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Suspect confesses to JonBenet Ramsey killing

Ex-teacher claims slaying wasn't intentional: 'I loved her'

(CNN) -- An American arrested in Thailand said Thursday he was with child beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey when she died in her parents' basement in 1996 and called her death "an accident."

"I was with JonBenet when she died," suspect John Mark Karr, 41, told reporters Thursday in Bangkok. "I loved JonBenet, and she died accidentally."

Asked by a reporter if he was an innocent man, Karr replied, "No."

Karr's arrest Wednesday came nearly a decade after the girl's body was found in the basement of her family's sprawling Boulder, Colorado, home -- setting off a media sensation and speculation regarding her killer.

The arrest also came less than two months after JonBenet's mother, Patsy Ramsey, died of cancer at 49.

Karr, a former schoolteacher, was arrested at his apartment in Bangkok.

Lt. Gen. Suwat Thamrongrisakul, chief of Thai immigration, said Karr had confessed to killing JonBenet but that he claimed it wasn't intentional.

According to colleagues at the Thai detention center where Karr was questioned, the suspect asked police what charges he was facing. When they replied first-degree murder, he said: "No, it's second-degree -- it wasn't intentional," Suwat said during a news conference in Bangkok. (Watch authorities describe what Karr has said -- 14:54)

Karr will be extradited to Boulder within the next week and has been charged with murder, kidnapping and sexual assault on a child, said Ann Hurst, a Department of Homeland Security attache at the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok. Thai officials said Karr's visa had been revoked.

The ex-teacher had been a suspect for a while, Hurst said, adding that her office and the Thai police worked closely for two months before a judge believed enough probable cause existed for an arrest.

Karr was "surprised" when he was arrested at his apartment and asked why he was being detained, said Hurst, who was present. (Watch how DNA evidence could be key in the case -- 4:50)

Karr was under investigation for an unrelated sex crime when information led to his arrest in the Ramsey case, two law enforcement sources said.

Mary Lacy, district attorney in Boulder, said in a statement the suspect was arrested "following several months of a focused and complex investigation." Lacy's statement did not identify the suspect. (Watch how the investigation was a "complex" one -- 1:51)

Law enforcement officials said the Boulder County district attorney's office and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement was leading the investigation.

Lacy's office has scheduled a news conference Thursday.

Beaten and strangled

The arrest likely will dispel the cloud of suspicion that has hung over JonBenet's parents, John and Patsy Ramsey, ever since the girl's death on December 26, 1996, in their Boulder home. (Watch John Ramsey react to the arrest -- 2:17)

John Ramsey discovered his daughter's body after the girl had been reported missing earlier that morning and Patsy Ramsey said she found a ransom letter demanding $118,000 on a staircase in the home.

Autopsy results showed JonBenet received a massive blow to the head and was strangled with a rope that the killer tightened by twisting an attached paintbrush handle.

The Ramseys maintained an intruder killed their daughter, but they remained the subject of suspicion in the case, which provided years of fodder for TV news networks and tabloids. No one was ever named as a suspect, but at one point the Boulder police said the Ramseys were under "an umbrella of suspicion."

A grand jury investigation into the slaying ended with no indictments.

Officials: Online communications key to probe

Karr confessed to some elements of the crime, law enforcement officials earlier told CNN, and had been communicating off and on with someone in Boulder working with law enforcement on the case. Earlier, CNN affiliate KUSA had reported that the elements the suspect had confessed to were unknown to the public.

Karr's online communications were a key part of the probe, officials said.

The arrest came too late for Patsy Ramsey, who died of ovarian cancer in June. However, John Ramsey said he and his wife knew investigators were pursuing a suspect before her death.

"The investigation of the individual arrested today in connection with JonBenet's death was discussed with Patsy and me by the Boulder district attorney's office prior to Patsy's death in June," he said in a statement.

"So Patsy was aware that authorities were close to making an arrest in the case, and had she lived to see this day, would no doubt have been as pleased as I am with today's development almost 10 years after our daughter's murder." (Read the full statement)

John Ramsey told KUSA on Wednesday, "I was notified this morning that an arrest had been made. I'm just absolutely impressed with the effort that went into accomplishing this by the Boulder DA's office and the other agencies that were involved. ... It's just beyond impressive what they accomplished."

But Ramsey also added a note of caution.

"Based on what happened to us, I don't think it's proper that we speculate or discuss the case," he told KUSA. "It's important that justice be allowed to run its course and do its job.

"We have, in a sense, turned the justice process over to the media. I think it's gotten out of control."

Pam Paugh, Patsy Ramsey's sister, said, "I don't feel that I need to stand here and say to the world, 'I told you so.' We are a family that has lived on the truth, and the truth as we knew it was that neither John nor Patsy, Burke [JonBenet's older brother] nor any other family member had ever laid a hand on JonBenet." (Watch JonBenet's aunt react to the arrest -- 4:36)

Suspect's brother: 'Whole thing is ridiculous'

Ramsey attorney Lin Wood of Atlanta, Georgia, said Karr "has some background" in Conyers, an Atlanta suburb, and at one point was a schoolteacher.

Karr's father and brother live in the Atlanta suburb of Sandy Springs but were not home Wednesday night. However, Karr's brother, Nate, told CNN: "This whole thing is ridiculous."

Asked by KUSA whether he knew the suspect, John Ramsey said, "I really can't comment on that. To my knowledge, no, I didn't, but I don't know enough yet [to say for sure."

The Ramseys lived in the Atlanta area before moving to Boulder. The day after JonBenet was buried in the Atlanta suburb of Marietta, Patsy Ramsey talked to CNN. "There is a killer on the loose," she said in that interview. "I don't know who it is. I don't know if it is a he or a she, but if I were a resident of Boulder, I would tell my friends to keep your babies close to you. There's someone out there."

Patsy Ramsey was laid to rest beside her daughter in Marietta. On Wednesday, a family friend taped a note to her grave. It read, "Dear Patsy, justice has come for you and John. Rest in peace."

Wood said he regretted "that Patsy's not here to be able to speak to you herself and express her feelings to you. I am confident she would urge the media to refrain from speculating about this individual, despite his arrest."

Speaking of John Ramsey, Wood said: "I know that he feels some sense of relief.

"I know that he feels that this is a major step, potentially, in the final resolution to the case. We may be, and I say may be, one step closer to the final resolution of the case. But again, I would urge that Mr. Karr be given the presumption of innocence."

In 2003, a federal judge dismissed a libel-slander lawsuit against the Ramseys and said evidence suggested an intruder had killed JonBenet. The suit was filed by a freelance journalist whom the Ramseys described as a suspect in a book they had written.

The Boulder County district attorney's office concurred with the judge's opinion the following month, saying there was little evidence against the couple.

Asked about the worst part of the whole ordeal, John Ramsey said, "The hardest part was losing a child, by far."

Media and most of the nation owes the Ramseys an immense apology if you ask me.

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No joke. I personally never took much interest in this case, but if it turns out that the parents are in fact completely innocent, I feel so bad for the now deceased mother. It wasn't bad enough that her daughter was killed, but the entire nation blamed her and her husband for it.

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No joke. I personally never took much interest in this case, but if it turns out that the parents are in fact completely innocent, I feel so bad for the now deceased mother. It wasn't bad enough that her daughter was killed, but the entire nation blamed her and her husband for it.

You shouldn't, as far as I can tell, they have known about this guy for some time now and she was still alive when it was brought to their attention. I feel bad because I thought for sure the mother had something to do with it.

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No joke. I personally never took much interest in this case, but if it turns out that the parents are in fact completely innocent, I feel so bad for the now deceased mother. It wasn't bad enough that her daughter was killed, but the entire nation blamed her and her husband for it.

Don't forget the son, too. Imagine being nationally accused for sexually assualting your (murdered) 6-year old sister and killing her to boot.

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I figured anyone who could make their daughter dress w/makeup and compete like that is capable of anything...... still do...

No apology for putting her out there like that.... still a % of responsiblity going their way...

Having 2 daughters that look like her it freaks me out what some parents do.

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This is a really sad story and I'm glad the Ramsey family is getting some closure. But, what strikes me the most is how much media play it got. A 7-year-old girl from Southeast disappeared around the same time and she didn't get the zillionth of the air play that JonBenet did.

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This is a really sad story and I'm glad the Ramsey family is getting some closure. But, what strikes me the most is how much media play it got. A 7-year-old girl from Southeast disappeared around the same time and she didn't get the zillionth of the air play that JonBenet did.

Little rich white beauty queens are more interesting to the morons that follow this stuff than ordinary people.

Rich white girl gets kidnapped- media event of the year.

Ordinary white girl gets kidnapped- reasonable amount coverage (possibly national, probably not.)

Minority girl gets kidnapped- blurb.

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There is a part of me that is happy (wrong word) for the Ramseys. It certainly has to be a weight off their backs.

But at the same time, something about this doesnt sit right with me.

The confession is great, but I'd like to see some other evidence to prove it. Dont know why I feel that way, it just seems off in a weird sense.

It wouldnt be the first time a crazy person confessed to a high profile crime just to hear his name on tv.

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Count me as one, with what limited knowledge of the case that was known to the public, who believed that the mother did it. Part of me still wonders now if the murder might not have involved "inside" help of some sort. We'll see in the weeks and months to come, I guess.

However, if it turns out this guy did it, alone, then I will have no problem admitting how totally wrong I was in this case. Which in the end, will mean nothing to the family.

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Did this guy break into the house? Was he allowed to stay there with the daughter? Did they know he was sexually abusing her? Something's still not right. Namely, these were some ****ed up parents as it was, I also wouldn't be surprised to find they were still inolved in some way, somehow.

BTW, totally agree on the rich white girl/minority girl thing. As sad as it is, the richer and whiter you are, the more your life is worth in this country and that's the sad truth. They'd have given up looking long ago if this was a poor black girl.

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Please provide proof to your "rich white people get all the attention".

Recently there was a story of a an African-American female student found dead and stuffed in a trash can.

There also was the story last year of 3 African Americans children lost in Camden, NJ later found in the trunk of their car.

Maybe in the mid-90s early 00s this might be true... but I'm not so sure about that now.

Getting drunk and going to the beach with people you don't know doesn't exactly reflect well on white people....

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Ferguson--the public is still obsessed by this little girl that died 10 years ago.

That's not quite the same as attention given to a few girls that died in Camden. When People magazine regularly (as in at least once every 6 months), does a story on that girl in Camden for the next ten years, then I'll start to agree with you.

I'm not sure that racism is in play here...

And agree with Des and Kilmer, definitely something strange with this whole case.

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Well, my point was that people like to make sweeping generalizations. No one talks about Chandra Levy anymore, and she was a rich white woman.

Recently there has been progress in the media to at least shine a weekly / nightly spotlight on cases that aren't about rich white women.

I agree in the past it's been a problem. I also don't buy this confession until he gives more details.

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I just remember feeling so sorry for JonBenet. First her mom dresses her up like a hooker and parades her around in front of strangers to be judged, then she gets sexually abused and killed at age 6. I didn't follow the case real closely, but I do remember things like the Ramsey's refusing to be questioned by police separately, without lawyers, etc. Was it really the consensus of the media and the country that the parents had something to do with it? I never got that.

While we don't know yet about this Karr guy, there's that "unrelated sex crime", and you put that together with his statements about the Ramsey case, even if this guy is just completely delusional I'm glad he's off the streets.

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Did this guy break into the house? Was he allowed to stay there with the daughter? Did they know he was sexually abusing her? Something's still not right. Namely, these were some ****ed up parents as it was, I also wouldn't be surprised to find they were still inolved in some way, somehow.

BTW, totally agree on the rich white girl/minority girl thing. As sad as it is, the richer and whiter you are, the more your life is worth in this country and that's the sad truth. They'd have given up looking long ago if this was a poor black girl.

Please provide proof to your "rich white people get all the attention".

Recently there was a story of a an African-American female student found dead and stuffed in a trash can.

There also was the story last year of 3 African Americans children lost in Camden, NJ later found in the trunk of their car.

Maybe in the mid-90s early 00s this might be true... but I'm not so sure about that now.

Getting drunk and going to the beach with people you don't know doesn't exactly reflect well on white people....

I'm not the thread police or anything, but I think this is a completely separate topic, guys.

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I just remember feeling so sorry for JonBenet. First her mom dresses her up like a hooker and parades her around in front of strangers to be judged,

It's for this reason that ya'll will just have to excuse me for not feeling sorry for the mom.


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