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Took the wrong gal to the game


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She's a selfish *****. DO NOT get too involved with her.

Call her back, take her out, :hump: her all you want. DO NOT catch an emotional attachment to this one. If she didnt even CARE that you wanted to watch the game and demanded to leave, you need to be able to walk away at a moments notice. This isnt about her dislike of football. Its about her utter disregard for you.

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So I had a bit of drama at the game last night. Took fine lady to the game but IMHO she showed her true colors of an attention whore. We sit down and I get her a drink and hot dog (the food type that is) and proceed to watch the game. The whole time I am explaining football and sharing little Redskins stories. She basically doesn't give a damn and then in the second quarter says let go. After I asked for some clarification she said that no one had actually expected her to watch a football game and that football is a social scene for her. That really touched me off since I HATE casual fans that occupy seats while a few of you hardcore types stay at home or pay ridiculous prices. Anyhoo, I figure it's one of those to each their own things and continue watching the game. She starts to pout and then demanded that we go to Adams Morgan. I told her I never leave games till the end and she just rolled her. Guess I was an ass, but I basically then gave her $10 and told her to take the metro to wherever she wanted cause she was ruining my time.

TO my surprise she called back earlier today and said she want to hang out again in a non-football environment. Not calling her back but my friend's think i am nuts cause she is pretty hot. Please tell me that I am not weird cause i refuse to allow someone to get in the way of one of my favorite pastimes.

But at the very least I apologize to those hardcore bretheren out there who are forced to watch games at home while a perfectly good seats was occupies by emptiness.

hehe the joys of dating....i would of done the same my friend.....my fiance has zero interest in sports but she'd deal with it cause she knows it is important to me........she also sounds like some dudes i know who are that lame who want to leave that early...thats really lame...anyhow....there are plenty of fish in the sea....she can be hot , but dumb......i prefer mine hot and smart :)
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I am blessed to be married to a woman who wants to watch as much football as I do! I have friends who remind me all the time how lucky I am! She was a cheerleader in high school. There ARE a LOT of women out there who are like her however. Many are hot too!

My suggestion is to find one who shares your passion. I would also suggest that someone who acts like her, as someone else noted, is (if you married on elike her) a divorce waiting to happen! Don't waste your time.

Oh .. and we forgive you. But don't let it happen again! :laugh:

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Find one who wants to at least try to get interested in things you like... call her back, sit her down... and explain the situation to her. Tell her you are maybe willing to participate in something that she enjoys if she's willing to give football and more importantly the Redskins a chance.

I agree with a lot of people on here though.... Baseball games are the absolute best to take chicks too, you can give them the attention they want most of the time and not worry about missing the game to much. Football I'm to focused on the TV.

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Its one thing to not be that interested in football and to go to a football game. Its another to say "lets go" in the second quarter. WTH? Even people who arent football fans know nobody goes to a game just to leave part way through...If she uses sports as a social scene shes definately an attention hound.

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She starts to pout and then demanded that we go to Adams Morgan. I told her I never leave games till the end and she just rolled her. Guess I was an ass, but I basically then gave her $10 and told her to take the metro to wherever she wanted cause she was ruining my time.

occupies by emptiness.

I dont know man she might be hot,but sounds like a baby.I would have used the other B word,but i wont.If you go out with here again.I would make sure she knows Sundays and Mondays are for Football and if she does not like it BYE BYE.I love the fact you gave her 10$ and sent you a** home that is great.:laugh: You are my new hero.:notworthy :applause: Just dont let her come between you and your Skins and you should be fine.If you dont call her whats her number.;) :laugh:

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You should have found a place to bang her at halftime?I think she may have reconsidered leaving if ya gave it too her good...J/K

With the way the redskins have been playing this preseason...you should have left the crappy worthless meaningless game...taken her home.....give her your own Fed EX Weiner and never call that selfish girl again...

That's probably what I would have done,but I'm an *******...so don't follow my advice!

Note:Had it been A reg. season game then forget everything I said!!

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ok dude you are 28.... sprout a pair and whear them up front. dont call her back. if you are true hardcore fan like most of us here then you are a skins fan year round....... so there is going to be distance whenever you involve yourself in this great game and team. furthermore if she was just at the game to get attention..... whose attention was she looking for? i thought she was there with you. sounds like she was trying to one up ya with you there.

everyone has boundries and i must say that lack of care for your hobbie is ok but wanting to be toted around like a trophy or using a a game for "social" purposes goes way beyond my boundries.

dont do what i did and spend 10 years teaching a woman about football only to have her leave you when she starts to figure it out and looks forward to watching the games with you. find a woman who may not be into football like you but is at least interested so that you will have something in common!!

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TO my surprise she called back earlier today and said she want to hang out again in a non-football environment. Not calling her back but my friend's think i am nuts cause she is pretty hot. Please tell me that I am not weird cause i refuse to allow someone to get in the way of one of my favorite pastimes.

But at the very least I apologize to those hardcore bretheren out there who are forced to watch games at home while a perfectly good seats was occupies by emptiness.

I'd tell her to roll out...if you want me to tell her, give me her email and phone number...tell her I'll meet her in Adam's Morgan! Got any pictures?

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If she cant get into something that youre passionate about then she is not worth your time. You have to find someone to share in your passions. It makes it a lot more fun and makes for a better relationship. IMHO, dont waste your time and money on someone that wont be like that.

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner...I am one of the passionate female fans...and let me tell you, I was married for over ten years to a guy who hated football (should have been my first clue I was on the wrong path) Nothing is worse than being with someone you (once upon a time) care about,, to have them mock the very thing you are most passionate about. I have had season tickets for five years now and he went to two games with me.

Dont waste your money or time on women like this, there are plenty of girls who love and UNDERSTAND football, or sports in general...plenty of people I hang with at the games that are dating or married where the women are just as into the tailgating and social scene as they are into the game and its outcome. Take friends to your games until you meet the right one! (Maybe you will meet someone at a game...ever think of that?)

And by the way, that was very polite and gentlemanly of you to give her the ten bucks for the metro in my opinion. I would have made her give me the money for the ticket, gas and the hot dog for being that much of a drama queen. :laugh:

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This is simple.

You obviously are just getting to know this girl and she's obviously interested (as are you). Call her.

Over the next few months, take her out and have fun. Just do those things during the week and on Fridays and Saturdays. Then, keep your Sundays to yourself. That's important when you start a relationship no matter what the girl is like.

Basically, you shouldn't neglect yourself a hot chick just because you can't spend Sunday afternoons with her.

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She now knows where football stands with you and when you want to watch a game at home on Sunday for 3 hours she will stay the hell away...

Call her back. At least you will know if you ever want some "alone" time away from her, just turn on a football game....and she'll go away...

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