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MSNBC: These 10 should retire (two Redskins)


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That article is ridiculous.

Why should Todd Collins retire? As stated, he hasn't started a game since 1997. What's the league minimum? At least 200K? If someone paid me that much money to stand around and fondle a clipboard, I'd milk it for as long as I possibly could...

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Charles Woodson on that list is correct. What a bitter, bitter disappointment of a man and a human being. He stopped playing hard because the Raiders didn't want to give him that 7 year $70 million (I'm exaggerating) salary he felt he deserved. Now, he can't even remember how to play hard. What a waste of money and roster space. For once, the Raiders were right. This guy is the guy who will only play for money. $52 million in 7 years isn't enough for him to play hard apparently.

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I think Brunnell would be a great back up in this league right now. When he is rested, has is legs, he looks ok. He doesn't throw many picks and can hold things down. Perfect for a back up. As a starting QB, he's done.

Brunell would be a decent back-up, too bad we paid so much for him. We might be forced to keep him even as a back-up roll next year because of the cap hit that would incur should we cut him.

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Charles Woodson on that list is correct. What a bitter, bitter disappointment of a man and a human being. He stopped playing hard because the Raiders didn't want to give him that 7 year $70 million (I'm exaggerating) salary he felt he deserved. Now, he can't even remember how to play hard. What a waste of money and roster space. For once, the Raiders were right. This guy is the guy who will only play for money. $52 million in 7 years isn't enough for him to play hard apparently.

Dude, your sig is hillarious! :laugh: :laugh:

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Those two Redskins make no sense on that list, Rumph is only in his 5th year, and I'm sure most non-skins or 49er fans dont even know who Mike Rumph is, I would hope for Kenny Wright to retire before him. There are alot of QBs around that get paid to hold a clipboard, I dont know why they singled out Collins.

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Those two Redskins make no sense on that list, Rumph is only in his 5th year, and I'm sure most non-skins or 49er fans dont even know who Mike Rumph is, I would hope for Kenny Wright to retire before him. There are alot of QBs around that get paid to hold a clipboard, I dont know why they singled out Collins.

Because of how unable Brunell is to run a pro offense, I assume - as well as his pitiful performance when he has played in the offense during preseason.

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His "logic" is flawed at best

Collins should retire because as a backup he hasn't played much??????

Rumph should because he hasn't reached his first round potential????

and why pick 2 backup players that no one really knows?????? sounds like someone has a tiny agenda :laugh:

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Charles Woodson on that list is correct. What a bitter, bitter disappointment of a man and a human being. He stopped playing hard because the Raiders didn't want to give him that 7 year $70 million (I'm exaggerating) salary he felt he deserved. Now, he can't even remember how to play hard. What a waste of money and roster space. For once, the Raiders were right. This guy is the guy who will only play for money. $52 million in 7 years isn't enough for him to play hard apparently.

Wow, sounds like he should be a "core" Redskin. He's ideal for this team by the sounds of it.

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