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Ted Haggard, President of NEA resigns amidst gay sex allegations


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Crazy. To spend so much time criticizing a way of life you're actually involved in yourself -- guy has some issues to work out.

Actually in the post-Foley hype, I read an 'op-ed' (internet type) piece from some guy who writes a gay internet magazine.

His take was that:

a) The GOP stuck with Foley, because Foley was the GOPs type of gay: He was firmly, even violently, in the closet, which is whet the GOP thinks is the 'propper place' for gays.

And B) That this kind of reaction, of the sinner who's (publicly) violently anti-sin, is the kind of conflicted reaction you'd expect from someone who (thinks he's) forced to live his entire life repressing and hiding himself. That Foley's crusade against gay pedophiles was, in fact, a 'symptom' of his closet-hood.

I expected, once I started to read the link I'd clicked, and realised I was on a gay editorial website, a rousing condemnation of All Things Republican, but what the guy actually said struck me as actually making sense, and of being rather non-political.

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Am I the only one whose gaydar lights up when they show videos of him talking? I'd be willing to put money on it.

Totally. Dude might as well be wearing a dress.

Which is fine. If he would just admit it.

And his explanation is hilarious. "I bought Meth from him but then threw it away."

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Unfortunately, there are a lot of phonies in every walk of life, and churches are no different. There is a lot of status (and sometimes a lot of money) that go with being in a leadership position in a large church organization, and it draws charlatans. Anyone who has seen preachers on late night TV promising "God will answer your prayers if you send me money" knows that it is common for crooks to hide behind the cover of religion.

As for the Bible, it says people who set themselves up as teachers will be judged much more harshly than others. Guess he's finding that out.

Aside from the specifics of this guy's situation, what is most instructive about this story is that it shows how the left operates. The individual making the accusations openly states that it was done for political purposes...4 days before the election. Anybody still think the Democrats didn't know about the Foley stuff way before it was released? :rolleyes:

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Which is worse?

Deceiving all the people you love, work with and those that depend on you over an extended period of time. Spending their money on drugs and gay hookers and breaking, or worse, belittling every tenet of what you say you stand for.

Or an obviously and unashamedly f'ed up individual using information for political purposes and, I would imagine mostly, a perceived possibility of monetary gain.

I'd take the gay meth-head hooker on this one. Though it's not a pleasant choice.

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Unfortunately, there are a lot of phonies in every walk of life, and churches are no different. There is a lot of status (and sometimes a lot of money) that go with being in a leadership position in a large church organization, and it draws charlatans. Anyone who has seen preachers on late night TV promising "God will answer your prayers if you send me money" knows that it is common for crooks to hide behind the cover of religion.

As for the Bible, it says people who set themselves up as teachers will be judged much more harshly than others. Guess he's finding that out.

Aside from the specifics of this guy's situation, what is most instructive about this story is that it shows how the left operates. The individual making the accusations openly states that it was done for political purposes...4 days before the election. Anybody still think the Democrats didn't know about the Foley stuff way before it was released? :rolleyes:

Give me a break. This is a guy who told millions of people that homosexuality was a sin. Who campaigned against gay marriage. All while he was allegedly paying for gay sex and taking meth. If the allegations are true, then he has no one to blame but himself. His hypocrisy is astounding -- again, if the allegations are true. Is the guy who ratted him out a saint? Far, far from it. Is some of this politically motivated? Of course it is. But to say "what is most instructive about this story is that show how the left operates" is ridiculous. The lack of accountability when it comes to someone's "side" in politics is getting sadder by the day. And that goes for the right and the left.

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Give me a break. This is a guy who told millions of people that homosexuality was a sin. Who campaigned against gay marriage. All while he was allegedly paying for gay sex and taking meth. If the allegations are true, then he has no one to blame but himself. His hypocrisy is astounding -- again, if the allegations are true. Is the guy who ratted him out a saint? Far, far from it. Is some of this politically motivated? Of course it is. But to say "what is most instructive about this story is that show how the left operates" is ridiculous. The lack of accountability when it comes to someone's "side" in politics is getting sadder by the day. And that goes for the right and the left.

Give you a break over what?

AJ didn't underplay what he did.

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election time brings out the hate more than the Redskins not being above five hundred.

Very true.

I find this little tidbit incredibly ironic...

Haggard on Sunday: "We pray that lies would be exposed"

Ted Haggard's Sunday morning sermon last week began with a prayer "that lies would be exposed." In New Life Church's podcast of the October 29 sermon, among Haggard's first words are, "Father, give us grace and mercy. Father, help us this next week and a half as we go into national elections, and Lord we pray for our country. Father, we pray that lies would be exposed. We pray that deception would be exposed. Father, we pray that wisdom would come upon our electorate and that they would think with clarity and with decisiveness, and Lord, that we would be a model for the whole world to see how people can disagree passionately but the rule of law … will prevail."


Looks like God answered is prayer.

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Jones took a lie-detector test Friday, and his answers to questions about whether he had sexual contact with Haggard "indicated deception," said John Kresnick, who administered the test free at the request of a Denver radio station.

Jones told reporters afterward: "I am confused why I failed that, other than the fact that I'm totally exhausted."

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Jones took a lie-detector test Friday, and his answers to questions about whether he had sexual contact with Haggard "indicated deception," said John Kresnick, who administered the test free at the request of a Denver radio station.

Jones told reporters afterward: "I am confused why I failed that, other than the fact that I'm totally exhausted."

Is that what you focus on here? Did you miss the reports where the guy administering the test said the results were invalid? Did you miss the part where Haggard admitted paying the man to rub his hands over him, and for drugs?
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