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KC Joyner Chimes in on the Sean Taylor Roy Williams Debate


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Well, folks--he actually answered my question, but he split the baby Solomon style. This is my question btw, kinda cool.

Cliff (McLean, VA): KC--love your stuff. I'm in a big argument with a cowboys fan about who is better--Sean Taylor or Roy Williams...could you answer it for us? And which do you think will have the better season? Thanks!

KC Joyner: (4:15 PM ET ) I am not trying to split the difference but the metrics show Taylor is better at coverage and Williams is better at run support. They play different positions as well, so that makes an apples/apples comparison a bit harder.

Dan (DC): What do your metrics say about the Skins O-Line?

KC Joyner: (5:28 PM ET ) The metrics show that the Skins had four dominant offensive linemen last year. Chris Samuels topped the 92% success rate and Derrick Dockery wasn't far behind him. The Redskins have a great group of blockers.


Cliff (McLean, VA): Speaking of old O-lineman, shouldn't some of the HOGS be in the HOF?

KC Joyner: (5:29 PM ET ) Let's end this up on a high note! I agree that the Hogs O line should have HOFer. They should start with Russ Grimm and go from there.

Thanks to everyone for chatting today. See you all next week!

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Yes, but Taylor isn't a liability in run support, while Williams is a liability in coverage.

He rated Williams 14th in passing yardage giving up by a safety

wonder how well taylor rates in run support.... I can't believe it is that low, he makes so many tackles at the LOS

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That says it all right there. I don't have the slightest worry about ST's ability to play the run. He's a sure tackler and he's definitely not getting run over by any RB or FB for that matter. He is not by any stretch of any imagination even close to a liability in the run dept.

And of course this is same player who can cover like a corner.

If Williams and Sean were both put into a supplemental draft and you had the first pick, who do you take?

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you know what eles would be better at run support, a DT playing saftey, If Taylor played the run on every play like williams, Taylor would be better at run support, be he does both sucessfully.

Ummm are you serious? Dumb idea, plus once a rb gets that far into the secondary he would break the poor dts ankles.

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Dan (DC): What do your metrics say about the Skins O-Line?

KC Joyner: (5:28 PM ET ) The metrics show that the Skins had four dominant offensive linemen last year. Chris Samuels topped the 92% success rate and Derrick Dockery wasn't far behind him. The Redskins have a great group of blockers.


Cliff (McLean, VA): Speaking of old O-lineman, shouldn't some of the HOGS be in the HOF?

KC Joyner: (5:29 PM ET ) Let's end this up on a high note! I agree that the Hogs O line should have HOFer. They should start with Russ Grimm and go from there.

Thanks to everyone for chatting today. See you all next week!

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Yeah, and how did he do? :laugh:

Was Roy anywhere close to Sean's level? Would you think that Taylor couldn't do everything that Roy does as a SS and do it better?

Sorry dude...

I don't live in your fantasy world where Sean Taylor is superman.

Has not shown me that.

It takes more than running back a couple of fumbles to be considered great.

Oh, and he made the pro bowl in 04'.


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