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FBI: Dynamite found in airplane luggage


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Back when I lived in NOVA, one Sunday as a kid me and my dad were playing "the untouchables" in the house. I'd borrowed one of his jackets and had my toy pistol in the inside. Next morning he goes to Dulles to catch a flight for a work trip. Guess what jacket he choose to wear?

My point is that stupid mistakes can happen and it appears that this is what happened here. Unless some more info comes out indicating otherwise, why make such a bid deal of it? This kid was stupid in that he knew what he had. But it's not first stupid kid I've heard of. Hell, I was once one myself. :D

My dad, while he had to undergo a thorough search and got a tongue lashing from the security guys, was let go without further incident. Granted that was a long time ago.

If he was a 5 year old your excuse might fly...this was a college

student. He knew that he was breaking the law and should

get processed accordingly. I also agree that if this had been

a person from the middle east you would have an 8 page thread

right now saying this is the reason we should racially profile


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That's a toughie. I don't like the thought of anyone getting treated different for the color of their skin, though it seems kinda necessary in these times. Not sure if I would react any different than you though. For what it's worth, thanks for putting up with that for the rest of us. I got the pat down pretty good once, but it was a couple years ago and I haven't been singled out again since.

When I am being singled out and searched, I just put my self in the shoes of that lady thats going on the plane with her two kids. I know if that was me Id want me searched. So its all good, i dont mind. As long people feel safer, than its no problem.

And thanks, I appreciate it.

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