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NYT: Museum Field Trip Deemed Too Revealing (nude art made some people upset)


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Texas hurr hurr hurr

Parent Wants "Fahrenheit 451" Censored from High School...


The best part is where the guy complaining admits he hasn't actually read the book.

"Alton Verm said he doesn't understand how the district can punish students for using bad language, yet require them to read a book with bad language as part of a class."

This poster doesn't understand how the father can expect to raise a well-rounded adult.

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Folks, let's remember something here.... different people expect different things from the education system. What any one of you think the education system should be is going to differ from what I think it should be, and is going to differ from what the parents in some town none of us live in are going to think it should be.

Personally, I'm all for making as many of those curriculum decisions at the lowest (closest to the student's) level as humanly possible. In most cases that's going to be a local School Board or Board of Education. I'm not in favor of the state or federal government being involved in those decisions any more than is absolutely necessary.

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Texas hurr hurr hurr

Parent Wants "Fahrenheit 451" Censored from High School...


The best part is where the guy complaining admits he hasn't actually read the book.

I was prepared to be offended till I saw it was Montgomery county ;)

Seriously I have had several negative comments from teachers over the books I allow my daughter to bring to school and read.

While I agree they would not be sensible for some,she manages quite well.

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Frankly, right now, I would be more apt to hold my child from going to Capital Hill then to hold then from seeing any art exhibit. . .

Rampant stupidity makes me agree with Chomerics..

this upsets me and the principal should be fired because of it.

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Texas hurr hurr hurr

Parent Wants "Fahrenheit 451" Censored from High School...


The best part is where the guy complaining admits he hasn't actually read the book.

lol....funny how we seem to be going towards that book isn't it.

let's see...

...Wall televisions...check

...Interactive shows...check

Guess Texas is just trying to fulfill the authors vision of what society will be.

I'm surprised they haven't started to support cloning in order to help the book Brave New World come to fruition. :doh:

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I'm glad most of the responses support the teacher here. I was half expecting the puritan insanity. I think most adults know what they're getting in going to a museum and I have a feeling that this Dallas Museum isn't all that cutting edge or avante guard.

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I don't know about other people, but 5th grade was the start of sex education for us. It wasn't anything in depth, just a couple classes from what I remember, but we learned cool words like "penis" and "vagina".

If that can happen in 5th grade, what's wrong with some art? As long as the nude 'art' isn't BDSM, I think theres a bit of room to just chill the f- out on this one. This was a veteran teacher who deserves his/her job.

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Parents who cannot raise their kids to deal with nude art properly will surely blame the teacher for allowing their kids to come in contact with it... and the lowest common denominator gets lower yet again...

And how do parents "raise their kids to deal with nude art"? The teacher was out of line to expose the kids to that junk. It's amazing what we call "art." :doh:

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And how do parents "raise their kids to deal with nude art"? The teacher was out of line to expose the kids to that junk. It's amazing what we call "art." :doh:
Would you consider Michelangelo's David to be "junk" because of nudity? I want to know where you draw the line because I wasn't raised in a home where nude art was seen as a big deal.
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And how do parents "raise their kids to deal with nude art"? The teacher was out of line to expose the kids to that junk. It's amazing what we call "art." :doh:

Makes you miss the good ole days like in ancient Rome. Remember, when we burnt Rome to the ground? We told those pervs no more nude art. All those filthy nekkid statues and reliefs where our children might be damaged and permanently scarred. What! They never heard of a fig leaf! Let's kill 'em all.

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Would you consider Michelangelo's David to be "junk" because of nudity? I want to know where you draw the line because I wasn't raised in a home where nude art was seen as a big deal.

IMO, when you make it a big deal, you are asking for trouble/problems down the road. I'm not talking about sexually explicit stuff, just the human body.

Those that make a big deal of it and "hide" it ect... only make their kids that much more determined to find out what the big deal is.

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Would you consider Michelangelo's David to be "junk" because of nudity? I want to know where you draw the line because I wasn't raised in a home where nud3 art was seen as a big deal.

EXACTLY what I thought. What about the Sistine Chapel?


That Adam - such smut. :rolleyes:

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why are you so offended by the naked human form ?

Because fallen mankind abuses that which God meant for good. (Now, I'm sure you'll have 15 out of context verses to bolster your reply, but it won't work.)

Answer this: do you think it's ok to expose 5th graders to pornography? If not, why? Are you offended by the naked human form? Are you offended by human sexuality, which is a natural part of human existence?

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