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While You're Suffering, They're Laughing....


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They just need to start keeping draft picks and selecting free agents that make sense and dont break the bank.

I mean, even on Madden I don't go nuts and sign everybody out there and trade away 75% of my draft picks because there is always next year.

I always traded away my picks to stack my team, and then I stunk two years down the road because everyone was gone or I was hampered by injuries. Does that make me Dan Snyder and co.? :)

Bottom line: We need a change in philosophy and I hope that Gibbs can do whatever it is he came to do.


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Changes will come though. Probably now or after the next home game when the booing starts. And the laughing on the sideline is just BS. I cant believe the coaches let them do it. It's totally unprofessional and pisses off fans when they are losing by 3-4 scores.

Changes won't come as long as Danny has the fans hook, line, and sinker by always going after the big name. If Gibbs decides to leave, you can bet Danny will be in Pittsburgh in a flash, making Bill Cowher a huge offer.

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Changes won't come as long as Danny has the fans hook, line, and sinker by always going after the big name. If Gibbs decides to leave, you can bet Danny will be in Pittsburgh in a flash, making Bill Cowher a huge offer.

Thats what I mean, there are changes every year, big name signings that have fans talking SB before the season starts. We don't get better because of them and starting players who are in their mid to late 30s precludes the fact that there will be turnover at several key positions in the near future. Also every year we have let at least 1 good player go and signed a lesser player to a larger contract.

I almost think that Coles deal was a blessing because it handicapped them from being able to go after Kearse or Randy Moss instead of what we did. I could just see them sign a few of those guys to 60-70M contracts in 05 and still let Pierce go because he wasn't worth it.

Pierce isn't worth it but Carter and Archuleta are? Who the **** thought either of these guys were very good before we signed them?

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I have stuck with this team my whole life. I have sat in the rain, the cold, and the blazing sun to watch my Redskins. My family and I have shelled out thousands of dollars for tickets and merchandise.

But after watching those clowns goof off and laugh on the sidelines during a blow out victory is shameful and offesnive.

As Redskin fans, we should all feel offended and disgusted with this.

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I think most of the team is tired of losing...not just losing..being embarresed. But they have the right to have fun despite losing. The problem is what is being done about it. Right now, nothing as long as Brunell gets the start. How can Gibbs hold his team accountable when he can't hold MB accountable and bench his sorry *****? He can't. Everyone will just point to Mark and say "Well..you let him get away with sucking...why shouldn't I have fun when there's nothing we can do about it?"

They have the right to have fun despite losing. WTF? Where can I find a job where they pay me millions to lose and have fun while doing it?

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I was wondering if anyone else felt this way. I knew that it was possible to lose to the Iggles, and quite frankly I thought it to be likely. But, I never thought we'd just lay an egg. I guess everyone is pretty shocked to say the least. Thanks for noticing that we're still fans. Its okay to be dissapointed, right? :cheers:


As a FAN I don't how you could feel any other way. Seriously, how can you sit back and watch them play grabass on the sideline while our season is flushing down the toilet and not get pissed off.

So what they practice all week and study film thats what they get paid to do. They are getting millions upon millions of dollars to play a game, practice, watch film and produce on the field. When they don't produce they should care, they should show some damn remorse for letting the fans, the people who pay them their millions of dollars, down. WhereTF are my Redskins?

The only consolation we have now is hoping the Cowpukes don't make the playoffs either. :applause:

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I guess dude....

To each his own.....I just refuse to believe this team really doesn't give a ****, they can't.

All the hard work week in and week out that goes into this game and not give a damn if you win or lose? No ****ing way....

Seriously man........

Have you watched them play lately?

How can you care and play like old ladies?

If I was them, I'd be pissed, and I'd have an attitude and I'd be taking it out on the opposing team.

And if the rest of my team did the same, we'd be winning!

But they're not.

So they don't.

And here we sit with the highest paid losing team on earth.

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For us it is $2,400 a year,

when we should be paying off our college loans or seeting up college funds for our future kids.

And no I am not having fun either,

but boy I love those 8 dollar cheeseburgers.

well..maybe its time for you to rethink your priorities?..if you're not having fun..then stop going...why spend the money if you think its a waste? I've never been to a game...just couldn't afford it...but hopefully someday I will...I've purchased some things that maybe I shouldn't have...but I'm not gonna complain about it...this is a choice for you...if you're not getting your money's worth...then just stop doing it...

p.s. $8 cheeseburgers??..holy crap...are they at least good?:D

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So does this mean we're a joke? :paranoid: :laugh:

This season with the way we played, Im sure other teams around the league look at us the way they do the Buffalo Bills or the 49ers. We have played like we are the joke of the league. A team that spends on some of the supposedly most coveted players in the league cant string together threee consecutive wins, or even stay at .500?!?!?! Ill bet the players that have escaped Washington do laugh when they look at our situation. What really gets me is that when Gibbs came back, I thought stability would come with it. It didnt. We got two years of Gibbs offense, 1 playoff appearance in that time, then we get Saunders 700 page screen pass and reverse manual the next season. Now we have to worry about Gibbs leaving and the unstability created when that happens. Also, by that time both of our lines will be aged and in the twilight of their careers. I have a feeling its going to get a lot worse before it gets a lot better.

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The fans aren't happy spending a large % of their own money that they could be saving to send their kids to college with or something. How can any of this be the fans fault? We are the reason that Snyder can claim that this is the richest sports team in the US and that despite the fact that the team has sucked balls for most of the past decade and a half means we are pretty damned loyal.

If you are faced with the choice between sending your kids to college and watching the skins, whether they are winning or losing, you should pick your kids. That's what's wrong with you people, your priorities are all out of whack. You say you've been loyal, yet here you sit whining. They paid you back for your loyalty with all the effort they put into playing the game they play. There is no guarantee of a win on the back of the ticket. You pay your money and you take your chances. If it's only worth it for you if they win, then don't waste your money, because nobody knows until the games are played.


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All the way to the bank...

No knee jerk reaction here, and I appreciate everyone's posts today. I think that most of you guys have really tried to think before you type. Kudos, and I couldn't agree more. One thing that I'd like to touch on and didn't see mentioned.

Many of you have asked the question, "why is this team laughing on the sidelines, dancing and jawing in celebration on the field, and acting as if it just doesn't matter...?" Some, including myself, have often tried to argue that they care, but for the most part they don't. I think we all know by now.

Just know that when you, your kid, and nearly your entire paycheck go to tickets, food, drinks, and merch', you're buying new rims, cars, college educations, homes, pools for those homes, and basketball courts inside the homes for these players. You'd be laughing too. No matter if you're a 10 million dollar safety turned special teamer or a well established 36 year old man that's afraid of being crippled, the check still comes in the mail or it can be picked up at the front desk.

Keep starving and coming to the games in your old Arrington, Smoot, Bailey and Ramsey jerseys. Its not your fault that you can't afford a new one, because you bleed burgundy and gold no matter what. Maybe its time we stayed home on Sundays with the kids and went bike riding or spent a day in the park together. Maybe when it gets cold enough to snow we can play in that snow and build a snowman.


Your could not be more right....it really pisses me off to see guys smoking and joking on the sidelines when we are getting our asses kicked...sometimes I think the game means more to me than it does some of the friggin players.....real ass chapper.

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If someone was willing to pay me 5 million dollars every year just to play a sport, you'd never see me without a big smirk on my face. I'd bust my butt (to get even more money) and work like a dog on that playing field but seriously, why would I care if I was on a 3-13 or a 13-3 team?

Off the top of your head, how many games did the 1974 Redskins win? Can't remember? That's right, because it doesn't really matter in the big picture of life.

Maybe some of these guys want to win so bad because that's all they've ever been taught. I've worked very hard though for just a fraction of what these guys make and know that being able to provide a future for my family is a million times more important than winning any single football game.

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All the way to the bank...

No knee jerk reaction here, and I appreciate everyone's posts today. I think that most of you guys have really tried to think before you type. Kudos, and I couldn't agree more. One thing that I'd like to touch on and didn't see mentioned.

Many of you have asked the question, "why is this team laughing on the sidelines, dancing and jawing in celebration on the field, and acting as if it just doesn't matter...?" Some, including myself, have often tried to argue that they care, but for the most part they don't. I think we all know by now.

Just know that when you, your kid, and nearly your entire paycheck go to tickets, food, drinks, and merch', you're buying new rims, cars, college educations, homes, pools for those homes, and basketball courts inside the homes for these players. You'd be laughing too. No matter if you're a 10 million dollar safety turned special teamer or a well established 36 year old man that's afraid of being crippled, the check still comes in the mail or it can be picked up at the front desk.

Keep starving and coming to the games in your old Arrington, Smoot, Bailey and Ramsey jerseys. Its not your fault that you can't afford a new one, because you bleed burgundy and gold no matter what. Maybe its time we stayed home on Sundays with the kids and went bike riding or spent a day in the park together. Maybe when it gets cold enough to snow we can play in that snow and build a snowman.


Say it ain't so man. Say it ain't so. It seems that even the most grounded of us fans have suddenly woken up and realized the dream IS over. This is the matrix all over again :) We've been living our lives content that we had a winning team while the league was laughing at us we were drinking the koolaid of high priced cure all's only to awaken to a world of crap.

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$8000 a year + gas money and having to deal with the "in-laws" for three days ten times a year+...

Enough loyalty for ya? When a man/woman is willing to pull thousands of dollars of his/her pocket for entertainment, he/she expects to be entertained. Are you entertained? I'm having a blast :laugh:

....just to clarify, I'm NOT saying that the money you pay is the only measure of loyalty. I'm just trying to make the case that I'm as diehard as the next guy... ;) Fed up, as I'm sure most are.

But you have also been one of the worst on here when everyone else complains that we aren't "real fans" or "true fans". Welcome to our side.

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They can still lose their jobs. I wouldn't dance and slap around too much until I knew I was coming back for another year. Archuletta robbed us, agreed. But truthfully he had a good resume, he just forgot how to bring it here. I think there will be an attitude adjustment in the off season. This team will rebound next season, and I think it will finally be the team we expect it to be.

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