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To All of Those That Want Brunell Out. You're Waisting Your Time.


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This freakin lefty makes me sick. his demeanor, the way he carries himself, the way he smiles after we lose and the way he indirectly blames the running game and saying " we can do better" he always says " we"

listen man, the guy isnt gonna take us to the Super bowl and thats the bottom line. Will he have last burst of energy and takes us to the playoffs this yr? who gives a damn. the guy has no incentive to get any better because the best he can do isnt good enough to win a Super bowl.

I have to correct you here.

On your "rant" about Brunell's character on or off the field [whichever you meant it doesn't matter], you are wrong. I've actually heard multiple occasions where he blamed himself by saying, "...sure we all can do better, but it starts with me." That sure sounds like a little word called accountability.

On your second "rant": Brunell is not going to carry this team to the SB, that will obviously take a team effort. As cliche' as it may sound, I can't remember a qb in the last few years single-handedly carrying a team to a SB win without a strong O-line and a top 10 defense. Gone are the days my friend. They've been long gone. Elway didn't get it done without Davis and a strong defense, Brady didn't get it done without a beast of a team all-around, and lord knows Roethlisberger didn't get it done without those aforementioned elements coming together as one. It's about team and the qb now-a-days has to manage the game. The best qb on paper is still an "0-fer" and until he single-handedly carries a team to a SB victory with the passing game, the formula will always hold true. The battle up front, a strong running game, and a qb that manages the game well wins playoff games and SB's. I assure you the hours upon hours of time spent by Brunell in OTA's and in the offseason training program learning a new system and/or offensive scheme was not because he doesn't care or has a lack of desire. I believe Mark wants it really bad, and to be quite honest I think he's "standing over the 3 foot putt way to long." He's overthinking things and panicking. A lot of that has to do with the fact that he doesn't trust his teammates namely the backups. Once Clinton is in the backfield every Sunday, you'll see a different Mark Brunell. Get ready to see a more dialed down approach to this offense. I believe that we'll jam the ball down people's throats from here on in, and run passing plays that work to Brunell's strengths. Believe me, he actually has some strengths to his game. Don't give up on this team!


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If "ifs" and "buts" were candy and nuts, what a wonderful Christmas it would be....for the Skins. Can't believe Gibbs has a team with absolutely no offense and a quarterback who is WAY over the hill. Reminds me of George Allen who would not waiver with Billy the Kid Kilmer who never threw a straight pass in his life. As Brunell goes, so go the Skins.........down the tubes.

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I think you are right.

It certainly doesn't appear that Brunell will be losing his job anytime soon so the sig is meaningless.

But it sure does feel good. :D

If Brunell plays well and actually looks like a professional quarterback, I'll be the first to say "Good job".

I don't think any of us want Brunell to stink. I said before this season began, I'd love it if Brunell played great and led us to the postseason and beyond. I'd gladly "eat crow" and deal with all the "told ya so".

Right now though, it's not looking good. 28 games as a Skin and he's had maybe 6 or 7 that could be considered a good game on his part.

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when I adopted this signature, I stated that if he turns it around this season and does well, I will publicly apologize to Mr. Brunell. I appreciate his efforts during stretches of last season, but I agree with Riggins that he's lost his legs and his confidence. I hope that he does prove me wrong, since JG will NOT pull him anytime soon and that would mean that we are winning. MB had probably the one of the best seasons of his career last year, and he still ran out of gas at the end (anyone remember the offensive stats from TB and SEA last year? TB set a record for offensive futility. SEA we came up short, starting w/ #8.

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Bottom line - you either support your team or you don't. Those beating the 'ditch Brunell' drum are essentially saying 'this coaching staff doesn't have the intelligence to know who gives us the best chance to win'. You can candy-coat it, but theres really no other interpretation possible.

Brunell needs to play well, and soon, or I think you'll see Collins or Campbell in there. But right now, he's the coaches choice. I can't see how you don't support him until they make a change.

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Bottom line - you either support your team or you don't. Those beating the 'ditch Brunell' drum are essentially saying 'this coaching staff doesn't have the intelligence to know who gives us the best chance to win'. You can candy-coat it, but theres really no other interpretation possible.

Brunell needs to play well, and soon, or I think you'll see Collins or Campbell in there. But right now, he's the coaches choice. I can't see how you don't support him until they make a change.

Right there it is. I certainly hope that nobody here honestly believes they're seeing something Gibbs and his staff aren't in this case. If a bunch of fans can see it, the coaches will. Just depends on whether they believe a better option is available at the moment and how that may play into the Redskins quest for the playoffs this season.

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You've got to wonder how long Saunders puts up with his lackluster QB play. I realize Gibbs is the one who calls the shot but if the offensive co-ordinator starts losing confidence in Brunell and ends up making Saunders look bad, I think Brunell gets the hook. A change will most definately be made if we lose to the Texans. You know, before the season started, I realistically thought we would at least be 2-1 after this weekend, but the way this offense is playing, I really could see us being 0-3, and that is damn depressing. What does that say about our Skins? We just seem to be stuck in the mud right now. This team needs a shot of life.

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You guys are being way too hard on Mark. I re-watched the Dallas game, mainly the passing plays. 75% of the time he was throwing with defenders in his face. Our blitz pickup was atrocious. The pocket would collapse well before Mark would start backpeddeling 10yards. (most of the time anyway)

Now, I'm not saying that to defend Mark; he's playin like garbage too, I'm saying that because throwing Campbell out there would be a mistake. He'll be a sitting duck. We have RB's trying to block DE's out there. (Spurrier ball... :doh: )

Hopefully the offense will start to learn the system better and Mark will step it up. I don't want to have to resort in throwing Jason out there to the wolves.

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You've got to wonder how long Saunders puts up with his lackluster QB play. I realize Gibbs is the one who calls the shot but if the offensive co-ordinator starts losing confidence in Brunell and ends up making Saunders look bad, I think Brunell gets the hook. A change will most definately be made if we lose to the Texans. You know, before the season started, I realistically thought we would at least be 2-1 after this weekend, but the way this offense is playing, I really could see us being 0-3, and that is damn depressing. What does that say about our Skins? We just seem to be stuck in the mud right now. This team needs a shot of life.

I think Saunders already knows his offense has drastically taken a big drop off from what he had to work with in KC last year. But face it dude we are screwed this year. There is no way, no matter how bad MB continues to suck, that TC or JC is going to be much of an upgrade. The only time Gibbs will pull the plug is when the team is 1-7 and he puts JC in to build for the future.

Why the team went into this season with all the eggs in the Brunell basket is a mystery to me. Brian Griese on the roster would have been a good move.

I like Brunell as a person but ever since the Redskins threw all that money at him I have been afraid the team would not be a serious threat to go all the way...

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You forgot to mention how super-smart he is...I don't care if they are his former team or not. Did you not watch Jax play Pittsburg. What makes you think Mark Brunell can do anything against a defense like that? I would have faith if he even showed he could dump little passes off to Moss, Cooley, Lloyd, and Randle El because I think they could hurt that defense, but he hasn't even been able to do that effectively.

And a questionably healthy Portis is not gonna succeed against a JAX defense that stuffed Pittsburgh's run game, especially if they know he's gonna run and they don't have to worry about the passing game.

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Guest Rafterman
just try being a fan for a minute. We all know we are wasting our time. It is nothing personal. it comes off when he has a good game, duh. Using your line of thinking, if Brunell doesnt have a good game this week, there are really no excuses, (Portis back, more time in the system, etc) and the sig stays.

I cannot sit here and say he is playing well at the moment. Everyone knows the backup QB is the most popular player on the team, especially with such high hopes for our team.

because this team is not a democracy run by the fans, of course most of our opinions are moot. I am actaully now having fun watching you sheep get pissed off :laugh:

:applause: :cheers:

Me too.

I find the Kool-Aid drinkers very humorous.

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I hope what you say is true. But just like your predicitons, let me add one of my own. Brunell will continue to stink up the joint just before a career ending hit. In comes Campbell and we destroy everyone on our schedule. Take that to the bank. Brunell forever sucks ass.

"Brunell forever sucks ass"

I spit coffee on my lap - regardless of ones position as a fan - that is pure comic genius.

:thud: :rotflmao:

There is no way, no matter how bad MB continues to suck, that TC or JC is going to be much of an upgrade..

You don't know that JC wouldn't be much of an upgrade, that kind of thing - an unknown quantity blazing past what was the known suck - happens all the time in the NFL.

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I have no doubt that Brunell will do just well enough against the Texans to keep his job. Then again I don't think he'd be replaced even if he did poorly.

No matter what happens though, I still want him benched. I don't think he is consistently good enough to trust him to do any more then not screw up too badly. I want a QB that wins games for the Redskins as oppose to one who viewed as a hero for not screwing up.

How do you know Jason Campbell is either of the two though?

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How do you know Jason Campbell is either of the two though?

This is going to shock you but by the logic of some of you people, Campbell will never play and Brunell can keep stinking so long as "we know what we can do."

How do you know Campbell won't do better than Brunell with spoonfed offense? It happened with Ramsey in 2004 and by all accounts Campbell has a few stronger areas of ability than Ramsey.

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Bottom line - you either support your team or you don't. Those beating the 'ditch Brunell' drum are essentially saying 'this coaching staff doesn't have the intelligence to know who gives us the best chance to win'. You can candy-coat it, but theres really no other interpretation possible.

Brunell needs to play well, and soon, or I think you'll see Collins or Campbell in there. But right now, he's the coaches choice. I can't see how you don't support him until they make a change.

Well I know when I created the sig, I made it for people who feel Brunell is done. I said several times in the thread that in no way did I want a discussion, and I personally have not bashed the guy, in fact I'll go on record now as saying I supported the guy while Ramsey was the backup. Why you ask, because IMHO Ramsey sucked. Was I right? Well according to the depth charts over at the Jets, yeah I was.

I felt back then [2004] that as bad as Brunell played, that he was still the better guy to have in there. Again, Ramsey does not have it.

Move forward to 2006, and we have a young guy who knows about as much as Brunell does in this new system. Does he have the experience, well no he does not. If we think purely on a athletic level though, I don't know anyone that would argue that as far as pure athletic ability, Campbell has to have the edge, can we not agree on that?

If you want to watch a guy that has for the most part while he has been here thrown the ball into the ground, more times than not missed the open receivers, but up until this year thrown the ball away and not made the INT that Ramsey would have time after time, then by all means, go ahead and support Brunell.

I for one am not going to sit here, watch a guy who I KNOW has better mechanical skills, and watch MY TEAM fail because of ONE GUY. I'm sick and tired of the lame excuses of "Portis needs to be there" or 'The O line is really bad" because when it comes right down to it, that is 100% total BS.

Football is a TEAM sport, and there is only ONE position on the offense where it can make or break a team, and that is the QB. We have plenty of talent at RB. We have plenty of talent at WR, and our line may not be in the top 5, but they are Good enough to get the job done.

If anyone of you think that because Portis coming back is going to make Burnell play better, well than you are really fooling yourselves.

Texas may not be able to stack the line to stop the run, and we "MAY" even get a win this weekend, but as soon as we play a real team, like the last two [which is debatable] teams will stack the box and FORCE Brunell to make plays.

Campbell may or may not play any better, but by God, there is NO WAY he could play worse than the level of play I have seen from Brunell the last 3 years on a consistent level.

Since Brunell has been here he reminds me of the blind squirrel that even finds a nut in the snow.

Let's also try to remember it was Santana who made Burnell look good, not the other way around.

Can a Brotha get a HAIL YEAH?

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Texas may not be able to stack the line to stop the run, and we "MAY" even get a win this weekend, but as soon as we play a real team, like the last two [which is debatable] teams will stack the box and FORCE Brunell to make plays.

The scary part is that the defense will have to be almost unbreakable because, if the other teams get a couple of TD's (or more) lead on us, he'll start reminding us of our days with Norval. Heck, even a 1 TD lead will seem like galaxies away for him to catch up. Gibbs part 1 used to overcome those challenges.

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do we really need a thread on brunell every single day

Did you read the post? Is this really a thread about Brunell? I think I made it pretty clear that the point was people are waisting their time with regard to the "The Future is Now" sigs'. The rest of the content took the conversation in a different direction. At least that was my intention. I'm sorry that it bothered you. I think the point was more about cause and affect rather than Brunell's performance (which many threads have been focused on).


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So if Brunell will not be benched this season what is the answer? I only see him playing marginally better at this point. His tepid playing has gone on for like 6 games, not inc. preseason. It's a miracle we won in the playoffs at Tampa. I was at that game and the defense won that game for us. The only answer I have if they are unable to bench Brunell is to stop watching the games. It is God awful to watch when he plays like he has been playing for sometime.

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Bottom line - you either support your team or you don't. Those beating the 'ditch Brunell' drum are essentially saying 'this coaching staff doesn't have the intelligence to know who gives us the best chance to win'. You can candy-coat it, but theres really no other interpretation possible.

To be fair, that same argument could be made for ANY criticism of the team, the players, the playcalling etc etc. And if thats the case, what's the point of a forum where the only 'acceptable' topic is one that agrees with the coaches?

Obviously the coaching staff feels that Brunell give the best chance for the win. The fans can SPECULATE on whether or not they are correct. That doesnt mean that you dont support the team...it means that you dont believe that the coaches arent capable of making mistakes.

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To be fair, that same argument could be made for ANY criticism of the team, the players, the playcalling etc etc. And if thats the case, what's the point of a forum where the only 'acceptable' topic is one that agrees with the coaches?

Very good point.


The scary part is that the defense will have to be almost unbreakable because, if the other teams get a couple of TD's (or more) lead on us, he'll start reminding us of our days with Norval. Heck, even a 1 TD lead will seem like galaxies away for him to catch up. Gibbs part 1 used to overcome those challenges.

Another great point here.

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