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While You're Suffering, They're Laughing....


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All the way to the bank...

No knee jerk reaction here, and I appreciate everyone's posts today. I think that most of you guys have really tried to think before you type. Kudos, and I couldn't agree more. One thing that I'd like to touch on and didn't see mentioned.

Many of you have asked the question, "why is this team laughing on the sidelines, dancing and jawing in celebration on the field, and acting as if it just doesn't matter...?" Some, including myself, have often tried to argue that they care, but for the most part they don't. I think we all know by now.

Just know that when you, your kid, and nearly your entire paycheck go to tickets, food, drinks, and merch', you're buying new rims, cars, college educations, homes, pools for those homes, and basketball courts inside the homes for these players. You'd be laughing too. No matter if you're a 10 million dollar safety turned special teamer or a well established 36 year old man that's afraid of being crippled, the check still comes in the mail or it can be picked up at the front desk.

Keep starving and coming to the games in your old Arrington, Smoot, Bailey and Ramsey jerseys. Its not your fault that you can't afford a new one, because you bleed burgundy and gold no matter what. Maybe its time we stayed home on Sundays with the kids and went bike riding or spent a day in the park together. Maybe when it gets cold enough to snow we can play in that snow and build a snowman.


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I think most of the team is tired of losing...not just losing..being embarresed. But they have the right to have fun despite losing. The problem is what is being done about it. Right now, nothing as long as Brunell gets the start. How can Gibbs hold his team accountable when he can't hold MB accountable and bench his sorry *****? He can't. Everyone will just point to Mark and say "Well..you let him get away with sucking...why shouldn't I have fun when there's nothing we can do about it?"

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I think most of the team is tired of losing...not just losing..being embarresed. But they have the right to have fun despite losing.

I don't know about you guys, but when I played sports and I was losing I never smiled...

But, I probably would smile if I knew that my check would have four or five zeros in it each week win, lose, or draw... :doh:

Are WE having fun yet :laugh:

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I guess dude....

To each his own.....I just refuse to believe this team really doesn't give a ****, they can't.

All the hard work week in and week out that goes into this game and not give a damn if you win or lose? No ****ing way....

So you don't think that posturing, or better, acting is a part of this business? Oh, they'll behave publicly because thats their job. Number one priority: character and never embarrass the franchise. Not all of them care. If you can't see that, then either I'm crazy or there's 151 in the Kool-aid :)


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I thought the reason why they laugh, dance, and slap each other like little girls during a blow out loss is because Joe promises to take them all out for ice cream and happy meals after the game at McDonalds?
Wait a minute... these guys get paid? :wtf:

Very funny stuff. I guess we can choose to laugh about it. Thats what "the wife" does. So does this mean we're a joke? :paranoid: :laugh:

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So you don't think that posturing, or better, acting is a part of this business? Oh, they'll behave publicly because thats their job. Number one priority: character and never embarrass the franchise. Not all of them care. If you can't see that, then either I'm crazy or there's 151 in the Kool-aid :)


I dont know....I don't taste anything funny in my kool-aid, so you MUST be crazy. :cheers:

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So, go away when they do poorly? Do we come back when they do well?

No I don't think that's what he was saying.

But he's right and it's time most people come to terms with the reality that when all is said and done as long as they get paid they really don't care. They may work during the week and try to win but if it doesn't happen it's not that big of a deal to them. They don't really play for the fans. They play for the money.

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will the real redskins fans please stand up... this is pathetic where is the loyalty

$8000 a year + gas money and having to deal with the "in-laws" for three days ten times a year+...

Enough loyalty for ya? When a man/woman is willing to pull thousands of dollars of his/her pocket for entertainment, he/she expects to be entertained. Are you entertained? I'm having a blast :laugh:

....just to clarify, I'm NOT saying that the money you pay is the only measure of loyalty. I'm just trying to make the case that I'm as diehard as the next guy... ;) Fed up, as I'm sure most are.

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will the real redskins fans please stand up... this is pathetic where is the loyalty

There are some on this board. Sadly there dont appear to be any on the field.

While players do suffer some personally from losing and poor performance in the way of poor stats that dont aid their contract negotiations there is little financial incentive to win. They get more money if they make the playoffs, SB etc but when you make what they make its not enough to make a big difference.

I dont understand it either. I played football in highschool for nothing but fun. When we lost a game you never saw a hint of anything but disappointment on the sideine. On the bus ride home nothing, no conversation, you could hear a pin drop. We also knew we were going to pay for it by working much harder the next week in practice.

NFL players lose today and I doubt there post game routine changes at all.

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$8000 a year + gas money and having to deal with the "in-laws" for three days ten times a year+...

Enough loyalty for ya? When a man/woman is willing to pull thousands of dollars of his/her pocket for entertainment, he/she expects to be entertained. Are you entertained? I'm having a blast :laugh:

For us it is $2,400 a year,

when we should be paying off our college loans or seeting up college funds for our future kids.

And no I am not having fun either,

but boy I love those 8 dollar cheeseburgers.

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will the real redskins fans please stand up... this is pathetic where is the loyalty

Man SHUT UP, we all are loyal and I am sick of Dip sticks like you try to be the real fan and the not the fair weather fan.. bluh bluh bluh We all are in it, we all are sick of this bs for 15 years now. Its very easy to fix this problem, you build through the draft, its that simple. If Danny or Joe have learned anything this year I hope its not to trade away our future and quality depth.

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I think most of the team is tired of losing...not just losing..being embarresed. But they have the right to have fun despite losing. The problem is what is being done about it. Right now, nothing as long as Brunell gets the start. How can Gibbs hold his team accountable when he can't hold MB accountable and bench his sorry *****? He can't. Everyone will just point to Mark and say "Well..you let him get away with sucking...why shouldn't I have fun when there's nothing we can do about it?"

I hate to say it, but at the NFL, there is no fun in losing. You cannot justify having fun, while losing. That little, "just have fun" thing was beat out of everybody who played high school sports.

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I dont understand it either. I played football in highschool for nothing but fun. When we lost a game you never saw a hint of anything but disappointment on the sideine. On the bus ride home nothing, no conversation, you could hear a pin drop. We also knew we were going to pay for it by working much harder the next week in practice.

NFL players lose today and I doubt there post game routine changes at all.

Bingo, it just seems like certain players really seem affected, but for the most part others are unaffected.

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I agree with your post and anyone who doesn't agree with this to an extent is either blind or denying the fact that football has changed over the years. On inside the NFL this last week Chris Collinsworth brought up that this year seems to be the year of individuals more than any other year. It is something that has been happening over the past years. It was once about a team and winning and now about the stars.

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There are some on this board. Sadly there dont appear to be any on the field.

While players do suffer some personally from losing and poor performance in the way of poor stats that dont aid their contract negotiations there is little financial incentive to win. They get more money if they make the playoffs, SB etc but when you make what they make its not enough to make a big difference.

I dont understand it either. I played football in highschool for nothing but fun. When we lost a game you never saw a hint of anything but disappointment on the sideine. On the bus ride home nothing, no conversation, you could hear a pin drop. We also knew we were going to pay for it by working much harder the next week in practice.

NFL players lose today and I doubt there post game routine changes at all.

No doubt. The financial exchange goes on regardless of the outcome of games. The players still collect their salaries whether they win or lose. Unfortunately, the fans get the shaft in this exchange because they have to invest their time and dish out their hard earned money on the team whether they win or lose. Granted it is done voluntarily but it's not entirely unreasonable to expect some return on the investment. Or is it?

I think people should be allowed to criticize without having their loyalty questioned.

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