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60% of Americans Think Iraq makes more Terrorism in US


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Makes = Will be ...no agenda here ;)

added: serious question.

How do you "make" a terrorist? :rolleyes:

True our actions and lifestyles might make us a focus for them, but what exactly is the formula to create the desire to become one????

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Well this just proves, yet again, that 60% of the population is freaking retarded :rolleyes:

Explain to me how Iraq has anything to do with terrorism. I mean, was that the line in the sand? So, up until the invasion of Iraq, we were cool? I mean, the Middle East was completely ok with the US backing Israel, cramming its culture into Saudia Arabia, and the whole Crusades thing?

But, taking out one of the most secular leaders in the Middle East was the step too far?!? Now we're gonna get attacked for real??

Please, this poll is useless. May as well ask who believes that Elvis and Tupac are not only still alive, but collaborating on an album together :D

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"As a result of the United States' military action against Iraq, do you think the threat of terrorism against the United States has increased, decreased, or stayed about the same?"


Increased 48% Decreased 9% Same 42% Unsure 1% (51% decreased or Same)

or basically 50/50 as with all things that are unknown..

and this one goes back over 3 years to give some perspective...

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On a serious note, the real question should be whether or not this war has helped to stop the spread of terrorism around the world.

Wonder what the polling would show for that given how torn this country is.

Seriously? There is no way to know.


They were around before the war, and they weren't gonna just go away if there were no war.

Find'em, kill'em. It is the only way to get rid of the ones we have. And there are too many reasons to choose from for the next generation of killers. Regardless of anything we do.

Now, back to the important stuff.

40 per cent of women have hurled footwear at a man.

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70% of women fake orgasms regularly. personaly I think it's a nice touch (for those that need too of course) :laugh:

However some don't have to.


Ellie Allen is a girl who just can’t say no— because she’s too busy saying Yes…Yes…YES!

The pretty brunette suffers from a rare but genuine medical condition that means she has up to 250 orgasms a DAY.

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I think chom was trying to put that "we fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here" line of reasoning in perspective.

By quoting a poll on the likelihood of a terrorist attack then titleing it as "makes more"??? :rolleyes:

He was trying for persective all right :laugh:

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Health Experts: Obesity Pandemic Looms


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