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FBI: Dynamite found in airplane luggage


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"purchased the dynamite as a souvenir"

"he man had a blasting cap, a homemade fuse and a quarter-pound of ammonium nitrate, in addition to the dynamite."

Doesn't everyone ?...seems plausible....nothing to see here :rolleyes:

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I heard about the thing at Noon.

I've since heard:

He's a college student tourist.

Studying mining engineering.

He picked it up while he was touring a mine.

He says he knows how to handle explosives.

(But aparantly he doesn't know that you're not supposed to carry it on a plane.)

It supposedly wasn't found by explosives detectors, it was found by customs.

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wow. i cant believe this. i just came from Pakistan and being a brown man heading to the USA, i had to deal with such humiliation because of my color. i was proper felt up in front 200 ppl. but this white guy brings a stick of dynamite to the plane and there is no danger? wtf. i dont mind being "randomly" searched - it makes ppl feel safer. but when this happens, it negates the whole concept.

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But we're safer with Dubya at the helm of the ship :doh:

Since when did Dubya start inspecting bags in Argentina?:doh:

The difference of course if Kerry or Gore were "at the helm of the ship", the explosives probably would have gone off...on the ship.

How's that for adding something that has nothing to do with the article, huh Chom?

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wow. i cant believe this. i just came from Pakistan and being a brown man heading to the USA, i had to deal with such humiliation because of my color. i was proper felt up in front 200 ppl. but this white guy brings a stick of dynamite to the plane and there is no danger? wtf. i dont mind being "randomly" searched - it makes ppl feel safer. but when this happens, it negates the whole concept.

He didn't carry it ON him. He had it in a bag that he checked. Searching him wouldn't have done anything.

And, no offense, but I think they should take extra measures when searching people coming from certain middle eastern countries, regardless of the color of their skin.

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wow. i cant believe this. i just came from Pakistan and being a brown man heading to the USA, i had to deal with such humiliation because of my color. i was proper felt up in front 200 ppl. but this white guy brings a stick of dynamite to the plane and there is no danger? wtf. i dont mind being "randomly" searched - it makes ppl feel safer. but when this happens, it negates the whole concept.

That's a toughie. I don't like the thought of anyone getting treated different for the color of their skin, though it seems kinda necessary in these times. Not sure if I would react any different than you though. For what it's worth, thanks for putting up with that for the rest of us. I got the pat down pretty good once, but it was a couple years ago and I haven't been singled out again since.

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Argentina‘s chief of airport security police, Marcelo Sain, said in a televised interview Friday that authorities there were in contact with U.S. officials as they opened their own probe into how explosives got into checked baggage on the U.S.-bound flight.

Well I would hope so :laugh:

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Unfortunately, we had the machines set to detect liquids ... no bottled water allowed on the airplane, but TNT is okay.

The flight originated in Argentina. The TNT was loaded, in checked baggage mind you, in Argentina. If you have every flown internationally I'm sure you remember that the country of origin handles security. Maybe we should ban people from travelling to Argentina.

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Yeah, Chom if a DEM had been running the show, this NEVER would have happened.


Now, in defense of chom's theory:

How much has the War in Iraq cost so far? A trillion? A trillion dollars will buy a lot of explosives detectors. (And, I'd bet, a lot of cargo-container radiation detectors, too.)

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Now, in defense of chom's theory:

How much has the War in Iraq cost so far? A trillion? A trillion dollars will buy a lot of explosives detectors. (And, I'd bet, a lot of cargo-container radiation detectors, too.)

We would probably still have spent this amount if Kerry would have been elected.

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Now, in defense of chom's theory:

How much has the War in Iraq cost so far? A trillion? A trillion dollars will buy a lot of explosives detectors. (And, I'd bet, a lot of cargo-container radiation detectors, too.)

The checking needs to be done where it is shipped from,kinda late once a nuke arrives in port...Funny that we set that up in many places w/o credit to Bush.

Obviously the luggage screening needs more attention overseas though. :rolleyes:

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Now, in defense of chom's theory:

How much has the War in Iraq cost so far? A trillion? A trillion dollars will buy a lot of explosives detectors. (And, I'd bet, a lot of cargo-container radiation detectors, too.)

I agree, a trillion dollars will buy a lot of explosives detectors. So, what if we eliminated the education department and the energy department and the agriculture department and a ton of other wasteful Federal programs. Mmm?

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Now, in defense of chom's theory:

How much has the War in Iraq cost so far? A trillion? A trillion dollars will buy a lot of explosives detectors. (And, I'd bet, a lot of cargo-container radiation detectors, too.)

If Chom had offered a theory then maybe you could defend it. Are we to buy explosive detectors and put them in every airport...in the world?

If anything, this incident shows that Customs worked in this situation. A potentially dangerous item was identified and seized upon entry into the country.

But really may as well blame Argentina's poor screening program on Bush and the War in Iraq.

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We would probably still have spent this amount if Kerry would have been elected.

Probably, since Kerry ran after we started Bush's War.

(Although, I thought Kerry's Plan was immediate Cut & Run, followed immediatly by our entire military surrendering to France and the UN.)


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Probably, since Kerry ran after we started Bush's War.

(Although, I thought Kerry's Plan was immediate Cut & Run, followed immediatly by our entire military surrendering to France and the UN.)


Remember, Kerry voted for the $87 billion before voting against it. Or something like that. I don't know, he confuses me.

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I agree, a trillion dollars will buy a lot of explosives detectors. So, what if we eliminated the education department and the energy department and the agriculture department and a ton of other wasteful Federal programs. Mmm?

Education: ~$80 billion

Energy: ~$20 billion

Agriculture: ~$90 billion

...nowhere close to a trillion dollars. No matter how "wasteful" this discretionary spending is, they are nothing compared to the cost of war.

Kerry's $87 billion was an issue because the administration has overspent its budget by that amount. A mistake in accounting in the Iraq War is equal to an entire Education or Agriculture Department.

...just some perspective.

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I'm going to go out on a linmb and say there is more to this story than you guys know. :censored: I bet you'll hear more about this on Monday morning. :2cents:

Oh, there's lots of different directions it could go.

It's possible that it's just some stupid kid who wanted a souvineer. (Remember Barry Switzer's gun? Lots of folks ready to lynch him, untill the TSA folks revealed that it happens several times a day, nationwide. It's not exactly a common mistake, but it may still be an honest one.)

OTOH, I'm a bit surprised that the Feds haven't typed the guy's name into the "six degrees of Kevin Bacon" database that the Feds aren't keeping on every single american citizen, and announced that he once donated money to a non-profit organization that says it performs humanitarian functions, but which is secretly suspected of having a bank account at the same bank as Hezbollah.

(Although it looks like whatever happens, it won't be as important as Joan Bennet Ramsey.) :)

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Back when I lived in NOVA, one Sunday as a kid me and my dad were playing "the untouchables" in the house. I'd borrowed one of his jackets and had my toy pistol in the inside. Next morning he goes to Dulles to catch a flight for a work trip. Guess what jacket he choose to wear?

My point is that stupid mistakes can happen and it appears that this is what happened here. Unless some more info comes out indicating otherwise, why make such a bid deal of it? This kid was stupid in that he knew what he had. But it's not first stupid kid I've heard of. Hell, I was once one myself. :D

My dad, while he had to undergo a thorough search and got a tongue lashing from the security guys, was let go without further incident. Granted that was a long time ago.

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I think there is more to it than a souvenier.what exactly who knows?

The 1/2 stick of dynamite I might see,but blasting cap and ammonium nitrate aint keepsakes. :2cents:

"he man had a blasting cap, a homemade fuse and a quarter-pound of ammonium nitrate, in addition to the dynamite."

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