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How injured does Brunell need to be to come out of the game?


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Peoples passion or lack there of for a player does not determine there loyalty to there team. I joined this forum to read both negative and positive comments and opinions. Our team is not doing well at this time, people will pick and choose the reasons they feel are a contributing factor. You don't like the thread go to the next one instead of telling us how that person is not a loyal redskins fan. Please, unless you actually know me don't make that judgement call.

O yeah, I don't like Mark Brunell as a football player!

My opinion!

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Umm, let me clear something up. I didn't start this thread to advocate Brunell getting injured, and I am certainly not HOPING he gets injured.

What I mean to say, was that it seems like Brunell has played through pain to the extent that it is hurting his performance on the field, which in turn, hurts the offense overall.

I know it isn't "all brunell" and I don't think anyone ever on this board has suggested that, however if Brunell is hurt enough that he can't make certain passes, because he can't pivot on his legs, or has to throw off his back foot, then it is probably time for him to come out of the game DESPITE him having courage or not.

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I'm pretty much thinking that another serious hit to the knee would do it. I don't want to see Brunell go down, because I'm really feeling like he will win against the Cowboys.

People are criticising his arm strength and accuracy, but really, to me, the biggest concern is keeping Mark's legs healthy. I think he would leave the game if he had another injury to his knee, one that made it so he couldn't scramble or move around well. I hope the O-line gives him protection so this does not happen.

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Why else would he give a **** to play?

He doesn't have to play to get paid. But he plays hurt anyways because of GUTS and HEART. The guy wants to win and does his best, you cannot take that away from him.

Ah, so that's why we always see him smiling and laughing even after laying an egg on the field or throwing a game ending interception. He is smiling to himself because he knows that he has GUTS and HEART and wants to win and do his best even though we don't see it.


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Wow, I hope nobody is wishing for an injury. :(

I know this team is struggling, badly. No, its not all MB's fault, but at what time do you look towards the future ?

All I know is that whoever is wearing B&G when we play, has my support.

That is all I can do. :)

I have and will be a fan of the team for the rest of my life. I have seen the good, bad, and the ugly, but I will still bleed B&G. :dallasuck

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He's a less effective version of Brett Favre, a 36 year old quarterback who is basically holding his team's future hostage as it goes through the death throes of finishing last in the division.

Meanwhile young quarterbacks Aaron Rodgers and Jason Campbell sit on the bench and will have to take their lumps down the road, only guaranteeing these clubs will be rebuilding for 2007 and 2008 as well as 2006.

Romo sits to pee proved a veteran coach can make a change at a critical position and improve the performance of his football team.

Another in Baltimore showed that when the offense isn't working well, rather than replacing all the players (which is impossible), a move to replace the offensive coordinator in mid-season may very well be warranted.

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*yawn* i've that pic so many times..It never was funny and isn't now.

First time I've seen that. I thought it was a rather innovative take on the situation and made me lauge.

Once MB legs are hurt his throwing motion is shot. Saw it in 04 and the end of 05. I don't like Mark as a Redskins QB but I would never wish injury on anybody that played for the Skins.

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The D has had a significant amount of injuries. Hell one game, we had 2 rookie dts, lemar out, springs hurtin and rogers out. Plus new guys learning the system.

The O has ZERO excuses. I can take a qb not making all the plays all the time, but on 3rd down and he throws the same 3yd. passes is PATHETIC!! Its not the playcalling, i guarantee you. How do i know? Cause Saunders created the greatest Show on Turf , its boonelll thats making it the Greatest Throw to the Turf.

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Oh please, if he was still in THIS game, what makes you think he'd ever come out?


LOL...hey, I love that pic!

Those who say it isn't all Brunell, well, duh. But he aint helping. You have to see if Campbell is the future of this team by getting him real live game day experience. And if Campbell happens to spark this team as a starter, ala Romo sits to pee, all the better. You don't think the Cowboy starters played a little harder vs Carolina with a new QB at the helm????

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and how well does he have to play before the jackels wakeup and realize it's not all Brunell?

Reality of this situation is that, while it may not be all Brunell, when your team is 2-5 and the offense is still struggling to find its rythym; despite having the options that we seem to have on paper. The QB is always going to be the target. Now add to that equation the fact that said QB is 36 years old, on the down side of his career, and injured; yeah, sometimes you have to make a change hoping to provide a spark for your offense.

We've all seen this offense reek havoc on the rest of the NFL with KC and St. Louis. We all know that the type QB who successfully runs this offense makes quicks decisions with the ball and spreads it around. (i.e Bulger, Warner, Green, Huard) Truth just might be that Brunell doesn't have the tools to run this offense to peak efficiency. Why else would Saunders call so my screens and hitches? He never made a habit of it in previous stops.

I loved watching Brunell throw the ball downfield to Jimmy Smith and Keenan McCardell in J'Ville, but man that was so many years ago. Maybe, just maybe its time to see JC throw the ball downfield to Moss, Lloyd and Randall El.

Hate to admit this, but I think the Romo sits to pee move elevated Parcells, "coach points" for this year, over Gibbs. He realized that despite having one of the leagues highest scoring offenses the kid gave him more options than the old guy.

Sometimes the peanut gallery ain't wrong.

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the real point is WHY do you start a 36 year old quarterback who is probably in his last NFL season when your team is all but out of the race? :)

it isn't necessarily a vote against the 36 year old. Look at Brad Johnson, he has been productive so far in 2006 despite being 38.

but the Vikings are 4-3 not 2-5.

if the Vikings were 2-5 my answer would be the same - if the team has a younger qb on the bench with upside, no time like the present to get started to on the future.

why waste the last 8 games of the season hoping and praying that a club with some overrated and aging players (and injured, aging players) is going to catch fire and somewhow make the outcome respectable? :)

I would rather be 6-10 or 7-9 getting Campbell, McIntosh and others on the field than be 8-8 or 9-7 and still miss the playoffs using the older vets.

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You need to break his leg, rip off his throwing arm (since it still seems to work when injured), and possibly give him a concussion on top of that.

Im a Brunell supporter but even I'll say that if he can't start practicing, he shouldn't take the field. Maybe a little rest would do him some good and help bring back last year's Brunell. Remember that if he gets pulled mid-game, only Collins can come in unless he gets hurt too.

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Ah, so that's why we always see him smiling and laughing even after laying an egg on the field or throwing a game ending interception. He is smiling to himself because he knows that he has GUTS and HEART and wants to win and do his best even though we don't see it.


People handle those situations differently. :doh:

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People handle those situations differently. :doh:

Yes the majority of competive champioship caliber players laugh...I remember jordan, shaq, kobe, manning, emmit, brady, duncan, dirk all laughing when they lose a game...

Not trying to pile on but hyper competive people don't laugh it off...At least none I can remember

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Why else would he give a **** to play?

He doesn't have to play to get paid. But he plays hurt anyways because of GUTS and HEART. The guy wants to win and does his best, you cannot take that away from him.

think of it as what you want but if he put the team ahead of himself losing his job, he would of taken himself out last season after he got injured instead of insisting he was ok only to hold the team back because of it, hes not the same player when hes hurt compared to him healthy and it has been very noticeable both in 2004 and late last year after he got hurt in the second giants game, he never played the same after that

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think of it as what you want but if he put the team ahead of himself losing his job, he would of taken himself out last season after he got injured instead of insisting he was ok only to hold the team back because of it, hes not the same player when hes hurt compared to him healthy and it has been very noticeable both in 2004 and late last year after he got hurt in the second giants game, he never played the same after that

Have you ever played a competitive sport?

No matter how hurt you are, you do anything to be out there helping your team. To criticize Brunell for having that mindset and the confidence that he can make a difference is absurd.

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Have you ever played a competitive sport?

No matter how hurt you are, you do anything to be out there helping your team. To criticize Brunell for having that mindset and the confidence that he can make a difference is absurd.

Im not criticizing him for wanting to play, Im criticizing him for wanting to play for the wrong reasons like to save his own job, when you have people creeping up on you that can possibly play just as well at this stage in his career, he will and should be doing everything possible to stay ont he field, even playing injured, but when does it get to the point where you have a qb thats gimping around the field and not being able to make plays (ala last year after the giants game) is holding the team as a whole back

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