. Try a little common courtesy, instead of treating all people like thugs.


I think this is a BIG reason why a LOT of people are evaluating whether or not to renew their seats.

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You are wrong here. I have seen many people kicked out for just standing and screaming. It all depends on what mood the staff is in that day.

We pay just as much for our ticket as the next person. We should be able to make as much noise as we want. It is not like we are at a movie.

You may pay for ticket you're sitting in but you don't pay for the seat you are banging on and being a nuisance. If no one has a problem with you banging on your seat or others around you, then fine. But the moment someone asks you to stop you STOP! I don't think this is a hard thing to grasp.

Pez almost got kicked out for that. They yelled at him for the bottle and for screaming. It is crazy.

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Actually if I bang on a seat the seat I bang on is my seat. I do not bang on other seats around me. The issue is not if someone one is being overly obnoxious and refuse to listen to the staff etc then yes maybe they should be removed. The issue is you can no longer stand and/or scream from your seat at a football game.

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