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How injured does Brunell need to be to come out of the game?


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Im not criticizing him for wanting to play, Im criticizing him for wanting to play for the wrong reasons like to save his own job, when you have people creeping up on you that can possibly play just as well at this stage in his career, he will and should be doing everything possible to stay ont he field, even playing injured, but when does it get to the point where you have a qb thats gimping around the field and not being able to make plays (ala last year after the giants game) is holding the team as a whole back

If he feels he can make a difference (we don't know if it was just simply an effort to save his job) he should be out there, unless the coaches see he is being a burden, and then he should sit and recover.

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I am wondering because it seems he played virtually all of 2004 with a knee injury, and in 2005 he either gassed out or didn't fully recover from the hit to the knee he took in the Giants game, and then we see this season he has been hurt from some hits, hobbled off the field and then desperately tries to get taped or wrapped before the next series, so he can get back in.

If you ask me it is the desperation of a QB who knows that once he is pulled, he is never coming back......

Let LaVar or Antonio lay one on him. That should it.

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Protruding bones? Nah...he's already got that.

I was joking in my prior post with the coffin and skeleton. However, in the joke there was a hint of truth. Brunell would have to be darn near dead for Coach Gibbs to pull him, and he'd have to actually be dead for Brunell to take himself out of the game.

As others have alluded to, I don't think it has to do with personal toughness and wanting to be there for the team but rather a fear that he'll lose his starting job. Never mind that his performance will suffer and the team will lose games. All that matters is keeping the youngster at bay for one more week.

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It wasnt always like this on here. Long before I joined I would come on here and just read the articles and threads. Once this site went public on Redskins.com it seems like every idiot Redskins fan was drawn here like a moth to a flame. Its really a shame.

No, you're a shame. You were drawn here too you weirdo.

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He needs to be carried off on a cart! And for all of you people saying that Brunell isn't the root of the cause....sure, maybe your right....but he damn sure isn't helping. When you need everything to go right for your QB to be successful.....it's time for a damn change because this team isn't perfect on either side of the ball!!!!!

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I agree that it is not all Brunell's fault. Our defense really needs some help like getting rid of Holdman.

One thing strikes me as odd. Coaches say they will not make the switch to JC until they are sure the season is a wash. What kind of confidence does that instill in a young Quarterback? Basically he hears there is no way you can lead us to victory, so until we are sure the season is done, you don't play. I say give him a chance, he could end up turning the season around like another QB in did in Pittsburg.

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Everyone is putting to much into stats. The bottom line is winning if Mark B only threw for 30 yards a game and we were winning i wouldnt care but we are not. I dont belive he is the only problem see Jansen and Samuels play mattadoor saying olay olay olay. That being said at no other position can you insert someone and give youre team a spark that a new quarterback can. Id love for our Redskins to run the table and go to the playoffs so we could all talk smack to everyone. I just hope the old lefty pulls something out of his hat for the Dallas game. He would have to be carted off not to come back in.

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Reality of this situation is that, while it may not be all Brunell, when your team is 2-5 and the offense is still struggling to find its rythym; despite having the options that we seem to have on paper. The QB is always going to be the target. Now add to that equation the fact that said QB is 36 years old, on the down side of his career, and injured; yeah, sometimes you have to make a change hoping to provide a spark for your offense.

We've all seen this offense reek havoc on the rest of the NFL with KC and St. Louis. We all know that the type QB who successfully runs this offense makes quicks decisions with the ball and spreads it around. (i.e Bulger, Warner, Green, Huard) Truth just might be that Brunell doesn't have the tools to run this offense to peak efficiency. Why else would Saunders call so my screens and hitches? He never made a habit of it in previous stops.

I loved watching Brunell throw the ball downfield to Jimmy Smith and Keenan McCardell in J'Ville, but man that was so many years ago. Maybe, just maybe its time to see JC throw the ball downfield to Moss, Lloyd and Randall El.

Hate to admit this, but I think the Romo sits to pee move elevated Parcells, "coach points" for this year, over Gibbs. He realized that despite having one of the leagues highest scoring offenses the kid gave him more options than the old guy.

Sometimes the peanut gallery ain't wrong.

--gotta agree with you there. i've always defended the argument that gibbs is/was a better coach than parcells. but in today's nfl, parcells is showing he's got bigger balls than gibbs...

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think of it as what you want but if he put the team ahead of himself losing his job, he would of taken himself out last season after he got injured instead of insisting he was ok only to hold the team back because of it, hes not the same player when hes hurt compared to him healthy and it has been very noticeable both in 2004 and late last year after he got hurt in the second giants game, he never played the same after that

i always think back to last year and wonder what could have been. what if ramsey was coached up for the playoff games, what would have happened? brunell was hurting and his play really hurt the team during the playoffs. if we had any competent qb playing during the playoffs, we could have easily been in the nfc championship game.

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Brunell's inability brings the whole team down; teams do not fight when they know their quarerback cannot get it done; this team will never perform until Brunell is out; he cannot run the offense; the other team does not have to defend beyond twelve yards and, thus, the running game can't work either; other teams do not worry about the long pass from Brunell because he can't complete it in the short window that the receiver is open because he takes too, long to set up and throw;

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It wasnt always like this on here. Long before I joined I would come on here and just read the articles and threads. Once this site went public on Redskins.com it seems like every idiot Redskins fan was drawn here like a moth to a flame. Its really a shame.

You know what, I agree. I used to do a lot of reading here and most of the time it was positive, yet insightful, stuff; even in losing seasons. Now I post more often than not since I can't stand seeing all this negativity and rash judgements based off of anger and frustrations from starting 2-5. It's amazing. I'm starting to hope we win each game day just to be able to enjoy Extremeskins like it used to be... and that's a sad sad thing. I shouldn't care... but I do. I fear for some of these people's health. They're losing it.

I'm glad some of us stay positive through all this mess. It's great to read those posts from time to time. Yeah, we got problems, but come on... we're not THAT bad. We're a few plays from being 4-3, really.

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and how well does he have to play before the jackels wakeup and realize it's not all Brunell?

Hell Bubba, I'll settle for just some consistancy, either be all good or all bad, but he seems to be on extreme ends most of the time, consistancy lies somewhere in the middle.

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Its called GUTS and HEART.

The guy plays his ass off hurt or not.

Portis plays with GUTS and HEART....Brunell is out there bumbling around like he did in 04 and is a detriment to the team. Yes, he's playing through injuries, but he's really holding the team back at this point.

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