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It was nice knowing you Shawn Springs


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well it is common knowledge that players and practically everyone at redskins park reads this board. I have the privilage of alot of cool relationships with alot of people that play for the organization and a few coaches.

I have built my relationships with these people buy not really talking to much football and treating them as people cause at the end of the day there just like you and me they just happen to play for our favorite team. Sports players are generally really reserved and tow the compnay line when asked questions by the general public because of trust issues and not really knowing who you are, But when you earn their trust and become friends with them because of who they are as a person first and not what they do you dont break that trust.

Wu, know if you were to tell me something in general conversasion with trust only to go home and see your conversasion all over the internet would that upset you come on man just read and discuss and enjoy.

Wow, you have a good relationship with the players, and some coaches and they know you have that name on here?? I guess one of the coaches you are cool with ain't Dale Lindsey.

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This is your problem right here. You don't understand that football teams are not free-speech democratic bodies...they are totalitarian dictatorships led from the Head Coach on down. I believe that Gibbs is one of the more forgiving dictators, maybe Williams is not. The point of weather Gibbs knows how to play the "good cop, bad cop" game is really not the issue. The issue is that no one....no one should be going outside the orginazation with their petty complaints. If you can't be a man and voice your self to your coaches and you leak to the press then you have the problem the coaches don't.

Football teams are about strength through unity and unity threw through faith in one another. It's also called loyality.


As usual I totally disagree with just about everything you say. High School football may be a dictatorship and rightfully so. A pro team however is made up of grown men and they have the right to voice their opinions. Too many coaches in the NFL are a bunch of punk ass bithces who got beat up in High School. They get into a position of authority and take it way too far. Instead of manning up and saying something to the players face they sit them on the bench. They write them out of the schemes and don't have the balls to tell the player to his face. Look around the league, you see it everywhere.

Same kind of crap goes on in the military. You get some super smart punk ass geek who got beat up in school going around barking out orders because he's able to test well and make rank. One of those guys who makes stupid decisions then blames it on the higher ups because he doesn't have the balls to say it himself. They hide behind the military because they know if you bust them in the mouth you'll get court martialed. Seems to me NFL teams are the same way. The coaches have all the leverage and the players either shut up and color or ride the pine. That's just bullshizzle if you ask me.

Now don't get me wrong, there has to be a balance. The players shouldn't be able to push the coach/orginization around but the players deserve a certain amount of respect. The way the Redskin orginization has handled things in recent years is F'd up no matter how you look at it. Pierce, Smoot, Ramsey, Lavar. You can make excuses as to why they were shown the door but the way they were handled was classless.

You talk about loyalty, where's the loyalty to the players? I know here comes the "Football is a business" excuse. Well, it is a business but it's a business dependent on the abilities of men. If you treat these men like crap sooner or later they'll stop performing for you no matter how much money you pay them.

Something is going on at Redskin park and it's destroying this team. Even if you dislike the manner in which the "player" vented the woes of our defense you have to acknowledge something is wrong. No matter how smart GW is his arrogance has wrecked this defense. It's sad to think the players have to be afraid of retribution for speaking out about the way a coach treats them. Would you like to work or perform for an orginization like that?

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Damn the coaches. If everything that what was said is true, then it needed to be said and it is all some effed up bs that is going on.

No doubt, besides even the players said it best "whoever wrote that article needs to write more like it!".

Seriously, they used that article as motivation to actually win a game. Wow, what a concept. Coming to the game with a chip on your shoulder...:rolleyes:


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I don't know that Springs was the leak, but what makes people think the PLAYERS did not try and address through the coaching staff, and they were just ignored, and the leak to the press was sort of a last resort. There is even evidence that it did happen that way in the article:

"Everybody was saying they had to start meeting together. So the last three weeks they have. But 40 percent of the time Steven Jackson's not in the meeting. Because he pouts, because Jerry's running the meeting."

Clearly, this suggests that the players had talked to the coaches and some changes were made, but the real problems were not fixed.

"This last game in Tampa, we had a player at halftime go up to him and say, 'Are you going to just sit there and pout, or are you gonna f------ coach your guys up?'"

This would be players airing their grievences directly to the coach, but what is a player suppossed to do if Steve Jackson won't change and GW does nothing about it. Just keep quite and take it. That's a bit of a joke.

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I'll give you reliable info:

1. Tom Friend works for ESPN out far on the West.

2. Being that as it is he has few current (though I am sure many established) contacts here in DC.

3. He got to this source through a contact.

4. If you look at all of Friend's major stories using his established contacts and inside sources he has used Ohio State.

5. SP is big big big Ohio State Alum..........

What was seaid, from s econdary player, with more then two years experince and someone who has an outspoken personaility........Springs really just makes too much sense......

P.S. I wish he would speak up more, and hopefully using his name.......i dont care about unheard sources, but I wish we had a player with Bllz enough to really come out on his own to the media and say something.....

Sorry bro' but when players do say something most of the folks on this site curse the day they were born. Fans of the Redskins need to see that this is the same ol' stuff, year in and year out. For the last 3 or 4 years players have been rolling out of here, and some that have stayed have been telling us the same ol' thing, but because a lot of folks have been wearing the rosey glasses, they didn't want to see the stuff that goes on. Here we are AGAIN.

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IMO, the reason this defense has quit playing is due the risk/reward basic rule that we all know about. This defense brought us to the playoffs single handedly last year. How do we reward them? We get rid of a bunch of good players and sign free agents. I think our players know that no matter how well they play, they are just fodder in GW's system. Hell, I would be the same way. I can bet you all the money in the world that ST will be gone from the Redskin within 2 years. We let Peirce go. We let Arrington go. We let Clarke go. We let Bailey go. Remember Armstead and Trotter? We have a knack of telling steller players that they dont matter, so then we let them go or make them want to leave. I think the same goes for the offense. Coles, Davis, and Gardener come to mind. The problem is our FO has no loyalty. Not the players.

You named a lot of players that have been "wronged" by the team, but only 2 that did anything and one other who was a fan favorite, but not a "stud" by any means. Bailey was traded for our now franchise player and Pierce left b/c of a couple bucks... now I will agree that we should have done anything to keep him. But c'mon!!!! Bailey wanted out, since Pierce left he has done nothing but b**** and moan about the Skins, maybe there was some character flaw with him that we didnt see.

Arrington, Coles, Amrstead, Trotter???? Seriously???? coles complained about not getting the balls enough in a season where he caught 90 balls??? armstead... did he even see the field? Trotter sucked when he was here, thats an anomoly if you ask me, you get the point though. Teams lose players they dont want to, players want to leave teams when they dont like whats going on. Dont make Springs out to be a victim if indeed he does leave, he has been good... not great... and injury prone since he got here. please dont put his bust in the HOF b/c you are all pissed about a losing season.

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Springs wasn't exactly making a case for his prolonged future in Washington anyways; the 2nd highest paid player on our roster probably should not be someone who hasn't played a full season since 2000.

Open dissent isn't appreciated by the coaches and, based off team meetings, from the players either.

If he's the culprit, get him out.

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Well it looks like history is repeating itself. Shawn Springs is about to be "Lavared". Someone comes out against what the staff is doing and they must be a cancer. From everything I've read about Shawn Springs, Lavar Arrington, Champ Bailey, Antonio Pierce, Ryan Clark and the other players that this team has jetisoned for one reason or another it is that the players, coaches and organizations who have them now are enthralled with them. The exception might be Fred Smoot but outside the loveboat thing the Vikings seem glad to have him. These players never have a smidgen of problem with their new teams.

Shawn Springs is one of the most beloved Seahawks of all time. Now he is going to be remembered here as a traitor and most people will be quick to jump on him, claim he never did anything for us, claim he was a cancer, say he was overrated. Say that he wasn't a team guy. Same things that everyone says when a player leaves here. I emplore everyone to realize that this organization has a huge flaw and it is not the players. It is the staff who have ego problems, problems with management style.

Before Gibbs II the Skins lost with lesser talent and lesser coaching save the Marty year. The last three years have been an exhibition in futility, incompetence, lack of leadership and all around futility. Joe Gibbs has two more years left on his contract. The problems with this organization cannot be fixed in two years. The problem is in this teams blood, it is in the roots of the organization. I emplore fans to demand that the entire regime be change. Bring in new blood, bring in a new staff now so that the next two years are spent working on a new plan. I don't want to spend the next two years watching my childhood idle get smacked around like a hooker. I want to see my beloved franchise commit to a change in philosophy.

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Let me remind everyone that, although likely, it is still only speculation that Springs was the one interviewed, he seemed pretty convencing though that it was not him when questioned. Anyway, if we lose Springs then we are in the same boat (pardon the pun) when we let Smoot go. Instead of being able to draft and improve other areas of our Defense we will be forced to draft another CB and therefore our line will lack a dominant rusher and LB corp will continue to struggle with consistency.

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Goodbye Shawn Springs, Hello Nate Clements aka highest paid cornerback in the league!

only to have Clements suffer the worse year in his career, get traded, cut, booted, whatever, then go off and pick up his all pro form with someone else.


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When Springs was asked on comcast if he was the source, one of the things he said was "if I did do it, I would have talked to the coaches first."

I think Springs tried to talk to Williams, but Williams, who appears to have the ability to be quite stubborn, didn't give him a chance. If that is true, I'm not sure if I blame Springs for leaking the story. If his claims are true, and they appear to be, there is some major disfunction within the defensive coacing staff. It certainly explains a lot.

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When Springs was asked on comcast if he was the source, one of the things he said was "if I did do it, I would have talked to the coaches first."

I think Springs tried to talk to Williams, but Williams, who appears to have the ability to be quite stubborn, didn't give him a chance. If that is true, I'm not sure if I blame Springs for leaking the story. If his claims are true, and they appear to be, there is some major disfunction within the defensive coacing staff. It certainly explains a lot.

I like that theory......

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You named a lot of players that have been "wronged" by the team, but only 2 that did anything and one other who was a fan favorite, but not a "stud" by any means. Bailey was traded for our now franchise player and Pierce left b/c of a couple bucks... now I will agree that we should have done anything to keep him. But c'mon!!!! Bailey wanted out, since Pierce left he has done nothing but b**** and moan about the Skins, maybe there was some character flaw with him that we didnt see.

Arrington, Coles, Amrstead, Trotter???? Seriously???? coles complained about not getting the balls enough in a season where he caught 90 balls??? armstead... did he even see the field? Trotter sucked when he was here, thats an anomoly if you ask me, you get the point though. Teams lose players they dont want to, players want to leave teams when they dont like whats going on. Dont make Springs out to be a victim if indeed he does leave, he has been good... not great... and injury prone since he got here. please dont put his bust in the HOF b/c you are all pissed about a losing season.

I never said they were studs. They were very good players and they had chemistry. If you are so high on the fact that the problem was them, then explain to me why almost every player that "revolts" and get kicked out of here, goes on to have great seasons? Armstead saw 32 games for 2 years he was here, so I dont know where you get the idea he never saw the field.

Trotter, Coles, Davis, Smoot, Harris, Bailey, Pierce, Gardener, Arrington (dont tell me he has not had a good season. As soon as he was hurt, that team fell apart. He may not be pro-bowl anymore, but IMO he is a glue that keeps teams together). Needless to say that list is long and distinguished and there are a few other names that I have not mentioned that have done the same thing. You are nuts if you think the FO needs to check itself. You have no leg to stand on.

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"This is your problem right here. You don't understand that football teams are not free-speech democratic bodies...they are totalitarian dictatorships led from the Head Coach on down. I believe that Gibbs is one of the more forgiving dictators, maybe Williams is not. The point of weather Gibbs knows how to play the "good cop, bad cop" game is really not the issue. The issue is that no one....no one should be going outside the orginazation with their petty complaints. If you can't be a man and voice your self to your coaches and you leak to the press then you have the problem the coaches don't."

while I agree with most of your post...how do you know that Springs (or whomever) didn't first try to voice his thoughts through the chain? To borrow your line of thinking - if we have seen anything in the last year or two...it is that the Dems have completely succeeded in politicizing senior military leadership.

I agree with your statement above, but I think there is a big difference between having repercussions for "breaking code" and the ignoring, stonewalling, blackballing that GW seems to use with players that he has disagreements with.

It's like disciplining your kids - you want them to know that they are being disciplined because of their actions, not because you've ceased to love them. It's the same thing with players, you can have team discipline, but do it in a way where you still let them know you value having them on the team. GW style has seemed to breed animosity rather than mutual respect…

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Look I don't want to discredit people on here but Lavarleap this all seems to be speculation . There is no inference that Tom Friends source ws even a primary source or through a secondary person or if it was even one person and not a composite .

The finger of blame has been squarley on Shawn Springs by a kangeroo court of "fans" who like to think they are something better than "just fans" and I sugest to you to go read Jason LaCafornias (sp?) Washington Post (and I don't like the agenda driven WP but Jason is amongst the better writters) peice - his blog i think . He states the thing about Springs being benched becasue of the friendgate incedent is crazy he was genuinly injured failed a physical on sunday missed practice durring the week is there a conspiracy ? He also goes onto to say the feeling around redskins park is Springs isn't the guy amongst the players and the coaches an he is possibly one of the last people I would suspect . He has been a top corner in the leauge for years, his father was in the game he knows how the game is played and I really cannot see him doing this .....

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I never said they were studs. They were very good players and they had chemistry. If you are so high on the fact that the problem was them, then explain to me why almost every player that "revolts" and get kicked out of here, goes on to have great seasons? Armstead saw 32 games for 2 years he was here, so I dont know where you get the idea he never saw the field.

Trotter, Coles, Davis, Smoot, Harris, Bailey, Pierce, Gardener, Arrington (dont tell me he has not had a good season. As soon as he was hurt, that team fell apart. He may not be pro-bowl anymore, but IMO he is a glue that keeps teams together). Needless to say that list is long and distinguished and there are a few other names that I have not mentioned that have done the same thing. You are nuts if you think the FO needs to check itself. You have no leg to stand on.

Armstead was inneffective, there isnt a person on here that will disagree with that. Trotter didnt do anything here, neither did W. Harris, R. Gardner (LMFAO), Arrington, he didnt do anything this year, he got hurt during the one game he showed up.

Coles and Bailey WANTED out, we sucked and I dont blame them but dont blame the FO for that.

Smoot and Pierce left for bigger deals, I wish we had kept them but we didnt. These are the only two names on here that I blame on our FO for. Davis was a big loss as well, I should have pointed that out earlier.

My point is this, dont throw a s***load of names in a box and say "the FO screwed all of this up" there are a few players on the list deserving of conversation... thats it.

Now if you want to talk about over-paying for free agents and most specifically this years FA class, I'll give you that. But again dont put that on the FO, Gregg is responsible for the highest paid STer in the league, not Vinny or Dan.

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