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SI: MMQB- Petey Does Dallas- SURPRISE!


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Almost all about Dallas, the Pats, and the Giants :laugh: 2 of which lost yesterday

Quote of the Week

"It's an issue of personal health. I don't say that as though it's something that's irritating at all.''

-- Dallas owner Jerry Jones, on a Dallas Morning News report that Terrell Owens falls asleep in meetings regularly. ''It's nothing new for me to fall asleep in a meeting,'' Owens told the paper. He said he told the Cowboys when he signed in Dallas that he had a "sleeping problem.'' Though receivers coach Todd Haley was upset with Owens' sleeping habits, T.O. said, "Give me a little vet credit.''

And then the idiot, after scoring against Washington, lays down in the end zone, uses the ball as a pillow, and pretends to take a nap for four seconds. Unsportsmanlike conduct, 15 yards, assessed on the ensuing kickoff. It didn't end up hurting the Cowboys -- Washington did not score on its next possession -- but the look-at-me, stupidly selfish nature of Owens never ends. When will this man realize it's a team game, not boxing or tennis?

Then the two drops in the second half, one that would have gone for a touchdown. What a goofball. A goofball who hurt his team a lot more than helped over the weekend.

Hard to tell where to start here, but three points scream to be made:

1. If you're Jerry Jones, and Bill Parcells is your head coach, and you know Bill Parcells would be, shall we say, mildly peeved about Owens falling asleep in meeting, why in God's name would you come and say it's no big deal that your $8.3 million-a-year wide receiver is sleeping on the job? If I didn't know better, I would guess that Jones is undercutting Parcells' authority to discipline his players, and that is the first sign that Parcells will be on the first stagecoach out of Dodge come January.

2. Does Jerry Jones need to comment on every issue, particularly the controversial ones, with the Cowboys? Does the man ever say, "No comment?'' Doesn't he know that sometimes it's best to make yourself scarce?

3. I have a disease -- November Burnoutitis. I'm going to call my pro football editor at SI, Mark Mravic, today and tell him about it. "Every year about this time, I get totally burned out, and this year it's especially bad, with the NBC and HBO gigs on top of the magazine and Web site work. I won't be in for the next two weeks. Gotta get recharged.

Special Teams Player of the Week

Troy Vincent, DB, Washington. He made The Block Heard 'Round The Beltway, breaking through the tackle-end gap on the left side of the Dallas line at the end of the fourth quarter and swatting down the low-flying Mike Vanderjagt field-goal try that would have won the game. Vincent's block gave the Skins one last gasp ... and they took advantage of it, winning the game weirdly on a Nick Novak field goal at the gun.

Goat of the Week (tie)

Terrell Owens, WR, Dallas. Made up for a nice touchdown catch with a stupid celebration penalty and the aforementioned two drops. He simply drops too many balls.

Ten Things I Think I Think

c. Anyone seen T.J. Duckett? I could have sworn he was traded to the Redskins in the preseason.

d. I don't care if it didn't work. I loved Bill Parcells going for two after the Cowboys' first touchdown. You know why? Tony Romo sits to pee is a mobile quarterback and showed last week on the same play how dangerous he is with five receivers spreading the field; he completed a two-point-conversion pass to Terrell Owens in Carolina eight days ago. Here, up 6-5, Romo sits to pee spread the field again, rolled right but threw it incomplete.

e. My theory on going for two: If I have a mobile quarterback and receivers I trust, I'd do it every time -- unless, of course, you need a point to tie or win late in the fourth quarter of a game. If you're going to be able to make the conversion more than 50 percent of the time, you're going to score more points than if you went for one every time. So why not do it?


Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo sits to pee played well in a losing effort against the Redskins on Sunday. Romo sits to pee completed 24 of 36 passes for 284 yards and two touchdowns.

2. I think the worst TV production thing I've seen all year, and it's not even close, is FOX cutting away from Joe Gibbs and Bill Parcells shaking hands after the most incredible end of a game these two guys have probably ever seen FOR A STUPID CROWD SHOT! YOU'VE GOT PLENTY OF TIME TO SHOW THE CROWD, FOX! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TURNING AWAY FROM GIBBS AND PARCELLS? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

9. I think Jerry Jones won't have Butch Davis on his short list when Bill Parcells steps down, whenever that is. Looks like Davis can have the North Carolina job this week if he really wants it, and it also looks like he'd only be a fallback guy for Jerry if the men of his dreams -- Jeff Fisher and Mike Holmgren -- are not available. I agree with Chris Mortensen's report on Sunday about Fisher being in Jones' sights, and I'll take it one step further: it's been this way for over a year. Not that Jerry's trying to push Parcells out the door. But Jones wouldn't mind having a younger guy with a presence in a locker room and who can work well with a strong ownership group. (In other words, he thinks Fisher can have stuff crammed down his throat every so often, which for $5 million a year and no threat to his day-to-day control of the team Fisher can handle.) This is the last year of Fisher's contract in Tennessee, and the way it's going, my guess is owner Bud Adams won't want to pay Fisher, 11-29 since the start of the 2004 season, $4.5 million a year, or whatever it'll take to keep him.

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I ABSOLUTELY agree with his point about FOX's cutting away from the Gibbs and Parcells handshake at the end of the game. Stupid, stupid production call. They had a game with an incredible, bizarro ending, and two legendary coaches facing each other with an uneasy history, and right at the very moment they were going to shake hands, they cut away. Dumb.

Frankly, not much to quibble about with King's article this week, at least the parts Bubba excerpted. Like it or not T.O. is NFL news, so he gets ink, good or bad.

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2. I think the worst TV production thing I've seen all year, and it's not even close, is FOX cutting away from Joe Gibbs and Bill Parcells shaking hands after the most incredible end of a game these two guys have probably ever seen FOR A STUPID CROWD SHOT! YOU'VE GOT PLENTY OF TIME TO SHOW THE CROWD, FOX! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TURNING AWAY FROM GIBBS AND PARCELLS? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

9. I think Jerry Jones won't have Butch Davis on his short list when Bill Parcells steps down, whenever that is. Looks like Davis can have the North Carolina job this week if he really wants it, and it also looks like he'd only be a fallback guy for Jerry if the men of his dreams -- Jeff Fisher and Mike Holmgren -- are not available. I agree with Chris Mortensen's report on Sunday about Fisher being in Jones' sights, and I'll take it one step further: it's been this way for over a year. Not that Jerry's trying to push Parcells out the door. But Jones wouldn't mind having a younger guy with a presence in a locker room and who can work well with a strong ownership group. (In other words, he thinks Fisher can have stuff crammed down his throat every so often, which for $5 million a year and no threat to his day-to-day control of the team Fisher can handle.) This is the last year of Fisher's contract in Tennessee, and the way it's going, my guess is owner Bud Adams won't want to pay Fisher, 11-29 since the start of the 2004 season, $4.5 million a year, or whatever it'll take to keep him.

He is dead on.

I can see it now Fisher vs Cowher for years to come in the NFC East :D

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I just about laughed my you-know-what off when I read all this. Boy, did he blast Dallas. However, I disagree with his supporting Parcells going for two in the first quarter. Whether or not the percentages were with him, it's the first freakin' quarter! Get the sure points. Of course, that boneheadedness did benefit us!

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I missed the cut away from Gibbs/Boobcells, I was too busy running around going nuts in my apartment. But that really is stupid. Another problem with FOX is Joe Buck's love obsession with Romo sits to pee. I thought he was going to stop commentating and go down to the field to make out with him :puke:

I love the blasting of T.O. I laugh every time I read/hear/remember that dropped pass. I wish there was an official stat of production to showboating ratio. This way people could see that he is not worth it whatsoever. Keep on blowing it TO, and then keep on tearing the team apart, I'll still be here laughing.

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I just find it funny that King claims no bias, yet every week it's the same three teams... win or lose


he forgets that there are another 29 teams

I have no problem with this article. I must say that sometimes King can be pretty hard on the Redskins which i dont like but i thought this issue of MMQB was fine. He is a pretty good writer

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The funny part of all this, is Petey blasted ESPN last week, for being the DFL (Dallas Football League) for all their coverage about dallas, and ignoring other teams :laugh:

pot kettle black- King???

Bottom line is TO, Romo sits to pee and Parcells stories sell.....just so much u can write about Urlacher sprained toe.

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