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The Merged x115 Adventures Of The Fashion Police Weekly aka THE Uniform Thread


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Can't wait to get a mini helmet and add this to my collection. The leathery detail is impressive, they did a great job.

So glad they went with the '37 uniform, nice and classy. These uniforms will look good in a rainy muddy game.

Someone needs to be assigned to watch the weather every home game. Rain? Break these bad boys out!

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Said this in the other thread. But since these are now our alternates, I think the days of Burgundy tops Gold bottoms at home is over.

Back to the Gibbs' style home unis.

Wouldn't the regular be the Burgundy jerseys and Gold pants the team has worn since Allen / Shanahan came on board? I doubt we've seen the last of the Bruce Allen "gold" pants...those are crazy popular and most people I know love them. The white pants on the other hand, most folks I know want those retired.

Edited by Diesel Hog
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The problem is that most unis look like garbage.

I'll take our classy, timeless uniforms anyday over what the Seahawks did to their uniform.

I mean...just tell, which looks better to you;


Or this...thing...

The fact is, our current uniform, as is, is kind of timeless. It fits in every era. It's not like the Denver "orange crush" unis that looked ridiculous and then got updated to something better. There's no real reason to update them other than just for the sake of updating them, and there's really only one way to go with the Redskins uniforms, I find---really, really, ridiculously ****ing stupid looking.

Like what the Seahawks did.

I actually don't mind the new Seahawks unis. Their Godawful neon green uniforms were atrocious eyesores. These new Nike unis actually look decent.

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Wouldn't the regular be the Burgundy jerseys and Gold pants the team has worn since Allen / Shanahan came on board? I doubt we've seen the last of the Bruce Allen "gold" pants...those are crazy popular and most people I know love them. The white pants on the other hand, most folks I know want those retired.

We only get 3 unis. Home/Away/Alternate. We've been using those 75th Anniv pants as our gold pants since Bruce came on. Now that we have these 80th Anniv unis as our new alternates, we may have to ditch the bright gold pants. Unless, like you said, we totally ditch the white pants of old. But we've already seen Nike's new designed unis with the Burg top, white bottoms.

So I think that's it for the bright gold pants, for now.

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We only get 3 unis. Home/Away/Alternate. We've been using those 75th Anniv pants as our gold pants since Bruce came on. Now that we have these 80th Anniv unis as our new alternates, we may have to ditch the bright gold pants. Unless, like you said, we totally ditch the white pants of old. But we've already seen Nike's new designed unis with the Burg top, white bottoms.

So I think that's it for the bright gold pants, for now.

Oh man, I hope that's not the case. Not a fan of the Burgundy Jersey / White Pants look.

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Guest Spearfeather
Wouldn't the regular be the Burgundy jerseys and Gold pants the team has worn since Allen / Shanahan came on board? I doubt we've seen the last of the Bruce Allen "gold" pants...those are crazy popular and most people I know love them. The white pants on the other hand, most folks I know want those retired.

Yeah, all this talk about the gold pants being gone ,,,, I don't get it. Just because we didn't wear them at the Nike unveiling? O.K. So, if we had been wearing the gold at the nike unveiling, would people also be saying, " Well, looks like the white pants are history? "

It's possible we may not see them this year.

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Oh I really hope it's the white and not the gold pants that we get rid of

Totally. I never understood why the team got rid of the gold pants in the first place. What was Jack Pardee thinking? I would be totally fine with getting rid of the white pants all together.

If I were in charge of this stuff, the colors I'd use would be the ones from the 70th. I like the "R" helmet and the current helmet better than the spear helmet, but the colors from the 70th are spot on.


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Yeah, all this talk about the gold pants being gone ,,,, I don't get it. Just because we didn't wear them at the Nike unveiling? O.K. So, if we had been wearing the gold at the nike unveiling, would people also be saying, " Well, looks like the white pants are history? "

It's possible we may not see them this year.

On Colorwerx, the lighter shade of burgundy used on the pants was not listed, so apparently they have been scraped. Sucks, I know.. Larry made a reference to the gold pants during the unveiling, and he made it seem like we still have them, so who knows. Somebody should contact Bruce and ask him.

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Guest Spearfeather
On Colorwerx, the lighter shade of burgundy used on the pants was not listed, so apparently they have been scraped. Sucks, I know.. Larry made a reference to the gold pants during the unveiling, and he made it seem like we still have them, so who knows. Somebody should contact Bruce and ask him.

While we may not see those this year. With Bruce Allen here, I would expect them to make a quick return.

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Every NFL team is only allowed to have 3 uniform combos.

Our gold pants with Reebok were part of our 75th anniversary set. There was no problem having gold pants, because they were already part of our uniform set.

My guess is, since we haven't seen the gold pants yet, we're not going to see gold pants period. The new Nike reveal had us with burgundy tops and white pants, which means our away would be white tops with burgundy pants, and our alt is the 80th anniversary uni.

The only other way it'd work is if we're wearing gold pants with our away uniform. Which I doubt.

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Guest Spearfeather
Every NFL team is only allowed to have 3 uniform combos.



This is getting too confusing.

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This is getting too confusing.

Okay, let me explain.

Technically, the Ravens have 3 uniforms. They have the purple on white, and the white on white. The black on black is alt.

Now, they can mix and match those uniforms as much as they want; Purple on Black, White on Black, Black on White, et all. But those are the ONLY combos they can have; they can't randomly decide to have a fourth uniform with purple pants or something. Your only allowed 3 "uniforms". How you mix and match them is your business.

For our unis, we had the Burgundy on White as our Home, the White on Burgundy for our Away, and then 75th (special white jersey with gold pants) was our Alt.

How we mixed and matched our unis was whatever; Burgundy on White, Burgundy on Burgundy, White on White, White on Gold, Burgundy and Gold, White and Burgundy. But the NFL says that we can't have a fourth uni, or an extra pants set.

Nike already has unveiled two of our uniforms; we have our home, Burgundy on White unis, and our 80th anniversary alternates. I'll take a wild guess and say that our away jerseys will be white on burgundy. That means no gold pants, unless we're going to go white on white on the road. Which would suck.

Edited by NLC1054
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Guest Spearfeather
For our unis, we had the Burgundy on White as our Home, the White on Burgundy for our Away, and then 75th (special white jersey with gold pants) was our Alt.

How we mixed and matched our unis was whatever; Burgundy on White, Burgundy on Burgundy, White on White, White on Gold, Burgundy and Gold, White and Burgundy. But the NFL says that we can't have a fourth uni, or an extra pants set.


Makes sense.

It's funny that we've worn the gold pants at home more than the white. But I suppose if the burgundy and gold was designated home, then we wouldn't be able to wear the white at all. ( Which would be fine with me).

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Has anybody else noticed that the burgundy pants went from Matte to shiny pants after the 05 season?

the shiny burgundy pants are the worst thing that has ever happened to our uniform

Also. We have gone away from our traditional redskins socks. WHY!?

1. White socks with 1 burgundy and 1 gold stripe.

2. White lower, Burgundy upper with gold triple stripe

Now we wear the plain burgundy and white...gross

Thats where this uniform leaves more to be desired...RG3 needs some nice socks!

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