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Took the wrong gal to the game


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Dude, don't call her back, what about when you're not at games are you gonna be allowed to watch them or would you go to the mall? We might have to film part 2 of another bud light commercial stevie inferior, lol. On the real DON'T CALL HER, SHE DOES NOT LIKE FOOTBALL AND YOU DO THAT IS GOING TO BE A PROBLEM"

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Well. After giving this much thought and rereading things several times, I believe I've come up with a fair, impartial, yet diplomatic answer to the the question about calling the young lady back.




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Excellent ...Never give up your dignity for a pretty face. You'll just end up hen-pecked.[/QOUTE]

:doh: ...

:D Sorry jk:cheers:

Anyway, there was this really fine girl at school that liked me but she was a P-O-T H-E-A-D. She was pretty nice and all, but I seriously just don't feel comfortable around girls who are all about the pot even though half my friends smoke it.

don't know if that helped or anything, but I tried.:laugh:

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Call her back, shes hot...

May not be good long-term relationship/marriage since she can't tolerate football, but a lil fun never hurts.

Yeah baseball is the best to take chicks to unless you know them and they like football-alot

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Call her back, shes hot...

May not be good long-term relationship/marriage since she can't tolerate football, but a lil fun never hurts.

Yeah baseball is the best to take chicks to unless you know them and they like football-alot

1. A lil fun can eventually hurt if one were to "catch" something :silly:

2. I've found out that most girls like hockey the best because the constant action and air conditioning involved.

3. I like things in threes and felt this warranted a third point.

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Hey...here is an option no one has considered yet...suppose she was testing you to see if you were man enough to stand up for what you believe in. I mean...she did call you back didn't she? Most women I know would have really been pissed.

So now she can find out he is man enough to know he doesn't need a woman like that? :laugh:

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hmmmmm....at first that made me think.....but then that would mean she is playing games....and that is nothing I am in the mood for!

Hey...here is an option no one has considered yet...suppose she was testing you to see if you were man enough to stand up for what you believe in. I mean...she did call you back didn't she? Most women I know would have really been pissed.
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I took my wife to her first game this week. She is a native Bostonian and routes for the Patriots, but has recently purchased two Redskins t-shirts. When she was in Boston she didn't understand football, but has been reading Joe Theismann's Football for dummies because she wants to understand the game. I also feel she is starting to switch her allegience from the Pats to the Skins.

I don't care how hot this girl is. She should understand how much you spent on these tickets and she should also understand that YOU want to be there and she shouldn't have agreed to come to the game if she wanted to leave in the 2nd quarter. You did the right thing in giving her money to take a cab.

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