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While You're Suffering, They're Laughing....


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I agree with your post and anyone who doesn't agree with this to an extent is either blind or denying the fact that football has changed over the years. On inside the NFL this last week Chris Collinsworth brought up that this year seems to be the year of individuals more than any other year. It is something that has been happening over the past years. It was once about a team and winning and now about the stars.

Oh, I didn't realize you didn't know the new hip/trendy thing. Everyone's doing it...

Its called Fantasy Football :laugh: :D :jk:...sort of :(

Quote from Portis on Thursday to the media: "...I saw the tape and I got in. I'd have had another TD..."

What happened to "we" Clinton. Where is the "we"? :doh:

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I guess dude....

To each his own.....I just refuse to believe this team really doesn't give a ****, they can't.

All the hard work week in and week out that goes into this game and not give a damn if you win or lose? No ****ing way....

I know. They must care. I'm sure Brunell really is beat up about piloting a team that's collapsing, but sometimes, its hard to tell.

The Redskins are one of the most disappointing team in the league this year, and they had the power to turn that around several times this year, but they've consistently come out flat, lacking energy.

Its just very frustrating to see what appears to be a complete lack of effort on the field, together with guys laughing on the sidelines.

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I know. They must care. I'm sure Brunell really is beat up about piloting a team that's collapsing, but sometimes, its hard to tell.

I'll tell ya' what's hard to tell. Its hard to tell why Brunell speaks in first person plural. Whatever happened to accountability? I agree with Tarhog's earlier post, but quite frankly the word "accountability" has been linked to Brunell long before this game. "WE"? :laugh: "I" missed some opportunities, and "I" threw for 4 yards on 3rd down when "WE" needed 8....

I'm still hopeful, but not if Brunell is "piloting" this sinking ship. I want my avatar to get a shot NOW ;)


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I hate to say it, but at the NFL, there is no fun in losing. You cannot justify having fun, while losing. That little, "just have fun" thing was beat out of everybody who played high school sports.

Well, believe it or not having the "just have fun" mentality beat out of you from high school sports is extremly unhealthy. Its one thing to be like that in high school, but another when you are a grown man who has a family. There is a time in life when sports is NOT the most important thing in life. Whenever someone makes a mistake at their job are they supposed to be silent for the rest of the day and just be depressed? If so, then they will have a unhealthy miserable life.

But here's the kicker: I'm not justifying it. I'm just stating the way it is. The players should, and like I said, believe they do feel bad. Just because they handle it in a way other than moping or anger doesn't make them evil greed mongers like many of you guys are making them out to be. It may mean they need to be benched, however.

In all honesty, if you change one person with this team right now, I believe you will re-light the fire under this team. Put JC in instead of Brunell and we'll see what happens. And btw, I'm NOT suffering. There are better things to suffer for than the game of football. Grow up.

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All the way to the bank...

No knee jerk reaction here, and I appreciate everyone's posts today. I think that most of you guys have really tried to think before you type. Kudos, and I couldn't agree more. One thing that I'd like to touch on and didn't see mentioned.

Many of you have asked the question, "why is this team laughing on the sidelines, dancing and jawing in celebration on the field, and acting as if it just doesn't matter...?" Some, including myself, have often tried to argue that they care, but for the most part they don't. I think we all know by now.

Just know that when you, your kid, and nearly your entire paycheck go to tickets, food, drinks, and merch', you're buying new rims, cars, college educations, homes, pools for those homes, and basketball courts inside the homes for these players. You'd be laughing too. No matter if you're a 10 million dollar safety turned special teamer or a well established 36 year old man that's afraid of being crippled, the check still comes in the mail or it can be picked up at the front desk.

Keep starving and coming to the games in your old Arrington, Smoot, Bailey and Ramsey jerseys. Its not your fault that you can't afford a new one, because you bleed burgundy and gold no matter what. Maybe its time we stayed home on Sundays with the kids and went bike riding or spent a day in the park together. Maybe when it gets cold enough to snow we can play in that snow and build a snowman.


Maybe Gibbs should stop being so damn passive and start chewing these guys out? :whoknows:

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I'd be laughing, too. Even after a tough, super smart display of a football game I get to drive a Ferrari to my 5K square foot mansion where my girlfriend is quietly waiting. She doesn't speak English and she never talks back. She'll have a PILE of pure cocaine waiting for me when I get home. After I get high as a kite she'll blow me until my friends come over and I head out to the private VIP room at the best clubs in town and drink $1K bottles of wine right out of the bottle. I can afford it, Snyder just paid me 10 million and I'm not even sore cuz I didn't PLAY!

Yep, I'd be laughing too.

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No I don't think that's what he was saying.

But he's right and it's time most people come to terms with the reality that when all is said and done as long as they get paid they really don't care. They may work during the week and try to win but if it doesn't happen it's not that big of a deal to them. They don't really play for the fans. They play for the money.

Yes, they due obviously and only play for the money. I was was watching the end of the Phily game, they were laughing, joking and hugging as if they all just had a great time at the family barbeque.

You can be sportsman like, professional and not like to lose, or you can behave like it was another fun outing while getting the big check tomorrow.

It almost looked like politics with Bush and Pelosi having a nice post election lunch and chat.

Both left a bad taste in my mouth, and a feeling of unspecified dread.


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Just because they handle it in a way other than moping or anger doesn't make them evil greed mongers like many of you guys are making them out to be. It may mean they need to be benched, however.

And btw, I'm NOT suffering. There are better things to suffer for than the game of football. Grow up.

I don't recall anyone calling them "evil greed mongers". Suffering is a relative term, and I think you are spinning this into something it is not.

It IS this as the post states:

No matter a win, lose, or draw the pay is the same for most. If a father wants to fulfill his son's desire to see his team play, you'd think the "best of the best" could deliver a good performance once in a while. Notice I didn't even say win. If these players aren't affected in their everyday lives for poor performances, they should be benched as you stated.

Did you think this was a post about calling for players' heads? Nah, theres plenty of that going on. This is about the fact that some people scrape the bottom of the penny jar to get a chance to see this team live, and its sad that this team can't do better than this. If we're arguably the Yankees of football, where is the 'ol Yankee-type performance. Oh wait, the Yankee philosophy apparently doesn't work anymore.

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Where is the loyalty you ask? It's right in front of you.. people posting on this site are passionate about their team. When the skins do bad, we feel the brunt of the lost. We say things like **** the skins, I hate the skins, they suck..but deep down inside you love them. This is why we get so upset when they lose and no one is doing anything to resolve the issues...or so it seems. So don't question a skins fans loyalty, we all know we bad mouth the team when **** like this happens (although its blasphemous). So lets get this straight we're angry with the situation in Washington....but the support and loyalty is there...and always will be. damit.

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Realizing that the Skins stink is really kind of liberating. Instead of expecting them to win, and then getting smoked lead to some anger and depression.

Now, after the third quarter I just took the fam to the beach. I'll keep rooting for them just like I have all my life, but now I just don't care as much.

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$8000 a year + gas money and having to deal with the "in-laws" for three days ten times a year+...

Enough loyalty for ya? When a man/woman is willing to pull thousands of dollars of his/her pocket for entertainment, he/she expects to be entertained. Are you entertained? I'm having a blast :laugh:

....just to clarify, I'm NOT saying that the money you pay is the only measure of loyalty. I'm just trying to make the case that I'm as diehard as the next guy... ;) Fed up, as I'm sure most are.

I'll be your little bro for one week a year if you take me to a game.

J/K, I can count all the games we have won that I have gone to on 1 hand, well, the games that are actually fun because of a win and not fun because it goes down to the wire but ultimately end up losing so the rest of the night sucks.

I hope there are some players on the team that are not having fun, aka, the backups that don't get paid millions of dollars a year and would play their hearts out if givin the chance.

Every poster on this thread have good points, when you are 3-6 play the damn game and don't showboat until the end result is a W.

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Nice post. Many of the players don't really care. Hey,they got their guaranteed bonus money.

You knopw what I am really tired of? The same post game speech said in a monotone voice:

"We just have to regroup and try harder"

"We have a lot of talent on this team to be performing this way"

"We have to put this game behind us and work hard in practice"

Blah blah blah. I don't see any passion in most of the players. I want to see Jeremy Shockey type passion. He may be a jackass, but at least he is a jackass who clearly cares.

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All the way to the bank...

No knee jerk reaction here, and I appreciate everyone's posts today. I think that most of you guys have really tried to think before you type. Kudos, and I couldn't agree more. One thing that I'd like to touch on and didn't see mentioned.

Many of you have asked the question, "why is this team laughing on the sidelines, dancing and jawing in celebration on the field, and acting as if it just doesn't matter...?" Some, including myself, have often tried to argue that they care, but for the most part they don't. I think we all know by now.

Just know that when you, your kid, and nearly your entire paycheck go to tickets, food, drinks, and merch', you're buying new rims, cars, college educations, homes, pools for those homes, and basketball courts inside the homes for these players. You'd be laughing too. No matter if you're a 10 million dollar safety turned special teamer or a well established 36 year old man that's afraid of being crippled, the check still comes in the mail or it can be picked up at the front desk.

Keep starving and coming to the games in your old Arrington, Smoot, Bailey and Ramsey jerseys. Its not your fault that you can't afford a new one, because you bleed burgundy and gold no matter what. Maybe its time we stayed home on Sundays with the kids and went bike riding or spent a day in the park together. Maybe when it gets cold enough to snow we can play in that snow and build a snowman.


I was going to wait and start a thread for my 1500th post but why be self indulgent when you have so eloquently summed up exactly what I wanted to say.

I agree with you 100%. It's heart breaking to see players of a team you care so much for playing grab ass on the sideline when they don't even show up to play. I don't care who you are or what degree of a fan you are, you should be pissed off. How can you be a fan and not be? Like I've said probably ten times already today, this team doesn't have heart, or even a pulse it seems. If they do, where is it? Who has it?

CP used to be the one stand out who played his guts out every week but he seems to be losing some of his fire. Why? What happened to the chemistry? I can't believe it's completely lost. I think a few changes can ignite it once again. What's it going to be Joe? Your foolish pride or doing whats right for this team and the fans?

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Did anyone see Chad Jonhson's press conference today after their game? The guy had tears in his eyes. For all the bs he pulls, that guy cares. There is no rage when the skins lose, they're a hodgepodge of mercenaries with bloated salaries and complete job security. Most teams have rookies breathing down veteran's necks. Not us. We have 6th and 7th round picks who don't make the team or have little talent, and the few highly touted guys brought in are benched b/c of an old-school mentality displayed by the entire coaching staff.

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I think most of the team is tired of losing...not just losing..being embarresed. But they have the right to have fun despite losing. The problem is what is being done about it. Right now, nothing as long as Brunell gets the start. How can Gibbs hold his team accountable when he can't hold MB accountable and bench his sorry *****? He can't. Everyone will just point to Mark and say "Well..you let him get away with sucking...why shouldn't I have fun when there's nothing we can do about it?"

It is alot more than Mark Brunell. He sucks, The secendary sucks, the offensive and Defensive line sucks and that 700 page playbook needs one more: HOW TO WIN!!!! Scouting Dept. is the worst in the NFL. The few draft picks we get suck.

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Nice post. Many of the players don't really care. Hey,they got their guaranteed bonus money.

You knopw what I am really tired of? The same post game speech said in a monotone voice:

"We just have to regroup and try harder"

"We have a lot of talent on this team to be performing this way"

"We have to put this game behind us and work hard in practice"

Blah blah blah. I don't see any passion in most of the players. I want to see Jeremy Shockey type passion. He may be a jackass, but at least he is a jackass who clearly cares.

Thanks, and I totally agree with the post-game speech thing. Funny how we hear this phrase often, "...they did really well in practice..." Remember our practice "stud" Taylor Jacobs. Practice!? We talkin' 'bout Practice man! :laugh:

I'll pass on the Shockey thing although I get your point about "passion". :gaintsuck

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So, go away when they do poorly? Do we come back when they do well?

I think it has do do with more than winning and losing.If we lose thats fine just lets lose with our #1 pick back there.Speaking of picks how about we try to keep some.I mean can we get more than 2 draft picks a year.Lets not piss them away like we always do.Lets not over pay for players like Arch.Lets run the team right.When we are close to a SB like last year.Lets sign what we need and keep what we got.We needed WRs we got them.We did not need Al Saunders.We did not need Arch we already had a better player(Clark).For one F**king year lets keep everyone together and not change the offense or the defense.


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The players and coaches show how much they care about winning and losing by putting more of themselves into each weeks game than any of us. They practice and gamelan all week, and while some may take it less seriously than others, I'm sure there are those who get there early and leave late, and miss out on some time they could be spending with their families. So they laugh after they lose? So what? Maybe a friend of theirs on the opposing team made a joke? Do they have to be manic-depressives? They play for the love of the game, not for us. Remember they are athletes, not obsessive compulsive fans. Maybe once the game is over, they try and let it go. Seems like a healthy thing to me, especially if you don't want to end up divorcing your wife and raising a couple of freaks.

Do you want them to slit their wrists? A lot of them have real problems to be worried about, I'm sure. Just because you have money doesn't mean you don't have **** to deal with besides playing football and balancing your checkbook. They are football players. Not circus freaks. They are paid to play football, not live and die by the whimsical demands of the public.

And to the people who say nothing has changed, that last year was an aberration, and we're right back where we were, that's bull****. Win or lose, at least we have someone who stands for something and who's going to give it their all at the head of this thing. Spurrier ran this organization like it was his fantasy football team. I believe that as long as Gibbs has a heartbeat he won't stop until this organization is headed towards consistent excellence. I love the Redskins as much as anyone, and the stories I was told as child growing up about what Joe Gibbs and his teams stood for greatly helped shape my belief system, but it is just a sport people. Its the idea of it that counts. It's the rooting for something that counts. You should thank them, because they let you ride on their coat tails as they streak towards glory. They let us live through them, because most of us will never experience what its like to be the hero, or to lead a group of men you've been to hell and back with to victory. So basically, what I'm saying to all you whiny fans is, if you don't like it, beat it. But I suggest you just sit down and shut up, because one day we will win, and the pain we suffered when we lost, and the lessons we learned, will make it that much sweeter. That is life folks.


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I was going to wait and start a thread for my 1500th post but why be self indulgent when you have so eloquently summed up exactly what I wanted to say.

I agree with you 100%. It's heart breaking to see players of a team you care so much for playing grab ass on the sideline when they don't even show up to play. I don't care who you are or what degree of a fan you are, you should be pissed off. How can you be a fan and not be? Like I've said probably ten times already today, this team doesn't have heart, or even a pulse it seems. If they do, where is it? Who has it?

CP used to be the one stand out who played his guts out every week but he seems to be losing some of his fire. Why? What happened to the chemistry? I can't believe it's completely lost. I think a few changes can ignite it once again. What's it going to be Joe? Your foolish pride or doing whats right for this team and the fans?

We need Football players!! Joe Gibbs says he gets guys with character. I have a hard time buying into that anymore. All that prayer on the sidelines is becoming a joke also. I beleive that Faith will show itself and surely not disgrace us fans the way Him and his team does us loyal fans. Money is the root of all evil and that includes Joe Gibbs 5.5 million dollar contract.

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I was going to wait and start a thread for my 1500th post but why be self indulgent when you have so eloquently summed up exactly what I wanted to say.

I agree with you 100%. It's heart breaking to see players of a team you care so much for playing grab ass on the sideline when they don't even show up to play. I don't care who you are or what degree of a fan you are, you should be pissed off. How can you be a fan and not be? Like I've said probably ten times already today, this team doesn't have heart, or even a pulse it seems. If they do, where is it? Who has it?

CP used to be the one stand out who played his guts out every week but he seems to be losing some of his fire. Why? What happened to the chemistry? I can't believe it's completely lost. I think a few changes can ignite it once again. What's it going to be Joe? Your foolish pride or doing whats right for this team and the fans?

I was wondering if anyone else felt this way. I knew that it was possible to lose to the Iggles, and quite frankly I thought it to be likely. But, I never thought we'd just lay an egg. I guess everyone is pretty shocked to say the least. Thanks for noticing that we're still fans. Its okay to be dissapointed, right? :cheers:


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I love it how some posters accuse fans of not being loyal to a team that loses and loses and then makes no changes while saying the same BS week after week about getting better etc. What looked better against Philly, or Dallas, or Indy, or Tenn? We lost 3 of those and should have lost all 4.

The fans aren't happy spending a large % of their own money that they could be saving to send their kids to college with or something. How can any of this be the fans fault? We are the reason that Snyder can claim that this is the richest sports team in the US and that despite the fact that the team has sucked balls for most of the past decade and a half means we are pretty damned loyal.

Changes will come though. Probably now or after the next home game when the booing starts. And the laughing on the sideline is just BS. I cant believe the coaches let them do it. It's totally unprofessional and pisses off fans when they are losing by 3-4 scores.

Well, we can all still play Madden. The players aren't joking on the sideline in that game when they are getting punked by a division rival.

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No matter if you're a 10 million dollar safety turned special teamer or a well established 36 year old man that's afraid of being crippled, the check still comes in the mail or it can be picked up at the front desk.

Unless you are on direct deposit..... :D

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There is no rage when the skins lose, they're a hodgepodge of mercenaries with bloated salaries and complete job security. Most teams have rookies breathing down veteran's necks. Not us. We have 6th and 7th round picks who don't make the team or have little talent, and the few highly touted guys brought in are benched b/c of an old-school mentality displayed by the entire coaching staff.

Thats our team buddy.

It's almost like the military. The senior guys just know they got so much time left till they retire and thats when the new guys who are doing the dirty work get to move up.

Like the saying "good enough for government work". The Redskins version is "Good enough for the Redskins, We tried right?"

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