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The Merged x115 Adventures Of The Fashion Police Weekly aka THE Uniform Thread


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Regarding the gold pants, if they replace those stupid 5-striped (gold/white/gold/white/gold) socks with the white pants' non-striped socks, then I could get onboard with the gold pants being worn on an ongoing basis.  Short of that, they should go back to wearing burgundy pants with white jerseys.  Heck, they should wear burgundy pants with white jerseys as much as possible in my book; make the white jersey/gold pants combo something worn in less than half of our road games.  Home games are a different story, as the burgundy jersey/gold pants combo looks niiiice. B)


As far as the throwbacks, it would be great to see either our 1930s or 1960s throwbacks get worked into a game or two every season, as the Chargers do with their 1960s throwbacks.

I could get on board with that.


7 home games = Burg on Gold

1 home game = Throwback (maybe revisit the spear look, or try the feather helmet)


5 road games = White on Burg

2 road games = White on Gold

1 road game = 75th throwback

Guaranteed loss, even if we win.


The Burg on White just doesn't look right.  The reverse is great though.


Obviously winning is far more important than a stupid uniform, but they really need to just stop with the Burg on White.

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If you suck ass, and your FO/ownership is a mess, you are going to suck no matter what uniform you are wearing. Regardless of how many SB's we won in the white/burg, we also sucked for almost 20 years in them. Fans want a new spin on things. For everyone who hates the gold pants, if you talk to more fans of other teams, you'll see that a lot of them think the burg/gold-white/gold is one of the cleanest looks in the NFL.


Sometimes it's okay to not wear the same jersey every game, and bring a little flavor to the table.


I see your point on needing a new spin on things. But the gold pants isn't something new at all. It was used in the 70s. People I talked to say the redskins uniform doesn't match up because it doesn't. Their uniforms are clashing with two eras. I'm not the biggest fan of the gold pants, but if done right, i can live with it. They need to at least attempt to make it more modern to better represent this era, not the previous ones. Doesn't have to be loud looking. We should consider what the Vikings did this year.

Edited by mike42
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Their uniforms are clashing with two eras. I'm not the biggest fan of the gold pants, but if done right, i can live with it. They need to at least attempt to make it more modern to better represent this era, not the previous ones. Doesn't have to be loud looking.


As far as better integrating the gold pants (the design of which, as you mentioned, is based on those worn back in the 1970s) with the rest of the uniform, I think going with stripe-less socks (like the Packers and Niners do, for example) would be a good approach.  Moreover, I'd love to see the team consider having the number of stripes on the gold pants match those on the burgundy pants (e.g. two instead of three).  In my mind's eye, that could do the trick.  But I could be wrong about that concept in its actual application, as having a vertical white stripe (alongside a burgundy stripe) against the gold on the pant leg might not create a distinct enough boundary line to be aesthetically pleasing.  In which case, just stick with the tri-striping on the gold pants, which at least matches, numerically speaking, the striping on the helmet.  But goodness gracious, please ditch those noisy 5-striped socks!  Please!

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I'd revamp the current concept, but just make it slightly more modern. Maybe darken the burgundy some, touch up the stripes you want on the pants/sleeves, etc. Do soemthing to make everything consistent regardless of which combinations they wear.


I love the Indian head logo...it brings me back to the 1980s and my youth watching championship teams. Not liking it would be akin to thinking Santa Claus is too fat, in my opinion. So, keep it, but just clean it up. Go with:


Burgundy/Gold at home

White/Burgundy on the road


Have both versions of the throwbacks (I love last year's but could also deal with the spear helmet versions) so that you can wear those either at home (burgundy) or on the road (white) during Thanksgiving weekend.



Edited by TD_washingtonredskins
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DH, I like that plan overall. The only problem is that you can't always guarantee that you'll wear white for all 8 road games. Some teams choose to wear white due to heat or superstition.


Good point.  In that case, we wear Burg on Gold if we are the away team and the home team chooses to wear white jerseys.


So with that in mind, most road games where the team does wear White jerseys, they should wear Burgundy pants.  Save 1 or 2 games for Gold Pants.  Maybe every other year wear the 75th for a road game.

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I'd revamp the current concept, but just make it slightly more modern. Maybe darken the burgundy some, touch up the stripes you want on the pants/sleeves, etc. Do soemthing to make everything consistent regardless of which combinations they wear.


I love the Indian head logo...it brings me back to the 1980s and my youth watching championship teams. Not liking it would be akin to thinking Santa Claus is too fat, in my opinion. So, keep it, but just clean it up. Go with:


Burgundy/Gold at home

White/Burgundy on the road


Have both versions of the throwbacks (I love last year's but could also deal with the spear helmet versions) so that you can wear those either at home (burgundy) or on the road (white) during Thanksgiving weekend.




Yeah, this is an overall good idea.  I absolutely agree with the darker burgundy jerseys and pants.  I'd also tone down the gold some and give them more of a matte finish, rather than the shiny finish.


For the Jerseys, I'd do away with the two stripes on the sleeves.  In today's era, it's pointless, most players (except Cousins) wears their sleeves tucked.  For the Burgundy jerseys, there should be just a solid gold band on the sleeve.  For the White, a solid Burgundy stripe / band.


The socks should definitely be solid Burgundy when wearing Gold pants.  For Burgundy pants maybe a two-toned Burgundy / Gold look.  Solid Burgundy with Burgundy pants looks weird (google image a search on Clinton Portis, and you'll see what I'm talking about).


Overall, the piping / stripes on the uniforms is inconsistent, and I was hoping it all would be addressed with the Nike uniforms, but they didn't bother cleaning them up.  


If the two stripe look on the Gold wouldn't look right, what do you think about triple striped Burgundy pants (two gold, white middle)?

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For pant stripes, I'd go even simpler. I'd put a single burgundy stripe down the gold pants and single gold stripe down the burgundy pants.


I like that even better.


I wouldn't mind seeing pants similar to this, but maybe not so dark...maybe something in between the current gold and these:



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I wouldn't mind seeing something of that nature DH, would also like to see that entire uni with the feather helmet worn as a throwback at some point.... I love that helmet



Oh snap, I was looking through this thread and you posted a pic of my helmet that I made earlier this year.  You can't buy this helmet any longer, and I really wanted one, so I just made the darn thing.


As for our unis, I really like the gold pants and striped socks, but I wish the sleeve stripes matched.  Maybe make this the jersey?...



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Well, if one wants to totally blow up the current unis, the ideas considered in the prior handful of posts would be a good way to do it.  However, that's not my preference.  I just want to make some tweaks to the current uniform.  That's all.


As far as going back to the old-school tone of burgundy & gold on a permanent basis (as opposed to just a couple games a year via an alt/retro uni), I'm not a fan of that.  The old-school burgundy is too close to purple and the old-school gold is too close to mustard yellow for my taste.  Some say that the current tones of the team colors are closer to maroon/cardinal red & canary yellow rather than true burgundy (which, yes, is a red wine color) & gold (the correct tone of which is worn by only one football team as far as I know: Notre Dame).  But that's fine by me, as I think our current team colors and uniforms are the best in all of sports.  Hell, I became a fan of the Redskins back in the late '80s because I liked the look of their unis so much.  So I'm not a fan of flushing those unis down the proverbial toilet to satisfy some urge for an old-school nostalgia trip or to come up with something New & Cool & Hip & Cool™.

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White pants tonight :(


I hate those things, they need to burn them.

Totally agree.  We should have never worn them in the 1st place.  Keep the tradition of Burgundy and White tops and gold pants going forever.

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White pants are so ordinary. I know I'm "Gold Pants" but I've be great with either Burgundy or Gold Pants mixed and matched with Burgundy and White Jerseys. Actually, I'd like a Gold jersey to be the Alt....but I'm in the minority there.


What happened with the folks good with Photoshop who were making mock Uni's? I liked looking at those. Do that again.

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There was a new rule that stated players must wear thigh and knee pads.  I've watched every replay of every preseason game and I don't see any kickers or punters with them.  Have they been given a pass? 

I don't know wear I heard it/read it, but I do think that Kickers and Punters are exempt.

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So if we change the jersey style to the older look with more stripes on the side and adjust if for the new shorter cut that most players wear we could get something that looks like this.




I think it solidifies the look and makes it more "uniform."


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