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It was nice knowing you Shawn Springs


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Armstead was inneffective, there isnt a person on here that will disagree with that. Trotter didnt do anything here, neither did W. Harris, R. Gardner (LMFAO), Arrington, he didnt do anything this year, he got hurt during the one game he showed up.

Coles and Bailey WANTED out, we sucked and I dont blame them but dont blame the FO for that.

Smoot and Pierce left for bigger deals, I wish we had kept them but we didnt. These are the only two names on here that I blame on our FO for. Davis was a big loss as well, I should have pointed that out earlier.

My point is this, dont throw a s***load of names in a box and say "the FO screwed all of this up" there are a few players on the list deserving of conversation... thats it.

Now if you want to talk about over-paying for free agents and most specifically this years FA class, I'll give you that. But again dont put that on the FO, Gregg is responsible for the highest paid STer in the league, not Vinny or Dan.

Doesn't Walt Harris like lead the NFC in interceptions? Right behind Bailey overall in the NFL. :(
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Look I don't want to discredit people on here but Lavarleap this all seems to be speculation . There is no inference that Tom Friends source ws even a primary source or through a secondary person or if it was even one person and not a composite .

The finger of blame has been squarley on Shawn Springs by a kangeroo court of "fans" who like to think they are something better than "just fans" and I sugest to you to go read Jason LaCafornias (sp?) Washington Post (and I don't like the agenda driven WP but Jason is amongst the better writters) peice - his blog i think . He states the thing about Springs being benched becasue of the friendgate incedent is crazy he was genuinly injured failed a physical on sunday missed practice durring the week is there a conspiracy ? He also goes onto to say the feeling around redskins park is Springs isn't the guy amongst the players and the coaches an he is possibly one of the last people I would suspect . He has been a top corner in the leauge for years, his father was in the game he knows how the game is played and I really cannot see him doing this .....

I have said in this post several times springs was not benched for the falcons game.

players think and know he was the source and they arnt going to come out to the media and say that straight up due to them then airing dirty laundry in the press which basically gets this whole situation going again.

I can assure you i have been told by several players that sean is the guy so ill take the information i get on a personal level versus what a reporters are getting on this situation.

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Well if the Skins cut Springs they are taken a even bigger setback for next year that secondary needs addition not subtracting its best CB by a mile.. They already need to add a Clements or Samuel i'd hate to add 2 thats suicide.. This FO and staff need to start useing some football sense for once..

And those ignorant coaches need to get Rocky on the field thier out of the playoffs its no excuse just like the LAVAR sitiation,get off of your arrogant ways and play the kid because if Holdman ever sheds a block i might faint and we know he's not getting better..

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I have said in this post several times springs was not benched for the falcons game.

players think and know he was the source and they arnt going to come out to the media and say that straight up due to them then airing dirty laundry in the press which basically gets this whole situation going again.

I can assure you i have been told by several players that sean is the guy so ill take the information i get on a personal level versus what a reporters are getting on this situation.

The real question is whether we should do so. The Redskins beat writer for the Washington Post said the sense of the players is that Shawn Springs was not the culprit; you are saying he's wrong.

I don't buy that players won't talk to the media; clearly that isn't the case as this entire thread is about a player anonymously going to Tom Friend. Players can say whatever they want "off the record" to reporters with a very strong sense of confidentiality. If that confidentiality was violated with any regularity, we wouldn't have beat writers or sports journalists at all.

I'm not calling you a liar; perhaps you do speak with certain players on the team. But give us some credit, should we believe you or the beat writer at the Post?

For the record, I don't disagree with your conclusion that Springs will be packing his bags. Regardless of whether he is "Deep Cover" or not, Springs gets a 4 million dollar pay raise in his regular salary come next year, and I just don't think the Redskins can afford to pay someone 7.5 mil+ per year just so he can be injured 4-6 games a year. Since the dead cap space of cutting him is virtually equivalent to what we'd be paying him (which we'll have to pay eventually anyways), I don't think the Redskins, given his injury concerns, will opt to pay his guaranteed salary PLUS the 4.8 million he's due next year.

Just my 2 cents.

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The real question is whether we should do so. The Redskins beat writer for the Washington Post said the sense of the players is that Shawn Springs was not the culprit; you are saying he's wrong.

I don't buy that players won't talk to the media; clearly that isn't the case as this entire thread is about a player anonymously going to Tom Friend. Players can say whatever they want "off the record" to reporters with a very strong sense of confidentiality. If that confidentiality was violated with any regularity, we wouldn't have beat writers or sports journalists at all.

I'm not calling you a liar; perhaps you do speak with certain players on the team. But give us some credit, should we believe you or the beat writer at the Post?

For the record, I don't disagree with your conclusion that Springs will be packing his bags. Regardless of whether he is "Deep Cover" or not, Springs gets a 4 million dollar pay raise in his regular salary come next year, and I just don't think the Redskins can afford to pay someone 7.5 mil+ per year just so he can be injured 4-6 games a year. Since the dead cap space of cutting him is virtually equivalent to what we'd be paying him (which we'll have to pay eventually anyways), I don't think the Redskins, given his injury concerns, will opt to pay his guaranteed salary PLUS the 4.8 million he's due next year.

Just my 2 cents.

everyone has there own opinion and beliefs, at the end of the day im only putting information on here that was told to me by players on the team. I have no secret motives for putting it out there other than passing along information.

It is a possibility that the players that told me dont like springs and thru him under the buss sort of speak. Players are not really honest with the media all the time dont be so nieve. Ive meet shawn and he appeared to be a good guy i cant say otherwise from my personal expierience so it is what it is.

dont you think it is funny that some players in interviews say "i have no idea who the leak is" and then different players in other interviews say " yeah we know who it is and he will be dealt with in the offseason"

Phillip Daniels interview on redskins.com backed up everything that i was told and you know it makes you wonder when we have defensive backs playing with serious injuries for the good of the team and to fight together and you have someone sit out because there hamstring doesnt feel right only to 2 days later said he feels the best he has all year?

and its not a perhaps that i speak with players it is a fact. You can question the validity of the topic or even the comments but please dont question my integrity in terms of my dealings with members of the team and coaches.

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Even if LavarLeap is right which I don't doubt I think Springs should be given every opportunity to stay. He did not say anything damning. He told the truth and said that Greg Williams is an egomaniac to boot. Posters have been saying that since he came here, but the difference was that he was winning and nobody cared.

Fact is Springs or whomever the squeaky wheel is didn't hurt this team anymore than the horrible play of 10+ weeks of the 2006 season.

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I had heard that he was injured. Sometimes you read things on this board and people seem to try and pass them off as gospel. That isn't the way people should operate on this board. I know for a fact that if you state some kind of news, you are to back it up with a source. I happen to think that Shawn Springs is a good guy and good player. For someone to say that he did something without concrete proof or saying he was benched because of what was allegedly said is totally wrong. I hope that whoever started this rumor stops before it gets out of control.

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Maybe he got in trouble over the "they pay me too well, I ONLY practice 2 days a week". Didnt sit with me too well. Sounds like excuses to me. I like Shawn but that was messed up. If he is cut it would be because of more than just a leaked report. Maybe its been stuff going on with him vs. the organization from the beginning of the year. Not being ready for the start of the year, parts of the secondary gone from last year, etc. JMHO

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Springs cap number for 2007 made it unlikely he would be back in any event.

The problem for the Redskins is that they can't seem to win on defense with him out of the lineup.

The winning TD last week to Jenkins was caught on Kenny Wright because Springs was inactive for the game.

Whether he was the deep throat or not the fact remains that the comments stung because a lot of them had the ring of truth about them.

If this club had been 8-4 and a player popped off about the unusual practice/meeting habits and the arrogance of some of the coaches, it would have been a blip on the radar screen.

No matter how they want to sugar coat it, the fact remains this season has been a cluster **** and the coaching staff from a personnel standpoint and a Sunday X and O perspectie has a lot to answer for.

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Seriously though. Asante Samuel, Nate Clements, or Leon Hall. There is no reason why we can't get at least one of these guys. I'd prefer the first two via FA so that we can draft D-line, but we could always draft a corner again. I think this D-line can make it one more year, although I wouldn't be excited about it.

I agree that we need to obtain one CB this offseason. With that said, if we don't retain Springs then we will regret it. He is 32 and he still has at least 2 very productive years left.

Also, I have seen many posters say that he is injury prone but he has averaged 12.89 games a season (not counting this year since it is not completed)

Here are some other CBs and their averages, again not counting this year:

Nate Clements - 14.4 games a season

Champ Bailey - 14.37 games a season,

Rhonde Barber - 13.4 games a season

Granted, his average is lower than the guys above but it is not significant enough to warrant the label injury prone.

Lastly, I would like to go after DE in the draft but I feel that the 2nd most important position after CB is MLB. No one is talking about this it seems.

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Could we just for once practice what we preach a show some patience and stop comming up with these theories plucked out of our asses please ?

I think you make a valid point here....it's all just speculation.

In keeping with not quoting huge blocks of text, I left what I feel were your best points, with which I totally agree.

Thanks dude.

wrong. if it was SS - kudos to him. he lit a fire under the team's colelctive arses. something these lame coaches apparently can't do.

It's never wise to lite fires in a house made of matchstick men, unless you were the one who builded the house.

When I see or hear a player on their team do this, it means only one thing, he wants to leave.

If he did it.......I think your conclusion is pretty savvy.

while I agree with most of your post...how do you know that Springs (or whomever) didn't first try to voice his thoughts through the chain?

For the sake of argument, lets just assume he did go through the chain of command. if he didn't get what he wanted to hear, is that some sort of justifacation for him crying to the rats in the press?

I don't think so. Suck it up and deal with the reality that in order to be successful as a team on a football field you must put your personal petty greviences and ego issues aside. Know your place. To follow the chain of command right or wrong. Don't go crying to the press like a *****.

Clearly, this suggests that the players had talked to the coaches and some changes were made, but the real problems were not fixed.

The real problem was not fixed...Lack of fundalmental execution of the basics of tackling. Weather it is the players or the coaches to blame, this is debateable.

You named a lot of players that have been "wronged" by the team, ........ please dont put his bust in the HOF b/c you are all pissed about a losing season.

Well said.....You'd make a wonderful Dread Pirate Roberts, by the way.

As usual I totally disagree with just about everything you say. High School football may be a dictatorship and rightfully so. A pro team however is made up of grown men and they have the right to voice their opinions. Too many coaches in the NFL are a bunch of punk ass bithces who got beat up in High School. They get into a position of authority and take it way too far. Instead of manning up and saying something to the players face they sit them on the bench. They write them out of the schemes and don't have the balls to tell the player to his face. Look around the league, you see it everywhere.

Same kind of crap goes on in the military. You get some super smart punk ass geek who got beat up in school going around barking out orders because he's able to test well and make rank. One of those guys who makes stupid decisions then blames it on the higher ups because he doesn't have the balls to say it himself. They hide behind the military because they know if you bust them in the mouth you'll get court martialed. Seems to me NFL teams are the same way. The coaches have all the leverage and the players either shut up and color or ride the pine. That's just bullshizzle if you ask me.

For someone who disagrees with almost everything I say we sure agree on alot. In fact I agree with every thing you said in these two paragraphs except for the highlighted sentences.

The first is wrong in this instance because A grown man doesn't cry to the rats in the press He handles his business in house.

The second I have to differ with you....If Payton Manning Said that it was either Tony Dungy or Him, who do you think the Owner is going to side with...? Maybe some of these coaches have to act like ****es because they know If the players really wanted them out they would be gone. They can't be as confrontational because the salries of players so exceed that of the coaches it's not good business since to fire the Player when the coach could just be replaced. It will never be an open enviroment when your job security is threatened by those who serve under you.

Now don't get me wrong, there has to be a balance. The players shouldn't be able to push the coach/orginization around but the players deserve a certain amount of respect.

sort of agree here....except that the players earn their respect by their performance in practice and Games...it should never just be given to them. Respect should only be given to the authority above you in a totalitarin dictatorship. And who is above who in this case?

The way the Redskin orginization has handled things in recent years is F'd up no matter how you look at it. Pierce, Smoot, Ramsey, Lavar. You can make excuses as to why they were shown the door but the way they were handled was classless.

If you want to be treated with class you act with class....I don't know the particulars of Pierce and smoot, But I thought that Ramsey was treaty with class by the originazation and he was very classy him self with his departure.

As far a Lavar is concerned was it the redskins originazation which put the classless word before the Tampa game into Lavar Arringtons mouth?

You talk about loyalty, where's the loyalty to the players? I know here comes the "Football is a business" excuse. Well, it is a business but it's a business dependent on the abilities of men. If you treat these men like crap sooner or later they'll stop performing for you no matter how much money you pay them.

Funny but I think we have been very loyal to players who deserve that loyality. Rock Cartwright comes to mind. How about Brunell? or John Hall (yes he's gone but many think he was here too long any way)...Many here think that we have been too loyal so some players like these. yet now you think that we should be loyal to the players who are treasoness? Marcus Washington, Phillip danials, ST and others who keep their mouth shut and do thier jobs are the players who deserve loyality.

Not selfish manbabies who cry to the press.

Can I still keep my sig? I thought you were being serious. ;)



I agree with your statement above, but I think there is a big difference between having repercussions for "breaking code" and the ignoring, stonewalling, blackballing that GW seems to use with players that he has disagreements with.

If Gregg Williams is doing these things then he is wrong...no doubt about it. That doesn't change the fact that he's the boss. Life is not fair...the sooner these Manbabies learn that, the less problems they will have, they will live happier lives and the better their Football Careers will be.

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you know from hearing him say he feels the best he has all season and he will definately play this week. i think he was benched this past week. i think it got back to the coaches that he was the one from the article. good for the coaches.

That's exactly what I was thinking.

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It seems like every year we have a star player who plays hard and is one of the best on the team but still wants out or gives the team a reason to want him out.

Remember, this is a guy that these guys went out and recruited. He isn't one of the Pre-Gibbs players.

To me it seems similar to when they got rid of Coles. He busted his ass all year and made so many tough catches and plays but at the end of the year he was traded because of the attitude. He seems to be doing fine in NY again. Sure, Moss is still better but the yearly weeding out of problem star players has to end if this team is ever going anywhere.

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