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Took the wrong gal to the game


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Geez ...

It's quite interesting to see some of the responses in this thread. Messageboard or not, you guys have just put the icing on the cake for me and assured me that I'll happily be eternally single for the remainder of my existance. You guys are dogs.

First of all, not all girls are like the chick that you brought to the game. I'm a diehard fan along with a lot of other girls on this board. I scream, yell and root for the Skins the entire game. There are many girls who act the same ... it's just up to you to find one.

You have to ask yourself a few questions:

1. Are you truly interested in her?

2. Are you just hanging out with her for a piece of her?

3. Would you really feel comfortable hanging out with her again knowing what a demanding diva this girl is?

4. Is she worth the trouble?

There are plenty of people who would have killed to been in her place on Saturday night. So many people want to be able to go to Skins games but can't for one reason or another .... She blatantly disregarded you and your feelings by complaining and demanding that you take her to Adams Morgan. If I were in your shoes, I don't know if I'd be asking her out anywhere ever again.

My advice to you, leave her be and go find yourself a real diehard Redskins fan.

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She called you back because you told her to get lost. The irony of it all.


Probably used to getting her way. Don't for one second think she's had some revelation that her behavior was wrong in some way.

She'll probably still be the self centered person she sounds like.

Find someone else.

Unless you're looking for a casual sex relationship, in which case you have huge upper hand. You can play this strong arm card all you want. :silly:

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You can't find a long term mate that does not share in goals that are important to you. If she is interested in a relationship, it likely hinges on her being able to sucessfully change you (i.e. give up football).

Good luck with that. At the most, bag her ONCE and then walk.

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Its one thing to not be that interested in football and to go to a football game. Its another to say "lets go" in the second quarter. WTH? Even people who arent football fans know nobody goes to a game just to leave part way through...If she uses sports as a social scene shes definately an attention hound.

It's the preaseason. Maybe she wanted to leave in the second quarter because she could watch half the scrubs on the field playing a pickup game in the grocery store parking lot in a couple of weeks.....

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Well that's what happens when you take a female to a sporting event, not to say all females are like that because alot of females like sports. I would call her back if you're interested in her, but just be careful of taking her to a football game.

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Tell her you feel bad for kicking her to the curb at the game and you want to take her to dinner. Go out to a real nice place in the city and promise drinks in Adams Morgan afterwards. After you eat your meal, tell her you have to go to the bathroom and you'll be right back. Immediately leave the restaurant and dont return. Stick her with the bill!

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Dude, that is horrendous. It reminds me of last season when my wife took me to the Skins and Giants final home game. An awesome game that the Skins won and it was on Christmas eve. We got dream seats from her work and the couple behind us must have gotten free seats as well. Anyways, the entire time she's talking about herself and he's trying to explain football and watch the game. As the second quarter comes to an end she says she's bored and wants to go home!!! I wanted to turn around and slap her in the face. The guy tried everything in his power to stay at the game, but her whining, ****ing, and complaining won and they left...horrible.

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If she's hot, call her back and find things to do the other 6 days of the week.

You don't necessarily want your woman/wife to be a football nut too. For me, gameday is like a sanctuary. She has her 'stuff' and I have mine. There are certain activities that you can do together as a couple, and some things are better off left to your own. Leave football for you and your buddies. Get hammered, tailgate, look at other hot chicks, watch us smash the other team, then go home to her. You'll be much happier and so will she.

I know that for some couples it works, and that's great for them. For me, I like my Sundays the way they are.

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I'm usually the first guy to tell you HPD but you need to look at this like some people have posted.

Not every girl likes football and that isn't a bad thing. Seriously, I have never thought that was important while starting to date and getting serious with someone. If you think she will act like a biznizzle all the time or when she doesn't get her way then ditch her. If you think it was a once in a blue moon thing where she was so out of her element she freaked then stick it out.

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